Dedicated in honor of those who have been displaced, tortured, murdered, and robbed of their humanity by the zionist regime.

“They steal your bread, then give you a crumb of it…
Then they demand you to thank them for their generosity…
O their audacity!”
Ghassan KanafaniBy: @haneennaj_
last updated: 6/21/2023
This card may include discussions around topics such as physical violence, gun-violence, murder, kidnapping, torture, identity-based discrimination and harassment, suicide, and mental health.
IMPORTANT STARTERS ABOUT THE STRUGGLEThe goal of the Palestinian people is:
#1 Ending military occupation of all Palestinian and Arab land.
#2 giving Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes and properties, in which they were expelled from in 1948, as stipulated in UN Resolution 194.
#3 Land redistribution and reparations.IS THIS A RELIGIOUS OR POLITICAL STRUGGLE?
IMPORTANT STARTERS ABOUT THE STRUGGLEThere are certain factors that involve religion, however, the struggle as a whole is a political struggle based off of the colonialist expansion that kills and displaces Palestinians.IS ANTI-ZIONISM ANTI-SEMITISM?
Anti-semitism is the prejudice and hatred towards Jews. Anti-zionism is the opposition of the creation of an ethnostate, 'Israel'. It is an opposition to a settler-colonial movement which has chosen a pattern of racial exclusiveness by ethnically cleansing, killing, and denying indigenous rights of Palestinians while privileging those they deemed superior to Palestinians.‘Israel’ is not synonymous with the Jewish people. Zionism is a racist ideology and a relatively new form of colonialism, while Judaism is a belief. Speaking against zionism and ‘Israel’ does not make you anti-semitic just as speaking up against white supremacists does not make you anti-Christian even though white supremacists use the bible and Christianity to support their rhetoric. In actuality, conflating zionism with Judaism is anti-semitic; associating all jews with the horrible atrocities of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.Forcing Palestinians to submit to their oppressors or otherwise be known as 'anti-semitic' for refusing the idea of zionism, in which their families and people were victims of, is inherently racist.It is also important to mention that anyone of any religion can be a zionist, and Jews can also be anti-zionists.WHAT IS BDS?
IMPORTANT STARTERS ABOUT THE STRUGGLEBDS stands for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions. It is a global movement working to end international support for ‘Israel's’ apartheid, settler-colonialism, and oppression of Palestinians and pressure ‘Israel’ to comply with international law.Boycotts - involve withdrawing support from ‘Israel's’ apartheid regime, complicit 'Israeli’ sporting, cultural and academic institutions, and from all ‘Israeli’ and international companies engaged in violations of Palestinian human rights.Divestment - campaigns urge banks, local councils, churches, pension funds and universities to withdraw investments from the state of ‘Israel’ and all ‘Israeli’ and international companies that sustain ‘Israeli’ apartheid.Sanctions - campaigns pressure governments to fulfill their legal obligations to end ‘Israeli’ apartheid, and not aid or assist its maintenance, by banning business with illegal ‘Israeli’ settlements, ending military trade and free-trade agreements, as well as suspending ‘Israel's’ membership in international forums such as UN bodies and FIFA.IS THIS IS A CONFLICT?
No. A colonial struggle is not a "conflict". Colonialism is unilateral, harming one group. There is no symmetry of power or responsibility in colonialism. The indigenous Palestinian people did not choose to fight. A process of unilateral, asymmetrical invasion that provokes resistance on the part of native people threatened with displacement and worse can not be called a "conflict".By referring to the occupation of Palestine as a "conflict," it also condenses a century-long process of colonial expansion over the entirety of ancient Palestine into a conflict to "end the occupation" of just the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip (22 percent) of that territory. This eliminates 'Israel' as a "proper" entity from the equation, legitimizing zionist colonialism over the vast majority (78 percent) of Palestine.CAN YOU BE PRO-PALESTINE AND PRO-ISRAEL?
IMPORTANT STARTERS ABOUT THE STRUGGLENo. You simply can not support Palestinians while supporting those who systematically oppress them."PALESTINE WAS BARREN" / "BLOOMING THE DESERT"
IMPORTANT MYTHS TO DEBUNKAccording to this myth, Palestine was a neglected bleak desert, and that only after the arrival of the Zionist colonists with their ingenuity was it “redeemed” and made prosperous and blooming with life.This orientalist viewpoint perceiving zionists as rational and enlightened saviors while viewing Palestinians as backwards and opposites of Western colonialists continuously downgrades the nature and achievements of Palestinian existence, and legitimizes their domination by making them believe that they were indeed inferior to their colonial powers.A cursory glance at Palestine’s geography would reveal that most of it is part of what is known as the Fertile Crescent. The region has historically been known for its crops and agriculture.A UN report on agriculture in Palestine between 1945 and 1946 recorded that Palestinian-grown crops accounted for nearly 80 percent of Palestine’s total agricultural yield.Detailed accounting found that Palestinian farms produced 193,376 tons of grains, 189,104 tons of vegetables, 20,827 tons of fodder, 73,320 tons of fruit, 78,287 of olives, 135,634 tons of melons, and 5 million liters of wine.Based on these statistics, the indigenous population planted 13 times more than newly immigrated European colonizers.Historically speaking, there is strong evidence that the fertile crescent is where agriculture was first invented and practiced; for example the Natufians who lived in the area are often credited with being the pioneers of agriculture. This, of course, would not be possible if the land lacked the necessary prerequisites, such as abundant water and fertile soil.This is not to say that Palestine is entirely free of deserts, as the Naqab desert actually extends over vast territories in the south. But under no stretch of the imagination did this mean that Palestine as a whole is or was a desert."THE ARABS ATTACKED ISRAEL FIRST"
IMPORTANT MYTHS TO DEBUNKZionists hid behind the excuse of wanting to "live together" in the same land, yet the partition plan did not even last a day, right when the UN accepted the deal, 40k-60k armed and trained zionist militias began a widespread of ethnic cleansing. Between the passage of the partition plan in November 1947 and ‘israel’s’ declaration of independence on May 15, 1948, between 250,000 and 350,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes by Zionist paramilitaries
before even a single Arab soldier stepped foot into Palestine.[1]"THE ZIONISTS FOUGHT A DEFENSIVE WAR"
IMPORTANT MYTHS TO DEBUNKIt is misleading to call it a 'defensive war' because
1. a defensive war does not involve a mass migration beforehand.
2. a defensive war does not involve gaining land and ethnically cleansing the indigenous population.Claiming it as a 'war' is extremely deceptive considering the tremendous disproportion of force. Before Arab soldiers came to fight on behalf of Palestinians, zionist militants were met with Palestinian volunteers and farmers, for example, of the city Haifa there were 350-500 Palestinians who volunteered to fight the 5,000 zionist militias, mostly organized by the Haganah terrorist organization, who invaded the city."THE PALESTINIANS LEFT BECAUSE NEIGHBORING ARAB COUNTRIES TOLD THEM TO FLEE"
Also False. The partition plan was adopted on November 29 of 1947, soon after the widespread ethnic cleansing began in December of 1947. An estimated 250,000 to 300,000 Palestinians were uprooted from their homes and villages before a single Arab solider stepped foot into Palestine.Historian Walid Al-Khalidi reviewed every press release of the Arab league, where every critical announcement was made and found no trace of any orders for palestinians to evacuate. in fact Khalidi’s research found the opposite. on the 8th of March 1948, a memo circulated by the Arab Higher Command urged the heads of all Arab governments not to grant entry permits to….Palestinians, except for a few exceptions. It also requested that residence permits not be renewed.This was animated by the logic of having as many Palestinians as possible in Palestine to help defend their homeland.British researcher Erskine Childers also investigated this: “The BBC monitored all Middle Eastern broadcasts throughout 1948 .…. There was not a single order or appeal, or suggestion about evacuation from Palestine, from any Arab radio station, inside or outside Palestine, in 1948. There is a repeated monitored record of Arab appeals, even flat orders, to the civilians of Palestine to stay put.”It is impossible for 750,000 Palestinians to pick up and leave at the order of Arab armies, Palestinians fled because there was a driving force, that is, the massacres that were falling upon village by village. Menachem Begin, former prime minister and founder of the far-right Likud party, stated without Deir Yassin there wouldn't have been an 'israel', and that after the Deir Yassin massacre the zionist militia could "advance like a hot knife through butter".[1]"JEWS ALREADY PURCHASED MAJORITY OF THE LAND BEFORE MIGRATING SO ITS THEIRS"
IMPORTANT MYTHS TO DEBUNKActually, as of 1946 Jews owned less than 7% of the land in Palestine.

IMPORTANT MYTHS TO DEBUNKZionists didn't give "peace" plans to Palestinians out of kindness, those "peace" plans were all built upon the foundation and belief that Palestinians did not have a right to be in the land.Portraying "Palestinians asserations of their existence as a manifestation of anti-semitism" and demanding submission over compromise and dialogue. Palestinians continuously rejected conceding land on the basis of unequal rights.the impacts of these deals are
-refusal of jobs to Palestinians (Hebrew labor policies)
- unequal economic and political rights
- legally sanctioned land theft
- threat to Palestinian livelihoodAll of these are currently happening to Palestinians but if they were to accept those "peace" deals that means they would have agreed on conditions and consequences they come with."THIS CONFLICT IS HAMAS’S FAULT"
IMPORTANT MYTHS TO DEBUNKFirstly, Let's look at some background information which is crucial in understanding how Hamas came to power:In 1987, the first Palestinian Intifada, uprising, broke out lasting for years from 1987 to 1991. Before the Intifada, there was a group of Palestinians in Gaza who were a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, a political party that had Islamic Fundamental views, that was based in Egypt.Before 1967, Egypt restrained the Muslim Brotherhood in the Gaza Strip, however, once 'israel' invaded and began its occupation of the Gaza Strip they promoted and backed the group.Note: The rise of Islamic fundamentalism was in response to the growing 'israeli' religious extremism.The branch within the Gaza Strip was originally a charity organization rather than a political party. It would provide social services, charity, aid, food, healthcare, and volunteering opportunities for people. Their popularity in Gaza began to increase because of the close relationships that were formed with the community. Once the Intifada broke out, many Palestinians felt a sense of responsibility to rise up against the occupation. It was during this time that this group of volunteers decided to join the movement for national liberation and disaffiliated from the Muslim Brotherhood, creating the political party of Hamas founded by Sheikh Ahmad Yassin. Hamas made it clear that their goal is the liberation of Palestine through armed resistance, and envisioned the Palestinian society to be more religious.At the start of Hamas's creation it received a level of support from 'israel'. This was due to the leading popularity of the PLO, Palestinian Liberation Organization, led by Yasser Arafat of the Fatah party. Since the Palestinian movement was largely secular at the time, introducing a religious group would create a division between the Palestinian people.Note: In a 2019 Likud party meeting, Netanyahu boasted about this: “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy — to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”'israel' spent twenty years supporting and financing Hamas. Brigadier general Yitzhak Segev, 'israeli' military governor of the Gaza Strip, had admitted to a New York Times reporter that he helped finance Hamas.Former republican congressman, Ron Paul, had brought attention to the house floor, "Hamas was encouraged and really started by 'israel' because they wanted Hamas to counteract Yasser Arafat." Yasser Arafat, the leader of the PLO, had told an Italian newspaper that "Hamas is a creature of Israel".'israeli' leaders have also emphasized it. Col. David Hacham, who worked in Gaza in the late 1980s as an Arab affairs expert in the 'israeli' military admitted that the
original sin was 'israels' support for Yassin.Avner Cohen, an 'israeli' official responsible for religious affairs in Gaza, states "Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation". Cohen had even written a report to his superiors in the mid-1980s warning them not to play divide and rule in the occupied Palestinian territories. Even the former prime minister of Israel, Yitzak Rabin, had called the creation of Hamas a "fatal error".In 2004, Sheikh Yassin would eventually be assassinated by an 'israeli' airstrike in Gaza. For decades, 'israel' has attempted to destroy Hamas in Gaza by regular airstrike campaigns, targeted assassinations, a 16 year-long blockade that has devastated the Gaza Strip. 'israel's' efforts in destroying Hamas often backfire by strengthening support for the group, with more and more Palestinians becoming radicalized from the loss of their family members. In fact, Hamas has claimed that 85% of their members were orphaned due to 'israel's' occupation.Q: Given this background information, we can now address the question. Is the "conflict" really Hamas' fault?1. 'israel's' violation of Palestinian rights began long before the creation of Hamas, Hamas was a direct result of the ‘israeli’ occupation. The slaughter, ethnic cleansing, incarceration, and torture of indigenous Palestinians existed for decades before Hamas’s existence.2. The West portrays Hamas' missiles as an unprovoked attack. It is based on the fallacious premise that Gaza and ‘israel’ are two independent territories that must cease fighting, and that when Hamas hits, it obstructs the peace process. These attacks, however, are in retaliation for a 16-year blockade that has suffocated 2.3 million residents and blocked access to food, water, electricity, and medicine. This blockade is, in fact, a war crime for collective punishment. It is misleading to discuss Hamas's activities without mentioning crucial context. Sieges, ethnic cleansing, and occupation are all acts of aggression that are justified in retaliating with force, even under international law.3. The right to take part in armed struggle against occupying and oppressive powers is not only ethically justified—and has been employed by practically every national liberation movement in history—but it is also recognized under international law. Attempts to deprive oppressed peoples of this right make them vulnerable and defenseless.(This does not imply support for Hamas' specific acts. It is, nevertheless, an affirmation of the Palestinian people's and every oppressed people's moral right to defend themselves, if necessary, through armed resistance.)"ISRAEL HAS A RIGHT TO SELF-DEFENSE"
‘israel’ depriving palestinians of their self determination in addition to its perpetual occupation are illegal under international law, therefore, israel has absolutely no right to “defend” itself from any resistance to an illegal act.Colonizers have always claimed their aggression and racist colonial policies are self defense. Invoking that the colonial power has the right to self defense shifts the conversation from colonized to colonizer, allowing the oppressor to frame their actions in a favorable way.The violence of settler-colonialism is perpetual and automatically precedes any resistance to it. A settler colony can not defend itself from the people it is colonizing. No legal right can be derived from an illegal act."Israel" is a fanatical settler project that was not only established through massacres but is sustained by them. Palestinians have every right to defend themselves against zionist aggression.
The name Palestine was first documented in the Late Bronze Age, about 3200 years ago. Palestine was the conventional name used between 450 BC and 1948 AD in reference to a geographic region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. The names Djahi, Retenu, and Can’an all gave way to the name Palestine. The inhabitants of historic Palestine were referred to as Canaanites.Throughout history Palestine has been under control of multiple groups and empires. Palestine has been ruled by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Fatimids, Seljuk Turks, Crusaders, Egyptians, Mamelukes and Islamists. From about 1517 to 1917, the Ottoman Empire ruled much of the region and lastly the british mandate.It is important to mention that Palestinians are not genetically Arabs from the Arabian peninsula, they were arabized. Palestinians have actually been scientifically proven to be linked to Canaanites by DNA.Palestine became a predominantly Arab and islamic country by the end of the seventh century. Before Islam, only Arabian countries spoke Arabic. People of the Levant (Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria) spoke Aramaic.When Islamic influence expanded, Science, Math, Medicine, Technology and Trade was all being conducted in Arabic. Because of the value of learning and speaking Arabic, many non muslim communities adopted the language too. The shift to Arabic was easy considering the Arabic language was very close to other semitic languages.Due to adapting to the culture and language Palestinians now consider themselves an Arab sub-group.[1]ZIONISM
Zionism is a settler-colonial political movement that calls for establishing a Jewish nation-state in Palestine with a Jewish majority.This, according to Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism and president of the Zionist congress, would constitute a “solution for the Jewish question” and emancipate the Jewish people from persecution in Europe.The issue raised here is that Palestine was already inhabited, this caused early discussions about how to remove the native population.It is important to note that in order for a Jewish ethno-state to be established, two processes must occur:
…………(1) The native non-jewish population must be
…………expelled whether through agreement or force; and
…………(2) Jews must be brought from their countries to a
…………single territory that would become the Jewish stateThe first wave of zionist colonialists reached the shores of Palestine in the early 1880s.Muslim & Christian Palestinians made up 95-97% of Palestine's population in the late 1800s. Leader David ben-gurion speculated that zionism’s success needed at least an 80% Jewish majority.From the beginning of serious zionist planning for Palestine, one can note the increasing prevalence of setter colonial ideas to build 'Israel' on the ruins of Palestine.In 1895, Theodor Herzl noted in his Diaries that something would have to be done about the Palestinian natives: "We shall try to spirit the penniless (Palestinian) population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country... expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly."The American-led King Crane Commission in 1919 affirmed this, concluding: "Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine."Q: Is Zionism colonialism?
Zionist leaders clearly referred to zionism as colonialism. In 1902, Herzl wrote to Cecil Rhodes — who had recently colonized the territory of Zimbabwe — asking for his support, calling Zionism “a colonial program".Vladimir Jabotinsky, in his infamous Iron Wall (1923) stated that: “A voluntary reconciliation with the Arabs is out of the question either now or in the future. If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison for the land, or find some rich man or benefactor who will provide a garrison on your behalf. Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempt to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not difficult, not dangerous, but IMPOSSIBLE!… Zionism is a colonization adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force. It is important… to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot – or else I am through with playing at colonizing.”The first Zionist bank established was named the ‘Jewish Colonial Trust’ and the whole endeavor was supported by the ‘Palestine Jewish Colonization Association’ and the ‘Jewish Agency Colonization Department’.The First Zionist Congress in 1897 concluded with a "practical program" officially calling for 3 actions: "organization, colonization, & negotiation"British mandate
During World War I (1914-1918), the Middle East became a battleground, with Britain and its allies seeking to undermine the rule of the Ottoman Empire in the region. In the course of the war, the British government made promises to both Arabs and Zionist Jews regarding the future of Palestine.Between July 1915 and January 1916, the British High Commissioner in Egypt, Sir Henry McMahon, and Sharif Hussein bin Ali of the city of Mecca, exchanged a series of letters in which the British government promised to support the creation of an independent Arab state in the Middle East, including Palestine, in exchange for the launching of an Arab rebellion against Ottoman rule. Their letters became known as the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence.Almost immediately after concluding an agreement with Hussein, in May 1916 the British signed a secret pact with France, the Sykes-Picot Agreement, to divvy up much of the Middle East, including the region of Palestine, into English and French colonial protectorates following the war.In what appeared to be another blatant contradiction of the commitment made to the Arabs in the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence, in November 1917 British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour sent a letter to Baron Rothschild, a leader of the Jewish community in Britain, endorsing the creation of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. The Balfour Declaration was a major diplomatic victory for Zionist leaders, who sought the patronage of a great power to realize their plans.Despite the steady arrival in Palestine of Jewish colonists after 1882, it is important to realize that not until a few weeks immediately preceding the establishment of 'Israel' in the spring of 1948 was there ever anything other than a huge Palestinian Arab majority.The British Census for Palestine in 1922 makes the 1914 population at “689,272 persons, of whom no more (and perhaps less) than 60,000 were jews.” The census further shows that by 1922 “some 590,890 (78 percent) were muslim; 73,024 (9.6 percent were christians, mostly Arab although some British and other Europeans were included; less than 10,000 (1 percent) were other; and 83,794 (11 percent) were jewish. Of the latter, perhaps two thirds were European immigrants in their offspring – some having arrived late in the 19th century, other since inception of British rule.”Between 1922 and 1931, the Jewish population of Palestine more than doubled. During the same period, the Arab population of Palestine grew from approximately 560,000 to approximately 792,000. Following Adolph Hitler's rise to power in Germany in 1933, Jewish immigration to Palestine from Europe greatly increased, as Hitler's fascist Nazi regime instituted racist laws targeting Jews and other minorities and a European war grew imminent. Between 1931 and 1941, the Jewish population of Palestine more than doubled again, from approximately 175,000 to approximately 474,000. During the same period, the Arab population of Palestine grew from approximately 792,000 to approximately 1,045,000.By the end of World War II the non-jewish proportion of the population was 70% and the remaining 30% made up the jewish population.The natural increase in population is normally 1.5 percent a year but the jews in Palestine between 1922 and 1946 were increasing at an average of 9.0 percent annually, helped by British policy of making a jewish majority. In the year 1927 alone, the increase reached the figure of 28.7 percent, and in 1934 it reached 25.9 percent.The Palestinians' responses to Jewish immigration, land purchases and political demands were remarkably consistent. They insisted that Palestine remain an Arab country, with the same right of self-determination and independence as Egypt, Transjordan, and Iraq. Britain granted those countries independence without a violent struggle since their claims to self-determination were not contested by European settlers. The Palestinians argued that Palestinian territory could not and should not be used to solve the plight of the Jews in Europe, and that Jewish national aspirations should not override their own rights.Despite broad support for the national aims, the Palestinians could not achieve the unity and strength necessary to withstand the combined pressure of the British forces and the Zionist movement.While Palestine was neo-colonized by the British, they held the area to allow zionists to immigrate until their colonization fully took place in 1948. This was agreed upon in 1917 when the national home policy was made official by the Balfour Declaration.After the signing of the partition plan in 1947, zionists began a widespread of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. This successfully made a jewish majority as they expelled 700k-900k Palestinians. Once a jewish majority was guaranteed, Britain withdrew from Palestine on May 15, 1948 sealing the creation of the state of 'Israel'.(More information about the partition plan & expelling of Palestinians is explained in the next module)[1] [2] [3]
May 15, 1948 is the day the state of ‘Israel’ was established. Palestinians call this event, the catastrophe, Al Nakba. Al Nakba refers to the forceful expulsion of indigenous Palestinians at the hands of zionist extremists to create the state of ‘Israel’ in 1948.The Nakba was a deliberate and systematic act necessary for the creation of a Jewish majority state in Palestine, which was overwhelmingly Palestinian Arabs prior to 1948. Zionist Jewish leaders used the euphemism "transfer" when discussing plans for what today would be called ethnic cleansing.A brief summary of how Al Nakba started:
In 1947, the partition plan was proposed regarding the issue of Palestine:i) The partition plan
Serious ideas of partition date back to 1937 Peel commission. Arab Palestinians rejected the partition plan since the very beginning, saying it would violate principles of self-determination. In principle, zionist leaders agreed with Palestinians and unanimously opposed the partition plan. However, they supported the peel commission’s proposal for partition.…………why? At their peak in Mandatory Palestine, only 7%
…………of the land was in Jewish possession. Zionist leaders
…………realized that partition would give them more land
…………easier & quicker. Partition was seen as a stepping
…………stone for Palestine to be "redeemed... in its
…………entirety."The plan proposed Jerusalem & Bethlehem, due to their religious importance, to be internationally administered and…
• 56% of the land to be allocated for a Jewish state.
• The Arab state would be reduced to 43% of Palestine.Despite the fact Jews made up a population of only 32% in Palestine, the plan gave the Jewish state exclusive access to the Red Sea, 2/3 of the Mediterranean coastline, sole access to the Sea of Galilee & much of the fertile land.Demographics:
• The Jewish state would have had a 55% Jewish & 45% Arab population.
• The Arab state would have had a 99% Arab & 1% Jewish population.Right after the partition plan was passed by the UN in 1947, from that time up until an armistice in 1949 “a large-scale of expulsions of the Palestinian people began, long before the armies of neighboring Arab states became involved.”Armed and trained zionist militias and terrorist groups implemented a widespread of ethnic cleansing in Palestine massacring more than 15,000 Palestinians, expropriating approximately 4,244,776 acres of Palestinian land (80% of the land), expelling 700,000-900,000 Palestinians from their homes, villages, and properties, along with destroying 531 Palestinian villages. ‘israel’ sealed the dispossession of the indigenous Palestinian people by denying Palestinian refugees and displaced persons the right to return to their homes and properties-and thus, established an ethnostate by means of settler-colonialism.Around 150,000 Palestinians who remained inside what became ‘israel's’ borders in 1948, were granted ‘israeli’ citizenship but stripped of most of their land and placed under martial law until 1966. Today, there are approximately 1.6 million Palestinian citizens of ‘israel’, who live as second-class citizens in their own homeland, subject to more than 65 laws that discriminate against them because they are not JewishMost Palestinians fled to neighboring countries such as Jordan, Lebanon and Syria where they live in refugee camps that have become permanent homes.One of the most famous, and worst, massacres of Palestine that occurred in 1948, was Deir Yassin. The massacre killed around 120 men, women, and children. Although Deir Yassin signed non-aggression pacts with the Haganah militia and neighboring Jewish suburbs, the zionist movement adopted Plan Dalet and established a form of organized terrorism in the period that preceded the establishment of 'israel'. Once other villages heard of the brutal slaughter that had taken place, they fled in fear. in the words of Menachem Begin, “without Deir Yassin, ‘israel’ would not exist."Fatima Radwan, a survivor of deir yassin recalls her story of the massacre that killed 47 of her family members on the first day of the invasion. Video linkPost-1948:
The ‘israeli’ government has systematically scoured it's own archives to remove documents evidencing ‘israeli’ massacres of Palestinian villagers in 1947 and 1948 that led to the Palestinian Nakba.Zionist projects concentrated on the Hebraicisation/Judaisation of Palestinian geography and toponymy through the practice of renaming sites, places and events. This was done to erase any trace of Palestinian history in the land.A 1992 study counted 2,780 historical locations whose names were Hebraized, including 340 villages and towns, 1,000 Khirbat (ruins), 560 wadis and rivers, 380 springs, 198 mountains and hills, 50 caves, 28 castles and palaces, and 14 pools and lakes.Palestinian refugees and those called internally displaced persons (IDP) represent the largest and longest-standing case of forced displacement in the world today, according to Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights.40 percent of the refugees in the world today are Palestinian. Palestinian refugees or internally displaced persons make up 74 percent of the total Palestinian population of more than 8 million. 80 percent of all Palestinian refugees live outside camps operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. (That's why the number of refugees given by the UN is lower than the actual number of refugees.)As of Today, according to the Palestinian bureau of statistics, 5,555,451 reside in neighboring countries (levant), 5,100 reside in Asia, 293,800 in Europe, 15,000 in Australia and Oceania, 821,800 in South america, 300,000 in north america, and 1,337,400 in other Arab countries making it up to be 8,326,611 displaced Palestinians.Al Nakba was not a historical event, it is still ongoing, to this day Palestinians are still being ethnically cleansed and refused the right of return.
[1] [2]
Al Naksa
Al Naksa, also known as "setback" in Arabic, refers to the 1967 war in which "Israel" had captured the remainder of Palestine. Prior to the Naksa Israel only occupied the territories which it had captured during the 1948 ethnic cleansing campaign, in 1967 the settler colonial state expanded and began its occupation of East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip.On the morning of June 5, 1967, "Israel" had launched a highly successful surprise attack on Egypt, entirely eliminating its air force in a matter of hours. The war lasted less than a week and within days, "Israel" occupied the final 22 percent of Palestine. "Israel" also captured the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights in Syria.In addition to the scores who were killed, an additional 350,000 Palestinians were forced from their homes and into permanent refugee status. As of 2023, "Israel" has been occupying the Palestinian territories for 56 years.1st Intifada
The direct cause of the first intifada, also known as "shaking off" in Arabic, was the severe oppression of Palestinians. 20 years since the occupation of the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem, Palestinians experienced intolerable punishment by the 'Israeli' colonial state such as home raids, curfews, imprisonment, deportations and house demolitions. Expropriation of land by 'Israel' and the building of settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip also intensified after the right-wing Likud party won the 1977 election.The civil uprising began on December 8 of 1987 in Jabaliya Refugee Camp in the Gaza Strip after an 'Israeli' army truck rammed into a vehicle carrying Palestinian workers, killing four of them. This event sparked resistance throughout the occupied territories. However, conditions heightened the following day after 'Israeli' troops shot into a crowd killing 17-year-old Hatem Abu Sisi and injuring 16 others. Hatem officially became known as the first Palestinian martyr of the first intifada.Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians engaged in a variety of civil disobedience, including strikes, demonstrations, refusal to pay taxes, and boycotts of 'Israeli' products. 'Israel' responded harshly, closing Palestinian schools, making mass arrests, imposing closure and curfew, and shutting down demonstrations with brutal force. Tens of thousands of soldiers were deployed throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Intifada leaders were assassinated by the colonial state which in turn backfired and brought more Palestinians to the street. Palestinian farms and homes were razed, trees were uprooted, and businesses were destroyed to force Palestinians to purchase Israeli products. Building licenses and properties were seized from protestors who refused to pay taxes and educational institutions were closed which would only increased youth mobilization in support of the Intifada. Due to their educational institutions closing, Palestinians came up with alternative ways to learn, by having classes in their homes, fields, abandoned buildings, churches, and mosques. Palestinians also experienced violence from illegal colonial settlers.In 1990 former 'Israeli' Defense Minister Yitzak Rabin, who later became the prime minister of 'Israel', ordered his soldiers to “break the bones” of Palestinians protestors. This policy became known as "iron fist". This tactic was used by hitting Palestinians arms and legs with heavy sticks and rocks or placing one rock under the area, commonly the knee or elbow, while hitting the other side with another rock until it breaks.This brutal and vicious act was even caught on video. Video LinkNote: Yitzak Rabin led the mass expulsions from the towns of Lydda and Ramle during the 1948 Nakba. Rabin instructed his troops “the inhabitants of lydda must be expelled quickly, without attention to age….implement immediately”. During Rabin's reign as prime minister in the 1970s, he cultivated a close relationship built on arms-trade and shared geo-political interests with apartheid South Africa, defending the regime’s brutal policies.According to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, 'Israel' killed 300 Palestinians, incarcerated approximately 5,500, and inflicted 20,000 injuries in only the first year alone. In the first two years of the Intifada, according to the Swedish branch of Save the Children, “23,600 to 29,900 children required medical treatment for their beating injuries in the first two years of the Intifada,” of whom one third were children under the age of 10.More than 600,000 Palestinians were jailed during the intifada. During this period, 'Israel' had the highest per capita prison population in the world. In the first two years of the intifada, more than 5,000 Palestinians were held in administrative detention (no charge or trial). Thousands of Palestinian detainees were tortured. In a systematic method of collective punishment, around 2,000 Palestinian homes were demolished by the 'Israeli' army. 20 Palestinians were killed, with no 'Israeli' fatalities, during the first three weeks of the intifada.The intifada lasted 6 years and eventually ended in December of 1993. Over 1,300 Palestinians were killed, roughly 120,000 were injured, including over 600,000 were imprisoned between 1987 and 1993.…………Videos:
…………Stories From the Intifada (Part 1)
…………Stories from the Intifada (Part 2)Oslo Accords
The Oslo accords were a set of two separate agreements between the israeli government and the PLO, Palestine Liberation Organization. Oslo I was signed in 1993, while Oslo II was signed in 1995. The PLO agreed to formally recognize the state of israel and that israel, in turn, allowed the Palestinians some form of limited self-governance in Gaza and the West Bank, Unfortunately, any momentum gained from the ratification of the Oslo Accords was short-lived.2nd Intifada
The second intifada, also known as the Al-aqsa intifada began on September 28, 2000 as a result of israeli occupation policies that not only continued to violate international law but to deprive Palestinians of their basic human rights. The tip of the iceberg for the intifada was an intentionally provocative visit by Ariel Sharon, a Likud party candidate for israeli Prime Minister, who went on to visit Al-Haram Al-Sharif also known as Temple Mount, an area sacred to both Muslims and Jews, with 1,000 security guards. In a blatant attempt to provoke Palestinians, he began shouting, “The Temple Mount is in our hands,".Palestinians reacted immediately to the threat to Al Aqsa. As soon as Sharon left Jerusalem, riots began between Palestinians and police, which soon took a widespread all over the West Bank and Gaza.Unlike the first intifada, this one took a bloody turn. Palestinians participated in rock-throwing while some even took part in armed resistance such as fire arms and occasionally suicide bombings, which israel met with even deadlier force.Within seven months, 400 Palestinians had been killed and several thousands were injured, with approximately 40% of them being children under 18 years.The intifada soon ended after 5 years on February 8, 2005. At least 1,000 israelis were killed while 4,973 Palestinian civilians were killed, among them were 1,262 children, 274 women, and 32 medical personnel attempting to administer aid to injured civilians. More than 10,000 Palestinian children were wounded during the five years of violence, as reported by the Swiss-based Defense for Children International.Note: Led by Ariel Sharon, On June 6, 1982 'israel' lauched a massive invasion of Lebanon to destroy the Palestinian liberation Organization (PLO), which was based in Lebanon at the time. 'israeli' forces advanced all the way to the capital of Beirut, besieging and bombarding western Beirut and the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila. During the occupation of Lebanon on Septemeber 16, 1982, israeli forces surrounded the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila, the Christian Lebanese Phalangist militiamen (known for their brutality and history of atrocities against Palestinian civilians and enemies of the PLO, believed that their leader was assassinated by a Palestinian, although he was actually killed by a Syrian agent) entered the refugee camps under the watch of the 'israeli' army and began a three-day rape, torture, and slaughtering of the Palestinian refugees. By the end of the massacre, 3,500 civilians were murdered. The UN security council passed Resolution 521, condemning the massacre and declared it an "act of genocide"
The Gaza Strip, home to nearly 2 million Palestinians, is known as the world's biggest open air prison. 70% of the population are refugees who’s families were expelled from their homes in 1948. Gaza has been living under a complete siege by ‘Israel’ since 2007. This blockade, which is enforced by both ‘Israel’ and Egypt and backed by the US, denies Palestinians adequate food and potable water, makes it nearly impossible for Palestinians to receive medical treatment or travel abroad, and prevents Palestinians from operating power generating stations and sanitation systems at their needed capacities.Gaza is facing a severe humanitarian crisis — employment, food and other needs were unmet. The blockade has devastated Gaza’s economy, caused widespread destruction and left most people largely cut off from the outside world.2021 marks 54 years since the occupation of the Palestinian Territory and 14 years of the Gaza blockade. Both the occupation and the blockade affect every aspect of life for Palestinians.In 2012, the UN stated that Gaza will be unlivable by 2020. In 2017, the UN Coordinator for Humanitarian Aid and Development Activities stated that the “unlivability threshold has been passed quite a long time ago.”Today, one million Palestinians in Gaza don't have enough food to feed their families, despite receiving food assistance or other forms of support. 80 percent of the population rely on international humanitarian aid just to survive.Q: How has the blockade been affecting Palestinians everyday life in Gaza?Education:
Each year, thousands of college students are barred from finishing their education because they’re denied permission to leave Gaza to study in the West Bank or elsewhere. ‘israel’ denies students permission to leave even when there’s no program in Gaza for their area of study and even if they already received a visa to travel internationally. In rare cases when students are allowed to leave, they often can’t return to visit their families while pursuing their studies, for fear they won’t be permitted to leave again.The blockade has also deprived students attending Gaza’s public schools. During the 2014 ‘israeli’ attacks on Gaza, 252 schools were damaged and seven were destroyed—although educational facilities are protected under international law. As of August 2016, only one of the destroyed schools had been rebuilt. And although the damaged schools were eventually repaired, educational equipment and materials have not all been replaced.Gaza needs to create 200 additional schools to meet the needs of a growing population, but these schools can’t be constructed because of ‘israel’s’ restrictions on importing building materials. This shortage of schools has led to severe overcrowding in most Gaza schools. 2/3 of schools in Gaza operate on double shifts due to classroom shortages, hosting one school in the morning and another in the afternoon, cutting their school days in half. Up to 20 hours/day of power cuts means kids may go to school and study in the dark.Electricity
In 2006, the ‘israeli’ military bombed Gaza’s only power plant, destroying its six transformers. Under the blockade, the power plant can’t import parts to replace damaged components. Temporary fixes have allowed the plant to function at a minimal level, but those solutions were never made to last.Other factors have exacerbated the power crisis, including a halt in smuggled fuel from Egypt in 2013, the destruction of fuel storage tanks and other structures at the plant by ‘israeli’ airstrikes in 2014, and the destruction of infrastructure and distribution networks throughout Gaza. Since April 2017, the Gaza power plant has been offline due to limited fuel imports, further limiting electricity in Gaza.While Gaza’s electrical grid is linked with the ‘israeli’ system, ‘israel’ limits how much power it sells to Gaza, and existing power lines can only supply a fraction of Gaza’s total needs.Today, less than one-third of Gaza’s electricity demand is being met. Rolling blackouts leave Palestinians in Gaza with less than four hours of electricity per day—affecting the health and well-being of residents; jeopardizing critical services, such as hospitals, schools, and water sanitation; and making it impossible for businesses to function.Even if new parts could be imported and additional infrastructure could be built, it would take up to five years for the system to reach a point where current needs could be met.Employment
Many of the basic raw materials and resources needed to produce goods in Gaza are blocked from entering, and exports are down nearly 85 percent from their pre-blockade levels. Electricity is available for no more than eight hours per day, fuel is limited, and in most areas of Gaza, access to water is severely restricted. Together these factors—combined with repeated ‘israeli’ military attacks on Gaza—have destroyed Gaza’s business and industry, resulting in the closure of 90 percent of factories and workshops.Gaza’s unemployment rate is over 40 percent—one of the highest in the world. Youth unemployment is over 60 percent.Under the Oslo Accords, Palestinian fishermen in Gaza should be able to fish anywhere within a 20 nautical-mile fishing zone. Since the blockade was imposed, however, ‘israel’ has allowed Palestinians to fish only within a zone between three and six nautical miles off the coast, negatively affecting the fishing industry and the livelihoods of those who rely on it.Farmers have also been devastated by the imposition of a no-go zone that extends up to one kilometer into Gaza along the border with Israel, which limits Palestinian access to 35 percent of prime agricultural land.Healthcare
The fuel and electricity crisis in Gaza impacts every service provider in Gaza. Hospitals and medical clinics only have six hours of power per day, requiring them to rely much of the time on generators, which are expensive and provide irregular electricity. Fluctuations in the electrical supply impact sensitive medical equipment such as ultrasounds, X-rays, laboratory machines, cardiac monitors, sterilizing machines, and infants’ incubators, putting patients’ lives at risk.Gaza doesn’t have the means to treat cancer patients, people who need heart surgery, and other complicated cases. These patients require access to medical care in ‘israel’ or the West Bank. But under the blockade, movement restrictions delay and block access to treatment for patients. Over 30 percent of patients in Gaza who need outside treatment are denied permits to leave or are delayed treatment.The blockade also prohibits the import of vital medical equipment, including X-ray, MRI, and other laboratory machines. Imports of life-saving medicine as well as basic medical supplies are also often delayed or blocked, leading to severe shortages. ‘israeli’ officials have also repeatedly turned away World Health Organization trucks full of medical supplies, without explanation.As of January 2014, over 300 medical machines at Gaza hospitals were out of order, including the only MRI machine at Gaza European Hospital. About 30 percent of essential drugs and 50 percent of essential medical disposables are out of stock each month in Gaza.During ‘israel’s’ repeated attacks on Gaza, hospitals and clinics have been damaged and destroyed, ambulances have been made targets, and medical personnel have been killed.All of these actions are violations of international law, which guarantees a right to health and protects medical providers.Movement
‘israel’ has controlled the movement of people and goods into and out of Gaza for decades, but since the imposition of the blockade in 2006, these restrictions have been severely tightened.Nearly all access to the outside world is blocked for the residents of Gaza. Students are denied exit to study abroad. Patients needing medical treatment not available in Gaza are delayed or blocked from reaching care. People with families in other parts of the occupied Palestinian territory are kept from seeing their relatives. People wishing to leave to pursue work in other places are prohibited from doing so.The prohibiting of Gazans from traveling or moving to the West Bank, and West Bank residents from entering or moving to Gaza is a violation of the Oslo Accords.Between 2007 and 2010, even basic necessities such as cooking gas, water filtration equipment, toilet paper, toothpaste, clothes, noodles, candy, and spices were blocked from entering Gaza. Some limitations have been lifted, but severe restrictions on the import of many goods—including the raw materials necessary for industrial production, construction materials, medical supplies, fuel, and many consumer goods—remain in place.Fifty-seven percent of Gaza households are food insecure, and about 80 percent receive some form of food assistance, largely due to unemployment caused by restrictions on movement and imports and exportsShelter
Gaza has one of the highest birth rates in the world and over 60 percent of its population are under the age of 18, and in need of housing. Since 2006, ‘israel’ has blocked the importation of materials needed to construct homes, creating a housing and building crisis.This crisis also consisted of the repeated destruction caused by repeated ‘israeli’ military attacks on Gaza. During the 2014 attack on Gaza, over 17,800 homes were destroyed or severely damaged. As of August 2016, only 30 percent of those homes had been rebuilt, and over 65,000 people remained displaced. An additional 150,000 homes that were damaged remained inhabitable.Two years after the end of the 2014 attacks, over 65,000 residents displaced by the war have still not been able to return home.‘israel’ has a list of items banned from entering Gaza, including building materials such as wooden planks, rebar, cement, pipes, and adhesives.Water and sanitation
Gaza has long faced a water crisis, 97 percent of Gaza’s water supply isn’t fit for human consumption. This situation is compounded in part by repeated ‘israeli’ military attacks on Gaza that have damaged or destroyed water and sanitation infrastructure, including desalination plants, wells, and waste management facilities. The blockade has also prevented pumps, concrete, welding supplies, pipes, water purification chemicals, and other items needed to maintain water and sewage infrastructure from entering Gaza.Over one-third of Gaza’s population gets only six to eight hours of running water every four days and at least 100,000 people remain completely disconnected from the water network.Twenty-eight percent of the population is not connected to the sewage network. Even where the sewage network is accessible, the energy crisis has forced wastewater treatment plants to shorten treatment cycles, causing a backflow of sewage onto streets and the discharge of partially treated waste into the Mediterranean Sea.‘israel’ siphons off more than 80 percent of Gaza's groundwater through wells tapping Gaza aquifer sources—a key reason why the aquifer is not replenishing and is becoming increasingly contaminated. All of this leads to serious public health consequences.‘Israel’ regularly carries out large-scale assaults on Gaza that are widely condemned as constituting war crimes and crimes against humanity.
‘Israel’ regularly carries out large-scale assaults on Gaza that are widely condemned as constituting war crimes and crimes against humanity.here’s a breakdown;ISRAELI BLOCKADE
June 2007
In 2007, Hamas gained power and began administering the Gaza Strip. In response to this, ‘Israel’ declared it 'hostile territory' and imposed a suffocating land, air, and sea blockade.The blockade functions as an extension of ‘Israeli’ apartheid, designed to separate Palestinians in Gaza from Palestinians in the other land units. Now in its 16th year, the blockade has devastated Gaza's economy, infrastructure, and population ultimately isolating it from the rest of the world.For 3 years of the blockade on the Gaza strip, ‘israel’ has been found guilty of making precise calculations of Gaza’s daily calorie needs, An ‘israeli’ advocacy group for Palestinian rights named Gisha had a long court battle to release documents of food supplies allowed into Gaza.‘israel’ claimed they never limited the amount of calories that were available to Gaza, but critics said that the documents released are evidence that the ‘israeli’ government limited food supplies to put pressure on Hamas. ‘israel’ also maintained a list of foods that were permitted and banned from Gaza.Major Guy Inbar, an ‘israeli’ military spokesman, claimed the calculation was based on a person's average requirement a day, and was meant to identify warning signs to help avoid a humanitarian crisis, never to restrict the flow of food.Evidence included adjustments for local farm products as well as an assessment of the kinds of food imports needed to sustain the population. ‘israel’ also used secret guidelines to differentiate between humanitarian necessities and non-essential luxuries, for example, frozen salmon and low-fat yogurt were allowed into Gaza, but not coriander and instant coffee.The residents of Gaza depend heavily on international food aid, with 80 percent of the Gaza population relying on foreign help to feed their families, conditions in the besieged strip will only deteriorate further. Fortunately, the policy officially ended in 2010.
Operation Cast Lead
December 2008 - January 2009Background information:
‘israel’ struck a truce with Hamas and other Palestinian armed organizations in Gaza six months before ‘Operation Cast Lead’. Both sides agreed to end hostilities across the Green Line, the de facto border between ‘israel’ and the Gaza Strip, under the terms of the agreement, which took effect on June 19, 2008.Hamas negotiators claim that as part of the ceasefire agreement, ‘israel’ agreed to open Gaza's border crossings, while ‘israeli’ officials deny this. While ‘israel’ reopened one border crossing, the country's broader policy of closure remained unchanged. The UN claimed that the number of items allowed into Gaza had decreased two months after the ceasefire began.Nonetheless, a condition of relative calm prevailed in and around Gaza until November 4, when ‘israeli’ soldiers staged a raid into Gaza, killing six Hamas members. After the attack, the ceasefire was broken, and hostilities escalated, culminating in Cast Lead the following month.On December 27, 2008, ‘israel’ launched Operation Cast Lead, a massive, 22-day military assault on the Gaza Strip, killing 1,419 Palestinians including at least 308 minors under the age of 18 and injuring more than 5,000 Palestinians.Cast Lead was divided into two parts:
…………A week of heavy aircraft bombing
…………A two-week joint air-land assault and invasion.On December 27, 2008, at 11:30 a.m., ‘israeli’ F-16 fighter planes, Apache helicopters, and unmanned drones struck more than 100 targets across the tiny, packed Gaza Strip in a matter of minutes.Four Palestinian police stations were among those targeted, including the central police headquarters in Gaza City, which was hosting a graduation ceremony for new officers. In the first minutes of the attack, 99 police officers and 9 members of the public were murdered.On the first day of the attack, ‘israel’ began carpet bombing Gaza, dropping 100 tons of bombs. For further reference, a 1 ton bomb will decimate an entire city block. By the end of the first day at least 230 Palestinians had been killed.The massive bombardment continued until the ‘israeli' army invaded the Gaza Strip from the north and east on January 3, 2009. The ‘israeli’ navy also shelled Gaza from the sea.‘israel' declared a unilateral ceasefire and withdrew its forces from Gaza on January 18, 2009. Separate unilateral ceasefires were declared by Palestinian armed groups.Statistics:
— 3,540 housing units were completely destroyed, with another 2,870 sustaining severe damage.
— More than 20,000 people many of them already refugees, some two or three times over - were made homeless.
— Attacks on Gaza's electricity infrastructure caused an estimated $10 million in damage.
— 324 factories and workshops were damaged during the war.
— 268 private businesses were destroyed, and another 432 damaged, at an estimated cost of more than $139 million.
— The offensive damaged almost 20,000 meters (approx. 12 miles) of water pipes, four water reservoirs, 11 wells, and sewage networks and pumping stations. ‘israeli’ shelling also damaged 107 UNRWA installations.Targeted infrastructure:
— Eighteen schools, including 8 kindergartens, were destroyed, and at least 262 others damaged.
— Numerous Palestinian government buildings, including police stations, the headquarters of the Palestinian Legislative Council, and part of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' compound, were also destroyed.The UN Human Rights Council launched a Fact-Finding Mission in April 2009 to look into suspected violations of international law at that time. Justice Richard Goldstone, a former judge of the South African Constitutional Court and war crimes prosecutor for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, led the mission. ‘israel’ refused to participate with the investigation, refusing the team access to ‘israeli’ authorities and preventing it from visiting the West Bank.The mission issued the "Goldstone Report," a 575-page study describing ‘israeli’ military war crimes and crimes against humanity.
These include:
- Samouni family massacre: ‘israeli’ forces ordered roughly 100 members of the Samouni family into a single building in Gaza City's Zaytoun neighborhood. On January 4, 2009, soldiers held the family in the building for 24 hours before shelling it. Twenty-one members of the family were slain, all of whom were civilians.
- The Al-Daya family massacre: On January 6, an ‘israeli’ F-16 jet launched a missile into the Al-Daya family's home in Gaza City's Zaytoun district, killing 22 family members.
- White flag killings: Witnesses observed ‘israeli’ soldiers kill Palestinians fleeing with improvised white flags indicating their status as civilians, according to the UN mission and human rights organizations. A soldier shot and murdered two women, Majda and Rayya Hajjaj (37 and 65 years old, respectively), who were fleeing with their families while carrying a bag. A soldier was sentenced to just 45 days in prison for their killings in August 2012, as part of a plea deal with prosecutors. He is the only individual facing significant charges as a result of Cast Lead thus far.
- Use of white phosphorus in populated areas: ‘israeli’ troops used white phosphorus in attacks on at least two hospitals in Gaza City (Al-Quds Hospital and Al-Wafa Hospital), as well as the central UN compound.
Operation Pillar of Defense
November 2012Israel's "Operation Pillar of Defense," the second Gaza War, started on November 14, 2012, and lasted for eight days. 168 Palestinians, including 101 civilians, including 33 children, were murdered in Israeli airstrikes, according to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Human Rights Watch and other organizations denounced Israel for targeting Palestinian media personnel throughout the operation. Population centers in Israel that were previously beyond of range were reached by rockets fired by Hamas, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Four of the six Israeli deaths were of civilians. Israel agreed to end hostilities in Gaza, including targeting persons, and Palestinian factions agreed to cease rocket firing and border incursions in exchange for opening border crossings and easing Israel's siege on Gaza.
Operation Protective Edge
July 2014In 2014, 'israel' launched a 50-day onslaught, known as Operation Protective Edge, on the Gaza Strip which lasted between July 8 and August 26, killing 2,220 Palestinians, including at least 1,492 civilians, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). DCIP independently verified the deaths of 547 Palestinian children among the killed in Gaza, 535 of them as a direct result of 'israeli' attacks. Nearly 68 percent of the children killed by 'israeli' forces were 12 years old or younger.Statistics:
- Over 1,500 Palestinian children were orphaned.
- According to the United Nations, Israel's "Operation Protective Edge" killed at least 2131 Palestinians in Gaza between July 7 and August 26. A total of 2168 Palestinians were killed, according to the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, while the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) put the figure at 2191.Targeted infrastructure:
- Israeli attacks caused widespread damage to Gaza’s already frail and dilapidated electrical grid, run down and in disrepair after seven years of siege and blockade. Most notably, on July 29 Israel bombed Gaza’s only power plant, knocking it out of commission indefinitely, prompting Amnesty International to condemn the attack as an act of "collective punishment” against the entire population. (Israel previously bombed the plant during assaults in 2006 and 2008-09.) According to the UN, even following repairs to what remains of the electrical grid, most areas of Gaza continue to endure up to 18 hours of electrical outages a day.
- Israel’s destruction of Gaza’s power plant caused the shutdown of water treatment plants, while Israeli tank fire put Gaza’s largest sewage treatment plant out of commission. Other Israeli attacks did extensive damage to Gaza’s water and sewage systems, also already in critical condition due to the siege and previous Israeli assaults, leading to the release of raw sewage into open pools, farmland, and the Mediterranean Sea, causing health concerns and affecting fishermen. On August 5, Oxfam warned that Israeli attacks damaging wells, pipelines, and reservoirs had caused the contamination of fresh water supplies, already heavily contaminated before the assault, and that 15,000 tons of solid waste had leaked into the streets of Gaza.According to the September 4 UN Gaza crisis report:
- 450,000 people were unable to access municipal water systems due to infrastructure damage and/or low water pressure.
- On average, 20% to 30% of Gaza’s water and wastewater systems remain significantly damaged.- According to the UN, 22 schools were destroyed and 118 damaged, and at least six teachers killed. As a result of the ongoing violence, schools being damaged and destroyed, and displaced people taking refuge in schools, nearly half a million children had the start of their school year delayed, from August 24 to September 14._________________
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Mar 2018- Dec 19Q: What is the Great Return March and what is the purpose of it?
The Great Return March is a protest in gaza consisting of thousands of Palestinians marching to the fences bordering the strip and demanding the Palestinian Right of Return to their ancestors' homes, which they were expelled from in 1948 which is enshrined in United Nations Resolution 194 and demanding an end to the 14-year-long ‘israeli’ blockade.The protest started March 30, 2018 and continued till the 27th of December 2019. Every Friday for the past year, Palestinians in Gaza have protested along the fence separating the besieged Gaza strip from israel.Throughout the Great Return March there were tents for families and volunteers. Palestinians came together making food for protesters in the tents and treating injured protesters, You often see Palestinians dancing to traditional music to bring joy and happiness even through a time of tragedy. video linkGazans resistance:
Gazans used tactics like burning tires to block the view of snipers from shooting at protesters, slingshots to throw rocks, and burning of kites with Molotov cocktails to ignite dry fields.The ‘israeli’ military evidently believes that any time Palestinians assert their basic rights, they should be met with deadly violence. ‘israel’ used snipers, smoke gas shells, butterfly bullets, etc to kill and disperse Palestinians that took part in the Great Return March.The ‘israel's’ supreme court had rejected human rights group's request to declare it unlawful for soldiers to shoot at unarmed civilians in the Gaza Strip.During the time period of the Great Return March, ‘israel’ has killed 267 Palestinians and wounded more than 36,143 others, of those wounded 3,175 were children and 1,008 were women. ‘israel’ has targeted and killed multiple medics and journalists during this protest which constitutes a war crime under international law.By the end of 2019, physicians had to perform limb amputations on 155 protesters, including 30 minors. Twenty-seven demonstrators are paralyzed as a result of spinal injuries.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]FOURTH BOMBARDEMENT
May 2021Background information:
‘israel’ has been escalating tensions in Jerusalem for weeks, including placing new restrictions on Palestinians during Ramadan, the violent suppression of Palestinians protesting ethnic cleansing of families in Sheikh Jarrah by illegal settlers, and soldiers assaulting Palestinian worshippers in Al Aqsa Mosque.April 12 - 22
Since the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan ‘israeli’ occupation forces (IOF) continued its attacks on Palestinians in the occupied city of Jerusalem. IOF prevented the presence of Palestinians in the area of Bab Al Amud (Damascus Gate) and the streets adjacent to it assaulting , harassing, and detaining numerous Palestinian men, women, and children.In Jerusalem, ‘israeli’ police maintain severe restrictions and prevent gatherings at Bab Al amud, and evacuate Palestinians at Bab al Amud and placing metal barriers to prevent their entrance. This infuriates Muslim Palestinians who gather there every Ramadan.Palestinians gather there anyway and remain persistent with their resistance and demonstrations. IOF attack Palestinians in the streets of Jerusalem with tear gas, sound grenades, and skunk water vehicles.Illegal ‘israeli’ settlers begin attacking Palestinians in their homes, streets, buses, and more under the protection of the IOF.Heavy deployment of occupation forces at Bab Al Amud to prevent the gatherings and demonstrations of Palestinians.Multiple ‘israeli’ groupchats planning and discussing attacks on Palestinians leaked.Hundreds of "israelis" March near Al-Aqsa chanting "Death to Arabs", "A second nakba is coming”, "May your village burn”, and chanting insults directed to Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) to provoke Palestinian muslims. 100 Palestinians injured. Police arrest 50 Palestinians in the unrest.‘israeli’ forces attempt to prevent Palestinians from entering the Al Aqsa Mosque, and failed in doing so. Palestinians chant and march to the courtyards of Al Aqsa. Protests erupt all over Palestine (including 48’ territories) in solidarity with Palestinians in Jerusalem.‘israeli’ settlers set up checkpoints to attack passing cars of Palestinians.48’ Palestinian businesses attacked and vandalized by settlers.Lynching attacks carried out against Palestinians by illegal settlers.April 23 - 24
Mass protests take place in the courtyards of the Al Aqsa Mosque. Several Palestinians are injured and jailed. This includes children.‘israeli’ police intervene with Muslim worshippers in Damascus Gate area and attack worshippers at Al-Aqsa after Taraweh prayers with water canons and sound bombs. 105 Palestinians injured.36 rockets fired from Gaza. No ‘israelis’ hurt. Hamas takes no responsibility for this attack.April 25 - May 1
Palestinians in East Jerusalem celebrate their victory at Bab Al Amud after ‘israeli’ police removed metal barriers in the area. However, the IOF stormed Bab Al Amud to confiscate the flags of Palestine that have been raised during the celebrations. This event became known as the “Bab Al Amud uprising”.‘israeli’ forces continue targeting Palestinians at the Damascus Gate and break carts of Palestinian vendors.IOF prevents Palestinian worshippers from crossing Qalandia checkpoint.‘israeli’ police attack Palestinian Christian worshippers and nuns next to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre who are trying to reach the Church to celebrate the day of The Great Sabbath (The Holy Saturday).Protests in Sheikh Jarrah continue against the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Palestinians to make room for illegal ‘israeli’ settlers.May 2 -7
Protests in Sheikh Jarrah, West Bank, 48' territories continue. ‘israeli’ police use tear gas, stun grenades, skunk water against unarmed Palestinians. Numerous arrested.After Friday prayers, Palestinians began protests in Al-Aqsa. ‘israeli’ police barricade the Al-Aqsa compound, and violently disperse the crowds, firing rubber bullets at worshippers.Unrest and protest take place in the East Jerusalem Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah after an ‘israeli’ Court delays a hearing that would have determined if Palestinians must vacate their homes for Jewish settlers. Police enter the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and attack the protestors. Using horses, police use tear gas, stun grenades and 'skunk-water' against unarmed Palestinians. 10 Palestinians injured. IOF attack Palestinain paramedics providing treatment to injured Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah.Illegal ‘israeli’ settlers open fire at unarmed Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah.Hamas warns ‘israel’ to stop its assault on Palestinians in East Jerusalem, however, ‘israel’ refuses.May 8-10
27th of Ramadan, Holiest night of Ramadan, ‘israeli’ police attack worshippers at Al-Aqsa. Being the 27th night of Ramadan, the holiest night of the entire month, thousands of more Palestinians gather for prayers at Al-Aqsa. As worshippers attempt to leave Al-Aqsa, dozens of ‘israeli’ police storm Al Aqsa Mosque and attack worshippers, firing tear gas, stun grenades, and rubber coated steel bullets.IOF tear gas clinics set up within the Al Aqsa compound to provide medical treatment for the injured. 163 Palestinians were injured in occupied Jerusalem during the assaults on Al Aqsa Msoque, Damascus Gate, and Sheikh Jarrah.Occupation prevents busses Palestinians of 1948 to cross and turn them back. Palestinians of East Jerusalem head to the checkpoint giving rides to those stranded.Protests erupt internationally with solidarity of the Palestinain people.May 10th, Jerusalem Day, a holiday in ‘israel’ to mark the illegal occupation of Palestinian East Jerusalem in 1967. It is mostly celebrated by religious Zionists (usually settlers) marching through Jerusalem's Old City, deliberately starting in the Muslim Quarter. This march is notorious for its explicit nationalism, anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian chants, and threats of violence towards local Palestinians.Hundreds of illegal settlers attempt to enter the Al-Aqsa mosque, even after the event was called off. Without notice or provocation, on the early hours of Monday morning, ‘israeli’ police launch a second surprised attack on Muslim worshippers at Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and fire teargas and stun grenades into the prayer halls while worshippers prayed and rubber coated bullets into Palestinians in the courtyard outside. Firing projectiles onto this ancient mosque and using snipers to fire rubber bullets, the police also shattered ancient stained-glass windows of Al-Aqsa. 400 Palestinians injured (300 hospitalised, some with critical injuries). During the raid, ‘israeli’ police confiscate the keys to all entrances of the Al-Aqsa compound from it's Muslim custodians. The mosque is left littered with debris, shattered glass, grenades, and stained prayer carpets. Medics and media are prevented from entering as Palestinians are suffocated and choked inside the Al-Aqsa compound.May 11-May 12
Hamas fired rockets into ‘israel’ in retaliation, after warning ‘israel’ for weeks to cease it's attacks on Al-Aqsa. The ‘israeli’ air force responded with full-scale airstrikes. Levelling buildings and homes. Numbers reported dead and injured. In the evening the Israeli police launched their fourth attack on the Al-Aqsa mosque. (keep in mind ‘israel’ has an iron dome that diffuses 9/10 of rockets launched by Hamas).48' city of lydd is liberated from the occupation, ‘israeli’ mayor says he lost control of the town and there are street battles between Jewish ‘israelis’ and Palestinians. Illegal settlers are evacuated from the city.A state of emergency is declared in Lydd for the first time in 66 years. Netanyahu orders 16 units of ‘israeli’ border police units to Lydd.May 12th
Eid day. ‘israel’ continues its assault on Gaza. 69 killed 17 children 8 women 390 wounded. 7 Israelis killed.May 13-14-15
100 Palestinians killed 17 children dead 487 wounded 6 ‘israeli’ dead 1 child.137 Palestinians killed as ‘israel’ attacks refugee camps in Gaza 36 children dead 920 wounded 8 ‘israeli’ dead.139 Palestinians killed 39 children 22 women 11 Palestinians shot and killed in West Bank 11 ‘israeli’ dead.IOF killed 21 Palestinians in the West Bank since 7/5/21.Thousands of Jordanians and Lebanese protests surround the borders to Palestine in solidarity.May 16-May 20
145 Palestinians killed 58 children 32 women. 10 ‘israelis’ dead 2 children.212 Palestinians killed 61 children 36 women 1305 injured. 10 ‘israelis’ dead 2 children.
Protests intensify nationally and internationally.After 11 consecutive days of constant bombing, a ceasefire was finally agreed upon by the occupation and Palestinian resistance organizations agree on a ceasefire, that will be monitored by Egypt, as of 2.am on Friday.Celebrations spread all over Palestine in response to the ceasefire. However, ‘israel’ violated the ceasefire the very next morning by invading the Al Aqsa Mosque and attacking Palestinian muslim worshippers.War crimes committed:
………… • Indiscriminate attack on a civilian area, killing
……….……unarmed men, women, and children.
………… • Attack on civil infrastructure.
………… • Unprovoked attacks on places of worship with
……….……active worshippers.
………… • Destruction of homes and places of worship.
………… • Attacks on refugee camps.
………… • Attacks on hospitals, schools, and the press.The 11-day aggression on the Gaza strip, killed 230 Palestinians, including 67 children and injuring more than 1,530 Palestinians.Among the 67 children slaughtered from ‘israel's’ most recent bombardment of Gaza, 12 were participants in a trauma recovery program. The children, aged between 5 and 15, were killed in their homes.Some of Gaza's essential workers have been killed in the recent bombings:
-Dr. Mouin Al-Aloul, Gaza's top neurologist.
-Dr. Ayman Abu Al-Ouf, The head of Coronavirus response at Gaza's biggest hospital.
-Rajaa Abu Al-Ouf, Psychologist and social worker.‘israel’ has destroyed over 500 homes. More than 50,000 Palestinains are now homeless.‘israel’ has destroyed a number of buildings including:
- The Al-Jalaa tower 12-story building which housed the offices of the Associated Press and Al Jazeera.
- The MSF building MSF provides trauma and burn treatment to Palestinains in Gaza.
- The Ministry of Health building
- The PCRF office The PCRF provied free medical treatment to children in Palestine.
- The only COVID-19 testing lab The lab was damaged by Israeli attacks on Al Wehda street which means there is no way of detecting new cases.
- Rosary Sisters School
- Gaza's largest Bookshop and the main publishing house of Samir Mansour.The main road leading to al-Shifa Hospital, the largest in Gaza, was also hit, blocking access to wounded civilians, emergency workers and ambulances.‘israel’ has also damaged Gaza's only COVID testing laboratory. All testing in Gaza has completely stopped.As a result of the bombardment targeting infrastructure and electric/fuel plants there’s now a 76% electricity deficit in Gaza.Q: How have Gazans attempted to survive ethnic cleansing and massacres?
In the midst of bombing, Gazans have brought back a tradition they have developed over the years of assaults carried out by ‘israel’ onto Palestinians to survive with the least possible damage.In this technique, Family members exchange their children for some to survive if others are bombed to ensure that their offspring would remain in order to avoid a massacre."The strangest thing I did today is that I swapped children with my brother. I took two of his children and gave him two of my sons. Even if the occupation bombs us, my offspring would survive, and if my brother is bombed, his descendants would remain."
Khaled Safi, a resident of GazaQ: How has the bombardment affected the children of Gaza?
Of the 2 million residents in Gaza, 41% are children aged 14 or under. These children have lived their entire lives under ‘israeli’ blockade and experience multiple types of trauma. In Gaza, a 14 year old child would have experienced four wars.The children of Gaza experience all kinds of trauma at the hands of the ‘israeli’ war machine; such asChronic trauma: Prolonged, pervasive distressing events such as poverty or institutionalized discriminationInter-generational trauma: Psychological trauma experienced by the descendants of a person who survived a traumatic eventAcute trauma: An extremely distressing individual event
BREAKDOWNFirstly, let’s establish the meaning of occupation.According to RULAC, Geneva Academic of International Humanitarian Law, for a territory to be considered occupied it must be 'under the authority of the hostile army'.For an occupation to exist, hostile forces must exercise effective control. Three elements must be fulfilled for this control to exist:…………(1) The armed forces of a foreign state are physically
…………present in the territory and the territorial state did
…………not consent to their presence.
…………(2) The presence of the foreign forces prevents the
…………effective local government in place at the time of
…………invasion from exercising its powers.
…………(3) The foreign forces establish their own authority.All three criteria are met by 'israel' in the West Bank and despite 'israels' "disengagement" from Gaza and removal of 8,000 illegal 'israeli' settlers in 2005, the international community still considers the Gaza Strip occupied due to "unconsented-to effective control,". 'israel' continues to control Gaza’s airspace, coastline, and all of its entry and exit points except for one controlled by Egypt, which has cooperated with 'Israel' in maintaining the siege and blockade of Gaza.The international community, including the United Nations, the United States, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch all consider Gaza to be under continued 'Israeli' military occupation.According to an October 2004 Human Rights Watch statement: “The israeli government’s plan to remove troops and Jewish settlements from the Gaza Strip would not end israel’s occupation of the territory. As an occupying power, israel will retain responsibility for the welfare of Gaza’s civilian population...Under international law, the test for determining whether an occupation exists is effective control by a hostile army, not the positioning of troops... Whether the israeli army is inside Gaza or redeployed around its periphery and restricting entrance and exit, it remains in control."Q: So how does occupation look like in the Palestinian Territories?
Occupation exists for 3 sets of Palestinians:
…………1. Palestinians who remained behind in 1948;
…………2. Palestinians living in the West Bank and East
……....……Jerusalem; and
…………3. Palestinians living in Gaza.1948 Territories:
During the Nakba, nearly 1million Palestinians were expelled from their homeland and were replaced with illegal 'israeli' settlers. The map was then divided, the areas captured during Al Nakba became the current state of 'Israel'. Those areas are referred to as "Thamania wa arba’in", "48’ territories", shortened for ‘1948’ when the state of 'Israel' was established after massacring and displacing indigenous Palestinians.Palestinians who managed to remain in the 48’ territories are called “48ers” by Palestinians. However, their identity has been continuously erased by ‘israel’ by referring to them as “Arab Israelis” or “arab citizens of israel”. The use of the term 'Arabs' by zionists referring to Palestinians is not just ethnocide, but also a tactic to deterritorialize them, insinuating they no longer have a place on their own land, but rather in the "outside Arab world".The key to displacing Palestinians from their land was the need to displace them from their very indigeneity, to present them as a mere "presence" without deep roots in the country. if they could be defined merely as "Arabs", part of the wider Arab world, transferring them out of the country would carry it with no trauma or difficulty.Division of Jerusalem:
Under international law, Jerusalem is broken into two parts: East Jerusalem and West Jerusalem. By law, East Jerusalem belongs to Palestinians while West Jerusalem belongs to 'Israelis', however, 'Israel' took complete control of East Jerusalem in 1967, an event that is known as “Al Naksa”. East Jerusalem contains the Al Aqsa mosque compound which is also referred to as Temple Mount by Jews.Division of the West Bank:
In 1967, when 'Israel' first began occupying the West Bank and Gaza strip, 'Israel' began moving illegal 'Israeli' settlers into the West Bank. Although under international law, both the West Bank and Gaza strip are supposed to be 100% under Palestinian control.The West Bank is referred to as the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).The signing of the Oslo Accords divided the Palestinian West Bank into three administrative zones:
…………• Area A - land under full Palestinian control (18%)
…………• Area B - land under joint, Palestinian/'israeli' control (22%)
…………• Area C - land under full 'israeli' control (60%)The 'Israeli' controlled areas and where illegal 'Israeli' settlements reside are strategically placed in areas that contain the West Bank’s best agricultural land, water, and resources.In spite of the breakdown of the Oslo process, Areas A, B and C remain in force today.Gaza Strip:
In 2005, 'Israel' had officially withdrawn from Gaza.Note: Although 'Israel' disengaged from Gaza, the purpose of this process was to actually freeze peace processes. In 2004, Dov Weisglass, a senior advisor to then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, told an interviewer that the Gaza withdrawal was designed to put the peace process and efforts to create a Palestinian state in “formaldehyde,” stating:"The significance of the disengagement plan is the freezing of the peace process… And when you freeze that process, you prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, and you prevent a discussion on the refugees, the borders and Jerusalem. Effectively, this whole package called the Palestinian state, with all that it entails, has been removed indefinitely from our agenda. And all this with authority and permission. All with a presidential blessing and the ratification of both houses of Congress...The disengagement is actually formaldehyde... It supplies the amount of formaldehyde that is necessary so there will not be a political process with the Palestinians."Since 2007, the Gaza strip has been under complete 'Israeli' siege restricting any form of movement by land, sea, and air.
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BREAKDOWNApartheid wall:
The apartheid wall, also known as the ‘separation wall’, is a wall in the West Bank that stretches for more than 700 kilometers long and 9m high that 'Israel' has been constructing since 2002. ‘Israel’s’ separation wall is four times as long and places twice as high as the berlin wall.The wall cuts deep into Palestinian territory and has resulted in the confiscation of large swathes of fertile Palestinian land, the ghettoization of Palestinian towns and villages, and has cut off thousands of Palestinians from social services, schools, and farmland.The declared aim of the Apartheid Wall was to prevent Palestinians without permits from crossing into 'Israel' and thus boost 'Israeli' security in the midst of the Second Intifada. Yet 85% of the wall is built inside the occupied West Bank and has been carefully mapped to keep as many illegal settlers as possible “inside" 'Israel', all the while keeping as many Palestinians as possible out, in fact, the wall often separates Palestinians from other Palestinians.Q: How does the wall affect Palestinians?
The apartheid wall has confiscated 46% of the West Bank area and annexed 48% of settlements to the occupied lands. The wall has destroyed a large amount of Palestinian farmland and usurped water supplies, including the biggest aquifer in the West Bank. 165 artesian wells and 53 springs were isolated and stolen due to the wall causing 200 million cubic meters of water loss.Palestinians suffered the loss of 50% of agriculture irrigated lands along 72,000 Palestinians were denied access to agricultural land. Villages and towns are also endangered, the wall destroyed 78 Palestinian villages and communities with a population of 266,442. The wall also isolated villages by keeping 8,557 Palestinians between the wall and the green line. 6,314 Palestinians are at threat with expulsion. Damage to the education sector by the wall affected students tremendously, 48 schools were totally or partially destroyed while separating 44 schools from the west bank by the wall due to this 3.4% of students left their education. The apartheid wall restricted the movement of 20% of students, 19% of the teachers, and 37% of service personnel.The apartheid wall has laid the groundwork for the de-facto annexation of most settlements and much land for their future expansion. The barrier broke up contiguous Palestinian urban and rural blocs, severed inter-community ties forged over generations, and abruptly imposed an arbitrary reconfiguration of space based on settlement boundaries and to suit the convenience of 'Israeli' security forces. The ICJ, the international court of justice, has ruled the wall as a violation of human rights and illegal, yet it still stands today after 18 years since the start of its construction in 2002.ILLEGAL ISRAELI COLONIES
BREAKDOWN'Israeli' colonies are residential areas built by 'Israel' on occupied Palestinian Territory, primarily for Jewish communities. Today, there are presently over 250 Jewish colonies in the West Bank with a population of approximately 611,000 - 750,000 settlers, 165,000 of whom reside in East Jerusalem.Under international law, 'Israeli' colonies are illegal in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention and constitute a war crime under the Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court. These outline protection of civilians in a warzone forbidding states from transferring their citizens to occupied land, however, 'Israel' has been doing exactly that since 1967, beginning its occupation of the West Bank.…………Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention,
…………"The occupying power shall not deport or transfer part
…………of its own civilian population into the territory it
…………occupies".…………ICC Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(viii),
…………"The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying
…………Power of parts of its own civilian population into the
…………territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all
…………or parts of the population of the occupied territory
…………within or outside this territory."The appropriation and destruction of land and property required to build and expand colonies also breach international humanitarian law. The unlawful appropriation of property by an occupying power amounts to “pillage”, which is prohibited by both the Hague Regulations and Fourth Geneva Convention and is a war crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and many national laws.The confiscation and extensive appropriation of Palestinian land for the establishment and expansion of illegal ‘Israeli’ colonies and extension of illegal ‘Israeli’ settlers, has impoverished Palestinians of their property and decreased the area available to maintain living. In various locations this has even affected access to water used for agriculture, livestock, and domestic consumption. The loss of access to property, land, and water resources has increased the vulnerability of rural communities, generating the need for humanitarian interventions, including food and cash assistance.The physical presence of colonies has broken the West Bank into disconnected fragments:
..…Areas A, B, and C
…………Area A, makes up 18 percent of the West Bank.
…………Area B, comprises about 22 percent of the West Bank.
…………Area C, constitutes about 60 percent of the West Bank.Although the illegal colonies are constructed inside the west bank their infrastructure directly connects them to ‘Israel’. The ‘Israeli’ army is heavily deployed to protect the colonies, over 200 kilometers of road have been built on Palestinian land for the exclusive use of illegal settlers.Colonies, roads, military bases, and security zones that form the settlement towns take up 40% of the West Bank.Various movement restrictions imposed on Palestinians is due to ‘Israeli’ colonies, to keep ‘Israeli’ settlers “safe” at the expense of Palestinian safety and livelihood. Many checkpoints and roadblocks divert Palestinian traffic from certain roads serving the settler population, onto secondary and longer routes.Since the start of the Oslo negotiations in 1993 the number of ‘Israeli’ settlers on occupied Palestinian territory has doubled half a million. The ‘Israeli’ government actually encourages living in colonies by offering lower tax rates, subsidized housing, and easier loans.Various restrictions such as movement also pressure Palestinians to leave their homes. A third of the housing units in the neighborhoods adjacent to the colony compounds of Hebron city were abandoned as a result of access restrictions and systematic violence and harassment.The failure of ‘Israeli’ occupation to enforce the law upon ‘Israeli’ settlers has increased the endangerment of Palestinians and their property, such as, not holding ‘Israeli’ settlers guilty of their crimes (i.e attacks on Palestinians), legalizing and normalizing the confiscation of land for the creation of these colonies.After three consecutive years of decline in ‘Israeli’ attacks, settler incidents resulting in Palestinians casualties or damage to their property increased by 88% in the first half of 2017 as compared to 2016, on a monthly average. Between 2005 and 2016, over 90% of the investigation files on settler attacks against Palestinians and their property filed with the ‘Israeli’ Police were closed without the indictment of a suspect.The loss of land, risk and exposure of violence along with movement restrictions, have generated a coercive environment placing many Palestinian communities at risk of forcible transfer; especially among Palestinian Bedouin and herding communities in areas planned for settlement expansion.The continuous expansion and creation of illegal ‘Israeli’ colonies has implicated the infringement on Palestinian human rights._________________
BREAKDOWN‘Israeli’ checkpoints and roadblocks are designed to delay, humiliate, and remind the Palestinian people of their reality: they are an occupied people. Since the start of its occupation in 1967, ‘Israel’ has included restrictions on Palestinian movement. However, the harsh system of movement controls in the OPT has become increasingly entrenched and tight over the previous 14 years.Checkpoints are often used by the ‘Israeli’ army in the Occupied Palestinian Territories to control Palestinian movement between Palestinian cities within the OPT and between the OPT and ‘israel’.These obstacles divide various areas within the West Bank, disturbing Palestinians' livelihoods and causing a gradual decline of Palestinian society's social and economic fabric. Some of these barriers are only opened for a few hours one to three days a week. Others are only open a few times a year as a result of advanced planning.Checkpoints can be:
…………1. Large, semi-permanent structures resembling
……….……border crossings.
…………2. Smaller barriers on roadways or at the entrance
……….……of Palestinian villages.
…………3. Temporary checkpoints, often referred to as
……….……"flying" checkpoints.In 2020, "flying" checkpoints emerged 3,524 times, causing traffic delays and putting Palestinians in danger of being confronted by hostile, armed ‘Israeli’ soldiers who were ready to question and, in some cases, shoot them.In the West Bank, there are about 700 roadblocks, including 140 checkpoints. Approximately 70,000 Palestinians with ‘Israeli’ work permits pass through these checkpoints on a daily basis.Thousands of Palestinian workers cross ‘Israeli’ military checkpoints every morning, before dawn, on their way to work in ‘Israeli’ and Palestinian cities beyond the Green Line. (Because of the high unemployment rate in the OPT, as a result of ‘Israel's’ 54-year occupation, they work beyond the Green Line.)Due to the hours wait, workers from all over the occupied West Bank line up before the checkpoints open in order to get to work on time. Every day between 4 and 6 a.m., the checkpoints begin to fill up as tens of thousands of people crowd into cage-like lanes. Many people arrive at 3 a.m. or earlier to secure a spot in line before the checkpoint opens.Due to the situation at the checkpoints, some people choose to risk sleeping at their workplaces. As a result, they only get to see their family on weekends.Q: So what are the main checkpoints in the OPT?1. CHECKPOINT 300
For Palestinians working in East Jerusalem and other key cities, this is the main checkpoint. It is obstructing the road connecting Bethlehem and Jerusalem. 15,000 workers are estimated to pass through Checkpoint 300 every day.2. EYAL CHECKPOINT
Located in Qalqilya, a Palestinian city in the northwestern part of the West Bank, where unemployment is severe due to Israel's Separation Wall. Approximately 4,000 laborers from the northern occupied West Bank pass through Eyal Checkpoint every day.3. Al-TAYBEH CHECKPOINT
Located just south of the northern Palestinian city of Tulkarem. Up to 15,000 Palestinian employees are believed to cross through the Taybeh Checkpoint each day. Two Palestinian males were crushed to death at the checkpoint in 2014 owing of heavy overcrowding.4. TARQUMIA CHECKPOINT
In the southern occupied West Bank, near the Palestinian town of Hebron. Every day, between 7,000 and 8,000 Palestinian laborers pass through the Tarqumiya crossing. Three individuals were killed in 1998 when Israeli soldiers at the checkpoint opened fire on a bus carrying unarmed Palestinian laborers.5. QALANDIA CHECKPOINT
Between Ramallah and Jerusalem, this is the key crossing point. The crossing accounts for a third of all traffic between the occupied West Bank and Israel due to its placement between two main Palestinian centers of life, making it considerably more busy for laborers. At least 6,000 Palestinian employees cross Qalandia every day, according to estimates.According to the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, at least 55 West Bank towns, home to more than 180,000 people, remain fully separated due to roadblocks, barriers, checkpoints, and other movement restrictions in 2013. All of the main roadways into and out of these areas are still closed, forcing inhabitants to take other routes that are two to five times longer than the main roads.Hundreds of concrete obstacles and checkpoints prevent many people in the Palestinian territories who require medical treatment from reaching medical facilities. These closures have the greatest impact on Palestinian women, particularly pregnant women.Note: Between 2000 to 2005, 67 Palestinian mothers were forced to give birth at ‘Israeli’ military checkpoints. 36 babies died.‘Israeli’ restrictions on Palestinians' freedom of movement hampered their access to health treatment, putting vulnerable communities at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, Palestinian residents of the East Jerusalem neighbourhoods of Kufr Aqab and Shufat Refugee Camp, which are divided from the rest of the city, were particularly affected by a lack of access to hospitals and specialized clinics.Q: What does international law say?
According to the UN Convention on Human Rights, “The right to freedom of movement is a part of human “natural” rights — universal rights granted to any humans as such,” (Section 13) Denial of freedom of movement has ramifications for many other human rights, including dignified earning, health, worship, ownership, and more.
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BREAKDOWNTo enforce the movement restrictions, Israel instituted a permit system that requires all Palestinian residents of the Occupied Territories to obtain a permit in order to enter Israel, East Jerusalem included, for any purpose whatsoever – including work, medical care and family visits. Palestinians must obtain a permit in order to transit through Israel for travel between the West Bank and Gaza Strip. As part of its blockade policy, Israel refuses to issue such permits to residents of Gaza, with rare exceptions.In attempting to obtain these permits, Palestinians face an arbitrary, entirely non-transparent bureaucratic system. Applicants have no way of assessing the chances that their applications will be approved or how soon. Many applications are denied without explanation, with no real avenue for appeal. In addition, permits already granted are easily revoked, also without explanation.Since October 2003, Israel has also been enforced a permit system in the “seam zone” – areas severed from the West Bank by the Separation Barrier, often separating landowners from their land. Under this system, Palestinian farmers must apply for permits to access their own land and renew them repeatedly. Restrictions are imposed on anyone who is not a landowner, and on bringing in farming equipment.Background information:
Initially, after the occupation began, Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip could travel almost entirely freely. Tens of thousands worked in Israel. Palestinians from the West Bank, Gaza and Israel maintained family ties; students from Gaza studied in West Bank universities; and extensive trade took place among Palestinians, no matter where they lived.In January 1991, during the Gulf War, Israel changed its policy, introducing a demand that any Palestinian wishing to enter Israel or East Jerusalem, including for the purpose of travel between the West Bank and Gaza, must obtain a personal permit from Israel. This policy split the Occupied Territories into three separate areas – the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza – leaving travel between them entirely dependent on Israel’s approval.The impact of this policy change was not immediately apparent. In the first few months, a great many permits were issued and for relatively long durations. As a rule, most Palestinians were still able to routinely enter Israel or travel between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. However, Israel gradually reduced the number of permits issued and they became harder and harder to obtain, until, in March 1993, after Palestinians from the Occupied Territories killed nine Israeli civilians and six members of the Israeli security forces, Israel imposed full closure “until further notice”.To enforce the closure, Israel installed checkpoints along the Green Line (the boundary between Israel’s sovereign territory and the West Bank), between East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank, and on the Gaza border, and required Palestinians wishing to cross them to obtain a permit. These permits are canceled every time the military imposes a “complete closure” on the Occupied Territories, such as on Jewish holidays. The military often revokes Israeli entry permits after attacks, too – sometimes for all Palestinians in the West Bank, sometimes for residents of the attacker’s community, and sometimes, only for his or her family members.Over the course of the second intifada, Israel imposed severe restrictions on Palestinian movement even inside the Occupied Territories. In the West Bank, it installed dozens of checkpoints and hundreds of physical obstacles – such as dirt mounds, concrete blocks and ditches – and also began building the Separation Barrier. Some of these obstacles have been removed and others have become permanent checkpoints, but altogether they formed the most extensive, longest-lasting restrictions on Palestinian movement since the beginning of the occupation, disrupting the daily lives of all residents.Israel put up checkpoints inside the Gaza Strip as well, dividing it into three separate areas. In 2005, it implemented the Disengagement Plan, withdrawing its permanent military presence from Gaza, which made travel there free again. In June 2007, after Hamas took power, Israel imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip – a policy still in effect today – prohibiting, with rare exceptions, entry and exit.The ID system controls everything from movement to family unification. Palestinians and israelis are given two different colored IDs, Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip carry green ID cards while Palestinians and israeli citizens living under East Jerusalem carry blue ID cards. Blue IDs have a different number system, Palestinian of East Jerusalem are given a separate blue identification card that identifies if they are arab or not. (although under international law East Jerusalem belongs to Palestinians, however, israel continuously annexes it and controls who goes in and out).
FOUNDATIONAL VIOLENCEQ: What is settler colonialism?
Settler colonialism is a form of colonialism in which foreign settlers arrive in the country with the intent of taking it over, and expelling the indigenous population in order to replace them.Zionists intended to displace the local population, not integrate into it — choosing to come as settlers, not immigrants. Thus, making their arrival an invasion. A "logic of elimination", which Patrick Wolfe suggests, is inherent in all settler colonial projects, the indigenous population disappears through displacement, marginalization, assimilation, or outright genocide.The success of establishing a Jewish state depended on the expelling and genocide of the indigenous Palestinian people. The destruction of the society in Palestine was a planned sequence and was well-documented by fellow leaders of the Zionist movement.Yosef Weitz, the prime mover behind the first and second Transfer Committees and head of the Jewish National Fund's Land Settlement Department, strongly advocated for the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people: "it must be clear that there is no room for both peoples together in this country ... there is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here to neighboring countries, to transfer all of them: Not one village, not one tribe, should be left."Constructing the narrative:
In the early years of their enterprise for Western support, Zionists propagated in the West the racist myth of 'a land without a people for a people without a land', a statement popularized by Israel Zangwill, (one of the original organizers of the Zionist movement in Britain) intending to conceal the victims of their future colonization by dehumanizing Palestinians and downgrading their achievements in the land.Zangwill did not mean this in a literal sense; rather, he meant that there were no people (Palestinians) worthy of considering in the context of the racist European supremacy that dominated at the time.A comment by Weizmann to Arthur Ruppin, the head of the colonisation department of the Jewish Agency, is particularly revealing When asked by Ruppin about the indigenous Palestinian Arabs, Weizmann replied: "The British told us that there are some hundred thousand n’’’’’rs and for those there is no value."Palestinian Arabs made up the vast majority of the population of Palestine. Lord Balfour, foreign secretary who issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917, was well aware of this. On August 11, 1919, he openly revealed his imperialist sentiments in the following letter: "Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land".In order to appeal to Western audiences, Zionist officials not only denied the existence of Palestine's inhabitants, but also portrayed the Arabs as something that could be managed and controlled in certain ways.The Zionists’ needed to convince the world that their scheme victimized no one, During Theodore Herzl’s visit to Palestine in 1898, he admitted to lying for the purpose of the ideation of Palestine as empty to ensure the establishment for their jewish state.Golda Meir, 'israel’s' prime minister at the time, claimed “It was not as though there was a Palestinian people in Palestine considering itself as Palestinian people and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them, ... They did not exist.“Zionism has rationalized the denial of present reality in Palestine with some argument about a "higher", better, more worthy, more modern, more fitting interest. These "higher" things entitle their proponents not only to claim that the natives of Palestine are not worth considering and therefore nonexistent; they also feel entitled to claim that the natives of Palestine, and Palestine itself, have been superseded definitively, transformed completely and beyond recall.Among the many examples of this expressed and demonstrated superiority is the Balfour Declaration.The British mandate over Palestine:
While Palestine was neo-colonized by the British after WWI, they held the area to allow zionists to immigrate until their colonization fully took place in 1948. This was agreed upon in 1917 when the national home policy was made official by the Balfour Declaration.The Balfour Declaration spoke of a commitment to establishing a Jewish national home in Palestine and made the Arabs who constituted more than 90% of the population at the time inconsequential by calling them the "non-Jewish communities" This doctrinal annihilation of the Palestinian people was reinforced by a system of colonial government that belittled the Palestinian people demographically, economically, and culturally, in effect making them aliens in their own homeland.The British Mandate for Palestine (1922-48) required the mandatory power not only to facilitate Jewish immigration and the transfer of land, but also to place "the country under such political, administrative, and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home." Article 4 of the mandate authorized a Jewish Agency to share in the administration of the country. Demographically, Jewish immigration, imposed against the explicit opposition of the indigenous community by a foreign colonial power, increased the ratio of alien settlers from one in ten in 1918 to one in two in 1947.In 1948, the Zionists took advantage of the ethnic cleansing and completed the process, thus achieving their long-standing aim of creating a Jewish majority in the country.The very existence of "Israel" was built by violence and can only be maintained by violence.
FOUNDATIONAL VIOLENCEToday, there are 1.7 million Palestinians who remained inside the armistice lines after 1948. Making Palestinians to be 20% of ‘Israel's’ population. Although Palestinians of the 48’ territories have ‘Israeli’ citizenship that doesn’t quite mean they’re treated the same. In fact, they are established as second class citizens. There are currently 65+ discriminatory laws towards Palestinians of 48’. The mistreatment of Palestinians is supported and enforced by society and its institutions thus making their oppression institutionalized.The Association for Civil Rights in ‘Israel’, an ‘Israeli’ human rights organization, has documented "entrenched discrimination and socioeconomic differences in land, urban planning, housing. infrastructure, economic development, and education."‘Israeli’ government resources are disproportionately directed to Jews and not to Arabs, one factor in causing the Palestinians of ‘Israel’ to suffer the lowest living standards in ‘Israeli’ society by all socio-economic indicators.Even in Jerusalem, 90% of Jerusalem's city budget is directed towards Jewish ‘Israeli’ neighbourhoods Only 10% is directed toward Palestinian neighbourhoods, home to 37% of the population.Palestinian towns in ‘Israel’ suffer the highest crime rates, In 2019, there were 138 murder cases throughout the state of ‘Israel’. Out of those, 93 were Palestinian citizens of ‘Israel’, keep in mind that they are only 20 percent of ‘Israeli’ citizens. The police refrain from intervening in crimes when the victims are Palestinian, for example When Muna Khalil told ‘Israeli’ police in Haifa that she knew who murdered her 28-year-old son, police claimed there was insufficient evidence and did nothing. Palestinians have held protests and went on strike targeting the structural inequality between Palestinians and ‘Israelis’. The community’s dissatisfaction is a result of insufficient everyday policing combined with the over-policing of political demonstrations.Government funding for Arab schools is far below that of Jewish schools. According to data published in 2004, the government provides three times as much funding to Jewish students than it does to Arab students. Human Rights Watch has compiled an extensive study of ‘Israel's’ policy of "separate, not equal" schools for Palestinian children, finding that "Government-run Arab schools are a world apart from government-run Jewish schools." The Follow-Up Committee for Arab Education notes that the ‘Israeli’ government spends an average of $192 per year on each Arab student compared to $1,100 per Jewish student. which are then unequally administered.Palestinian citizens of ‘Israel’ face significant legal obstacles in gaining access to land for agriculture, residence, or commercial development, for example, 93% of the land in ‘Israel’ is owned either by the state or by governmental agencies, such as the Jewish National Fund which does not sell land to non-jews.More than seventy Palestinian villages and communities in ‘Israel’, some of which pre-date the establishment of the state, are unrecognized by the government, receive no services, and are not even listed on official maps. Many other towns with a majority Palestinian population lack basic services and receive significantly less government funding than do majority-Jewish towns. Since Israel's founding in 1948, more than 600 Jewish municipalities have been established, while not a single new Arab town or community has been recognized by the state.Even Palestinian freedom of speech has been severely restricted, with political related postings often resulting in detention, interrogation, or harassment. The "Nakba Bill'' bans state funding for groups and communities that honor the tragedy of the Nakba for Palestinians during israel's creation in 1948. In 2011 the Knesset passed a law prohibiting anyone from calling for a boycott of Israel, its institutions, or any person because of their affiliation with israel, including the settlements in the occupied territories. The law creates a private right of action for persons targeted by a boycott to sue for damages. As ‘Israeli’ writer Noam Sheizaf puts it: "You can boycott anything in israel except the occupation." This law is aimed at Palestinians who are supportive of the BDS movement-while it allows people like Avigdor Lieberman to call for a boycott of Arab owned businesses with impunity.- 1950 Absentee Property Law: This law defines people who were expelled or fled the country after November 29, 1947 as "absentee." Property belonging to "absentees" was placed under the control of the State of ‘Israel’ with the Custodian for Absentees' Property. The Absentee Property Law was the main legal instrument used by ‘Israel’ to take possession of the land belonging to the internal and external Palestinian refugees, as well as Muslim Waqf properties across the state. This law continues to be used to this day by quasi- governmental agencies in ‘Israel’ to take over Palestinian properties, such as in East Jerusalem, where homes built for Palestinian refugees by the Jordanian government are regularly seized, with the belongings of the inhabitants still inside the homes, to provide homes for Jewish settlers in attempts to change the demographics of East Jerusalem and force full ‘Israeli’ control in any potential peace proposal.- 1950 Law of Return: This allows every Jewish person to immigrate to ‘Israel’ and this extends to the children and grandchildren of Jewish people, as well as their spouses, and the spouses of their children and grandchildren.The flip side of this is that the rights of Palestinians and others to enter the state and become citizens, even if they were born in the area that is now the State of ‘Israel’ and were expelled, is non existent.This discrimination against the non-Jewish minority has been periodically reinforced. For example, the ban on family unification law of 2003 prohibits citizens of ‘Israel’ from reuniting with Palestinian spouses living in the West Bank or Gaza. The reason the Law of Return is not extended to Palestinians is due to the opposition of the increase in demographic changes due to Palestinians by ‘Israelis’. If people are allowed to return to their homes, this would increase the percentage of Palestinians in ‘Israel’, and would force the choice to be made by the ‘Israeli’ government on whether ‘Israel’ would retain its Jewish character, strip the right to vote from Palestinian citizens of ‘Israel’, or forcibly expel Palestinians from ‘Israel’.- The Land Acquisition Law of 1953 transferred the land of 349 Arab towns and villages- approximately 1.2 million dunams in all (468 square miles)-to the state to be used preferentially for the Jewish majority. These lands were belonging to those expelled by israel in the 1948 ethnic cleansing- The British Mandate-era Land Ordinance law allows the Finance Minister to confiscate land for "public purposes.” The state has used this law extensively to confiscate Palestinian land in ‘Israel’. A new amendment adopted in February 2010, confirms state ownership of land confiscated under this law, even where it has not been used to serve the original confiscation purpose. The amendment was designed to prevent Arab citizens from submitting lawsuits to reclaim confiscated land.According to the 2009 US State Department International Religious Freedom Report, “Many of the national and municipal policies in Jerusalem were designed to limit or diminish the non-Jewish population of Jerusalem.” In the Spring of 2011, Jerusalem city councilman Yakir Segev stated: “We will not allow residents of the eastern [occupied Palestinian] part of the city to build as much as they need... At the end of the day, however politically incorrect it may be to say, we will also look at the demographic situation in Jerusalem to make sure that in another 20 years we don't wake up in an Arab city.”Today, there is a virtual caste system with ‘Israeli’ Jews at the top and Muslim and Christian Palestinians in the occupied territories at the bottom. In between are Palestinians with ‘Israeli’ citizenship and Palestinian residents of occupied East Jerusalem.
How ‘Israel’ practices aparthied:Firstly, let’s establish the meaning of apartheid.The 1998 Rome Statute to the International Criminal Court and 1973 International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid define apartheid as a crime against humanity consisting of three main elements:…………(1.) An intent to maintain domination by one
…………racial group over another.
…………(2.) A context of systematic oppression by one
…………racial group over another.
…………(3.) Inhumane acts.There are several laws that define ‘Israel’ as the nation state of the Jewish people, and that the Jewish people alone have the right to self determination in historic Palestine. Under law, The Knesset session must be opened with a reading of portions of ‘Israel's’ declaration of independence that emphasizes the exclusive connection of the state of ‘Israel’ to the Jewish people. Any political party that denies the existence of ‘Israel’ as a Jewish state are banned under law. This mandates that any non- Jewish Palestinian that wishes to represent Palestinians in the Knesset is forced to submit as a second class citizen, and to their own indigenous heritage erased and institutionally unrecognized.In 2010, the knesset approved a bill of segregated housing; allowing ‘Israeli’ towns to reject anyone of an “undesired” identity. It is also important to inform that 75% of ‘Israeli’ jews support segregated housing between jews and arabs. Critics slammed the move as an attempt to allow jewish towns to keep arabs and other non-Jews out.Another form of apartheid is ‘Israeli’-only settlements; that are segregated on ethnicity and nationality, predominately consist of jewish israelis. These settlements are a violation of international law and are built on confiscated Palestinian land in the West Bank. Palestinians are not allowed to live in these settlements and are nowhere allowed to come near them.Throughout the 48’ territories and 60% of the occupied West Bank, jewish ‘Israelis’ are free to live anywhere; except Areas A & B which are controlled by Palestinians; before entering these roads there are big signs that warn ‘Israelis’. Although, Palestinians are given limited areas to live in, Palestinians living in Areas A & B are barred from living in all but 40% of the West Bank, even Palestinian citizens of ‘Israel’ are prohibited from living in 68% of towns in the 48’ territories, and that brings us to Palestinians living in Gaza; which have been forbidden of living out of Gaza since 2007.In the occupied West Bank, there are segregated roads and highways based on ethnicity. There are various roads and highways with more direct routes accessible to Jewish ‘Israelis’, while Palestinians are forced to take longer routes and go through humiliating checkpoints.Licenses plates are another example of apartheid. Palestinians and ‘Israelis’ use different colored license plates in the West Bank. Palestinian vehicles have green and white plates; ‘Israeli’ vehicles have yellow and black plates. This technique makes it easy to see from afar whether a vehicle is carrying Palestinians or ‘Israelis’. The ‘Israeli’ army uses this to monitor which kind of person is using which kind of road, and to determine which cars to pull over. Green and white license plates are not allowed into the 48’ territories although ‘Israelis’ can travel in the west bank with yellow and black license plates.Palestinians in East Jerusalem are not allowed to ride the same buses of ‘Israeli’ jews; this came after many ‘Israelis’ complained that Palestinians are a security risk. Haaretz has in the past reported incidents when Palestinians were taken off of buses, and witnesses at checkpoints say that such incidents are ongoing.Ofra Yeshua-Lyth, a member of a female advocacy group monitoring West Bank checkpoints, filed a report stating:"Police officer Advanced Staff Sergeant Major Shai Zecharia stops the bus at the bus stop. Soldiers order all the Palestinians off the bus. The first thing they do is collect all their identity cards as they get off. One by one, the Palestinians are told to go away from the bus stop and walk to the Azzun Atma checkpoint, which is about 2.5 kilometers away from the Shaar Shomron interchange. All of them responded with restraint and sadness, at most asking why. Here and there they received answers such as, ‘You’re not allowed on Highway 5’ and ‘You’re not allowed on public transportation.’ Advanced Staff Sergeant Major Zecharia gave some vital information to one of the older Palestinians who had arrived there, telling him: You should ride in special vans, not on israeli buses.”In the 48’ territories, Palestinian and Jewish students, from elementary to high school, learn in separate institutions. In that light, in ‘Israel’, Palestinian children receive an education that is inferior in nearly every respect when compared with that for Jewish children.
_South Africa and ‘Israel’:
When examining apartheid in South Africa it is often noticeable that ‘Israel’ shares the same foundation; such as,1. Land expropriation
- Natives land act, law designed to outlaw black land ownership and segregate 'population groups' by race, (1913)
- Absentee property law, law bringing the land of displaced Palestinians under ‘Israeli’ state control for the benefit of Jewish-only settlements, (1950)2. Racial classification
- Pass laws act, required all black people in South Africa over the age of 16 to carry a 'pass book' while in white areas, (1952).
- Identity card act, requires all people in ‘Israel’, West Bank, and Gaza over the age of 16 to carry an ‘Israeli’ issued ID card which can be used to identify ethnicity, (1982).3. Mass displacement
- 3.5 million Black South Africans removed from their homes in order to establish residential segregation.
- Over 1.1million Palestinians displaced during Al Nakba and Al Naksa, 7 million Palestinians displaced today.4. Violent repression
- Sharpeville massacre, 69 unarmed South Africans killed during peaceful protests against racist 'pass laws' ID system, (1960).
- Great return march, 42 unarmed Palestinians killed in Gaza in one day during peaceful protests calling for the end to ‘Israeli’ siege and return of refugees, (2018).5. Token independence
- South African bantustants, apartheid government defined ten fragmented black 'homelands' (1970-1981)
- Palestinian authority, Palestinian authority set up in coordination with ‘Israel’ to govern disconnected fragments of the West Bank and Gaza, (1995-present)
FOUNDATIONAL VIOLENCEAmong the heavy reoccurrence of murdering indigenous Palestinians, 'Israel' has established a pattern of impunity, which ensures that 'Israeli' soldiers and illegal settlers who assassinate Palestinians routinely go unpunished. The legal system in 'Israel' has been biased against 'Israelis' since the colonial state's inception. In reality, the vast majority of crimes against Palestinians go unpunished. For those that do, sentences are frequently lenient.Let's examine a few examples from both perspectives.Three cases are cited on both sides to demonstrate the power dynamic and bias that exists in 'Israels' court system. Major offenses are included in 'Israeli' proceedings, while lesser ones are included in Palestinian cases. This helps identify the division of the system based on identity, which is a factor of aparthied, and shows a representation of Palestinians serving considerably lengthier sentences for minor offenses while many 'Israelis' are allowed off the hook for major transgressions.'Israeli' cases:
1. An ‘Israeli’ army officier, identified as “Captain R”, who fired the entire magazine of his automatic rifle into a 13 year old Palestinian girl, iman al-hams, and claimed he would've done the same thing even if she was 3 years old was acquitted on all charges by a military court. The military court cleared the soldier of illegal use of his weapon, conduct unbecoming an officer and perverting the course of justice by asking soldiers under his command to alter their accounts of the incident. The army's official account said that Iman was shot for crossing into a security zone carrying her school bag which soldiers “feared might contain a bomb”. In the recording, a soldier in a watchtower radioed a colleague in the army post's operations room and described Iman as "a little girl" who was "scared to death". After soldiers first opened fire, she dropped her schoolbag which was then hit by several bullets establishing that it did not contain explosives. At that point she was no longer carrying the bag and was heading away from the army post when she was shot. At no point did the ‘Israeli’ troops come under attack. Capt R claimed that he had not fired the shots at the girl but near her. However, Dr Mohammed al-Hams, who inspected the child's body at Rafah hospital, counted numerous wounds. "She has at least 17 bullets in several parts of the body, all along the chest, hands, arms, legs," reported to The Guardian, "The bullets were large and shot from a close distance. The most serious injuries were to her head. She had three bullets in the head. One bullet was shot from the right side of the face beside the ear. It had a big impact on the whole face."2. Meir Ettinger, 20, led the arson attack on the Dawabsheh home in the village of Duma along with other ‘Israeli’ settlers who burned 18-month-old Ali Dawabsha to death, and parents who both later died of their burns at a hospital. four-year-old Ahmad, who was burned over 60% of his body and spent months in the hospital survived the attack. Ettinger was released without charge after only staying 10 MONTHS in administrative detention. He was thought to be linked to two other arson attacks in the west bank. Another perpetrator, who was unnamed since he’s a minor, was also found guilty of attempted murder, but was acquitted of belonging to a terrorist organisation. ‘Israeli’ media reported that he confessed to the crime three times. the Central District Court in Lod approved a plea deal between the settler's lawyers and the state prosecutor's office under which he was cleared of the murder conspiracy charges. As part of the plea bargain, he pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit a crime motivated by racism. Under the deal, the settler would not serve more than five years in prison in connection with the murder. The indictment was modified to specify the crime as arson and not murder, as had originally been the case. In July, The Lod District Court released the settler to house arrest, less than two months after it threw out several of his confessions because they were allegedly extracted under “extreme duress” by interrogators of the Shin Bet security service. Today, multiple ‘Israeli’ Settlers Taunt the Family of the Palestinian Toddler that was Murdered by surrounding their home and yelling ‘Ali is On the Grill’ Around 20 police officers reportedly stood by watching the hate chants, without intervening.3. Recently, a policeman who shot a disabled Palestinian man, Eyad Hallaq, 32, near a special needs school in Jerusalem’s Old City, where he used to work was released by ‘Israeli’ occupation authorities and placed him under house arrest. Hallaq passed the police post every day for 6 years. He carried a certificate stating in Hebrew and Arabic that he was a person of special needs. the day of his murder The police officers began screaming “terrorist” and hallaq became scared and ran to hide behind a trash can. The caregiver began shouting “He’s disabled, disabled! Wait a moment, take his ID card, check his ID.” Police fired three shots at him and prevented ambulances from administering first aid. Hallaq’s mother said that he was autistic and did not understand the orders of the ‘Israeli’ policemen. His cousin said: “He didn’t know what a soldier is or what a weapon is. He saw a stranger and fled, and then they shot him.”Palestinian cases:
1. Muhammed Shanak, a university student, served 3 months in jail for throwing rocks at israeli police officers.2. Ahed tamimi, a 17 year old Palestinian girl served 8 months and was fined 5000 shekels for slapping and kicking two soldiers. Ahed Tamimi told a pre-trial hearing that she had lashed out at the soldiers because she had seen them shoot her 15-year-old cousin Mohammed in the head with a rubber bullet that same day. Nariman Tamimi, and Ahed’s cousin Nour Tamimi, who were also arrested, were charged with “incitement on social media” and sentenced to 8 months in prison and a fine of 6000 shekels and 16 days in prison and a fine of 2000 shekels.3. Seven boys from east Jerusalem who were sentenced in March of 2017 for throwing stones at cars. Saleh Ashraf Ishtayya, 16: three years and three months in prison, Muhammad Ahmad Jaber, 14: three years in prison, Murad Raed Alqam, 14: three years in prison, Muhammad Na’el Tayeh, 17: two years and four months in prison, Zaid Ayed al-Taweel, 16: two years and four months in prison. Omar Rani Yaseen,14-year-old, received a one-year sentence, and Yazan Hani Ayoub, whose age was not given, was given one year and two months in prison.Note: Under 'Israeli' law, Palestinian rock throwers could face 10 years in prison, and up to 20 years if it is determined that they intended to seriously harm the occupants in a vehicle.
FOUNDATIONAL VIOLENCEDehumanization comprises beyond simply genocide, slaughter, ethnic cleansing, torture, siege, displacement, humiliation, and likewise. It is composed of the denial of humanity towards its victims and their existence, debating whether Palestinians exist or are “deserving” of basic human rights or even freedom is the basis of dehumanization."What seems to distinguish the Palestinian case is the sophistication, duration, and outside support of the effort to deny the very existence and humanity of the people in order to justify the crimes of the Israeli government."A few examples:
…………• During the rebellions in regards to the invasion
…………of the Al Aqsa compound, ethnic cleansing of Sheikh
…………jarrah, and bombardment of the Gaza Strip “israeli”
…………soldiers released a video captioned "for sale" mocking
…………Palestinians they had arrested, who appeared to be
…………sedated, by saying “2 for $100, 3 for $75"…………• In 2014, about a dozen of illegal ‘israeli’ settlers
…………brought chairs and seats and sat on the hilltop
…………outside the town of Sderot while eating popcorn
…………and cheered on the military while watching them
…………drop bombs on Gaza and clapping everytime they
…………heard blasts.…………• On april 13, 2018 ‘israeli’ soldiers were caught
…………cheering and laughing after shooting a Palestinian
…………protester.Video link…………• An israeli journalist commenting on rockets launched
…………from lebanon: “you don’t have to worry too much, one
…………of the rockets fell on a football stadium in the arab city
…………(occupied palestinian city of shefa - ‘amar)
…………unfortunately, a large number of palestinians there were
…………not killed.”…………• In february 2020, ‘israeli’ occupation forces shot and
…………killed a Palestinian man at the border fence of the Gaza
…………Strip for suspecting him to be placing a bomb, they then
…………used a bulldozer to pull and drag the body in extreme
…………cruelty. Those who tried to grab the Palestinians body
…………were met with israeli fire. Video LinkDehumanization of Palestinian men:
When it comes to Palestine, we frequently witness news headlines about the murder of innocent women and children, but rarely observe Palestinian men slaughtered being referred to as innocent. That is because the 'Israeli' media has dehumanized Palestinian men to the extent that the general public can not fathom the idea of a Palestinian man outside the realm of terrorism. This racist stereotype has been so deeply embedded in the public consciousness that when a Palestinian man is killed, they presupposition that his killing was justified.A prime example of this was the killing of Ahmed Erakat, On June 23, 2020, 26-year-old Ahmed Erakat was driving through the occupied West Bank to complete errands on his sister’s wedding day, upon arriving at checkpoint "Container" his car crashed into one of the booths at the checkpoint. Ahmed exited his car and was shot 6 times, 3 while on the floor, and left to bleed out on the ground. 'Israeli' police denied medical attention to Ahmed.'Israeli' police claimed that Erakat sped up when arriving the checkpoint and rammed his car in a "terror attack" and began approaching the soldiers, however, video evidence showed Ahmed exiting his vehicle in the occupied West Bank and backing away from soldiers, with his hands up, when he was shot. 'Israel' refused to conduct an investigation.A new investigation by London-based rights group Forensic Architecture (FA) found that Ahmed posed no threat to the heavily armed soldiers. Police told the "Times of Israel" that Erekat received medical attention “within minutes”, but FA found that his body was not moved for around 45 minutes after the shooting, and was then covered with a tarpaulin. An 'Israeli' ambulance arrived no more than 10 minutes after the shots were fired, but left half an hour later carrying only the lightly wounded 'Israeli' soldier, according to FA. A Palestinian ambulance that arrived around 20 minutes after the incident was denied access to the scene.The IOF detained Erakat's body and refused the release of it. He is one of 70 other martyred Palestinians that have not been released for a proper burial.The 'Israeli' police killed Ahmed by already creating the presupposition that he was a terrorist when in reality, it was found that Ahmed's car had malfunctioned and caused the crash. Ahmed was an INNOCENT Palestinian man.This dangerous language only undermines our men. The longer this language is used, the more we feed into the occupation's narrative. Palestinian men are also innocent. They are occupied. They are killed. They are tortured. They are incarcerated. Every Palestinian father, brother, uncle, cousin, friend, etc deserves to be a part of the conversation regarding Palestinian freedom.By changing our language we are able to change the status quo and inspire people to support the liberation of ALL oppressed Palestinians. Including our Men.Investigation report and video: The Extrajudicial Execution of Ahmad Erekat
Eye-witness video: Video Link
COLONIAL VIOLENCEPalestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza have been prohibited by 'Israel' to enter the occupied East Jerusalem without a "hard to-acquire permit". Subsequently, many Christian and Muslim Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza are kept from getting to their holy sites in Jerusalem's Old City, which contains the absolute holiest sites in Christianity and Islam.The US State Department International Religious Freedom Report 2009 noted, "While well-known religious sites have de facto protection as a result of their international importance, many Muslim and Christian sites are neglected, inaccessible, or threatened by property developers and municipalities."Today the Muslim population in Palestine makes up about 86% of the West Bank and 98% of the Gaza Strip while Palestine’s Christian population is around 47,000 Christians, with the vast majority - close to 98 per cent - situated in the West Bank. Gaza's dwindling Christian population amounts to just over 2 per cent of the entire Palestinian Christian community.The Palestinian Christian community, the oldest Christian community in the world, has diminished significantly by moving elsewhere due to the pressure of the 'Israeli' occupation.Targeting of Palestinian Christians:
- In 2018, 'Israeli' soldiers attacked Palestinian Christians that participated in a traditional Palm Sunday procession in Jerusalem. The IOF banned any marching Palestinian Christian from raising the flag of Palestine while allowing Christians of other countries to raise their flags. Ibrahim Salah riding his donkey was the first to be violently knocked down and arrested. The next was an American girl, then some Palestinians. All were violently wrestled to the ground when many were just peacefully walking back to the gates.- In 2018, 'Israel' had barred hundreds of Palestinian Christians in Gaza from praying at the Church of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem to celebrate Easter.- On July 24, 2020, the 'Israeli' army raided the city of tuqu’, south east of Bethlehem city, and stole a baptism fountain dating back to 5th - 6th century A.D. The NGO spoke out against this act claiming “Israel continues to use its position as the administrator of archeological sites in the West Bank as a means to deepen its controls ... to expand the settlement enterprise and extend the policy of dispossession of Palestinians from their land and cultural assets”.- During Easter celebrations on May 2, 2021 'Israeli' occupation forces attacked Palestinian Christians and denied them entrance to The Church of Holy Sepulcher.
…………Video Link , Video Link , Video Link- In occupied East Jerusalem, Christian clergy face harassment from ultra-Orthodox Jews in the Old City. Ultra-Orthodox Jews were cursing and spitting at Christian clergy in the streets of the Old City "as a matter of routine." The chief secretary of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate explained: "It happens a lot. You walk down the street and suddenly they spit at you for no reason." A student at the city's Armenian Seminary complained that he was subjected to insults and spitting from ultra-Orthodox men on a daily basis, stating: "When I see an ultra-Orthodox man coming toward me in the street, I always ask myself if he will spit at me." Spitting incidents were so prevalent that some priests had stopped visiting certain parts of the Old City.- In recent years, the number of hate crimes against Palestinians and their holy sites carried out by Jewish extremists has risen significantly. Often, these assaults are termed "price tag" attacks, referring to acts carried out by radical settlers in response to 'Israeli' government actions or plans that displease them. Over the past year of 2020, there have been 14 attacks against property belonging to the Catholic Church reported.Targeting of Palestinian Muslims:
- On February 28, 2022, Muslim Palestinians in Jerusalem gathered to celebrate a holy day known as Isra' wal ma'raj. Around 90,000 Palestinians travelled to Jerusalem to watch the celebration, as more Palestinians began to show up 'Israeli' soldiers began to assault Palestinians in Bab al Amoud. Palestinian child, Iman Kiswani, was grabbed by 3 'Israeli' soldiers and slapped and kicked. During the aggression, 'Israeli' police threw a stun grenade at a disabled Palestinian child's face, Munawar Burqan, which sent her to the hospital leaving her with a broken jaw and deep wounds to her face. 'Israeli' police and soldiers used stun grenades, and sunk water to disperse the crowd. 2 Palestinians were arrested and 37 were reported to be injured.
…………Video Link, Video Link, Video Link, Video Link
…………Video Link, Video Link, Video Link, Video Link,
…………Video Link, Video Link,- Bab al Amoud uprising; Since the beginning of Ramadan of 2021, 'Israeli' police have been consistently targeting Muslim worshippers in Jerusalem in the holy month of Ramadan. 'Israeli' police have targeted Palestinians by assaulting them, throwing tear gas canisters and sound grenades, spraying them with skunk water and detaining Palestinian men, women, and even children. They also imposed restrictions at the Damascus Gate by placing metal barriers, which Palestinian youth were able to remove and celebrate their victory in pushing out occupation forces. While 'Israeli' police continued their assault on Palestinians, 'Israeli' settlers had taken to the streets in Jerusalem chanting “death to Arabs” and attacking Palestinians in their homes and streets. Police have not intervened to arrest settlers however have remained focused on detaining Palestinians.
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…………Video Link , Video Link , Video Link- In 2016-17 a law in the 'Israeli' Knesset, “muezzin bill”, aimed to ban Muslim call to prayer claiming its a 'noise pollution'. The authorities said the call to prayer has “disturbed Jews living in the surrounding area of the mosque.” 'Israeli' law to ban Muslim call to prayer is part of a series of measures and laws that aim to change the cultural and religious character of Palestine by removing Islamic and Christian symbols and replacing them with Jewish ones. The law has stirred outrage across the region. Palestinian churches have responded to the 'Israeli' plan by reciting the Muslim call to prayer using the loudspeakers of churches. Palestinians took to the roofs of their houses reciting the call to prayer. Protests were organized and hackers took control of an 'Israeli' news channel to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer in protest against the controversial bill and football fans in Jordan have recited the call to prayer in refusal of the 'Israeli' law, which they call racist.- On May 7, 2021, during the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, 'Israeli' forces terrorized thousands of Palestinian worshippers, unleashing tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades inside Al Aqsa Mosque. Over 200 Palestinians were injured, including 88 who were hospitalized. one Palestinian lost an eye due to a rubber bullet. Palestinians stayed at Al Aqsa after prayers to protest against 'Israeli' plans to ethnically cleanse Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and were met with heavy force from occupational forces. 'Israeli' police also targeted journalists and medics and threw sound grenades into a clinic that was providing care for the wounded. With the ethnic cleansing of Sheikh Jarrah, invasion of Al Aqsa mosque and Bombardment of Gaza, Palestinians in the West Bank and 48’ territories took part in protests for two weeks against the 'Israeli' aggression. Many Jewish 'Israelis' participated in riots, lynching and violence against Palestinians - much under the direct protection of 'Israeli' forces - however they have not faced any punishment. Palestinians gathered at the Al Aqsa Mosque compound taking an oath to protect the Mosque, may of which gathered in the morning to preform prayers, and once again the occupation forces stormed in.
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…………Video Link, Video Link , Video Link , Video Link- On August 11 2019, 'Israeli' police attacked Muslim worshippers in Jerusalem with rubber bullets and tear gas on the first day of the Eid al-Adha holiday, 61 Palestinians were wounded with 15 taken to hospitals according to the Red Crescent, while 'Israel's' Kan public radio reported that four police officers were injured. Attacks on Muslim worshippers are common and not a surprise, Every Eid-Al Adha and Eid Al-Fitr celebration Palestinians experience attacks from 'israeli' forces.
…………Video Link , Video Link- One of the bloodiest events at the Al Aqsa Mosque occurred on October 8, 1990. During the third year of the first intifada, Jewish extremist group called the "Temple Mount Faithful" attempted to place a cornerstone for the Third Temple. Palestinians were outraged and demonstrated within the compound against the decision. ‘Israeli’ police stormed the compound and responded with tear gas, until reinforcements arrived, opened fire, in return, Palestinians began throwing rocks. Calls were made from the Al Aqsa Mosque warning the Palestinian people and calling for help. The soldiers in the square prevented evacuation of victims only after 6 hours of the massacre. 21 Palestinians were martyred, more than 200 wounded, 270 arrested.- Palestinian men, known as musaharati, who chant and beat drums to wake up Muslims for “suhoor” meal ahead of the daily dawn-to-dusk fast during the holy month of Ramadan in Jerusalem’s Old City are being unfairly targeted by 'Israeli' police over their early-morning tradition. They have been arrested and fined for taking part of Palestinian heritage. “They claim that we disturb them, but that’s not true. They want to erase something called Palestinian Jerusalemite heritage,” said Mohamed Hagej In previous years, Hagej said he had no trouble with the police but in 2018, he says he has been arrested four times, and claims that at one point, 'Israeli' police used tear gas on him and another musaharati.- 'Israeli' forces in Jerusalem assaulted and detained a number of Palestinians after performing Isha and Taraweeh prayers during the holy fasting month of Ramadan. Video Link- 'Israel' violated the sanctity of Al-Aqsa and Ibrahimi Mosques 75 times in July of 2019. The occupation forces also raided the Muslim prayer area next to Al-Rahma Gate several times in July, removed everything inside it and arrested or expelled worshippers. It was also noted that they banned the call to prayer at Ibrahimi Mosque on 46 occasions during the month and in 2020, 'Israel' blocked the adhan 599 times. Furthermore, 3,500 'Israeli' Jewish settlers raided Joseph’s Tomb in occupied Nablus under heavy military guard in order to perform Talmudic rituals.- Al-Ahmar Mosque, a historic mosque was converted into a bar and event hall by the 'Israeli' municipality in Safed. one of the most historical mosques in the Arab city, which was occupied by the Jewish gangs in 1948, was first turned into a Jewish school, then into a centre for Likud’s elections campaigns and then into a clothes warehouse before finally being converted into a nightclub. Safed was once home to 12,000 Palestinians who were forced out of their homes in 1948. Tabari said that the mosque is now open for use for everything except prayers by Muslims.- 'Israel' also targets muslims by threatening to destroy the holy dome of the rock along with Al-Qibli mosque in the Al-Aqsa compound. 'Israeli' machinery has been tirelessly digging for years, attempting to locate a lost temple, while threatening the foundation of Islam’s third holiest site. Excavations underneath the Jerusalem Noble Sanctuary are targeting the historical and cultural character of the holy city through works of clearing and demolishing the ancient Umayyad palaces and canals at the site. Temple Institute head Yisrael Ariel, called for the destruction of churches and mosques and the mass slaughter of those who refuse to accept his extreme version of Judaism. Michael Ben-Ari, Yehiel Hilik Bar, Yitzhak Aharonovitch, Danny Danon, Gilad Erdan, Uri Ariel, Ayelet Shaked, Miri Regev, Yuli Edelstein, Oren Hazan, Zeev Elkin, Tzipi Hotovely, Eli Ben-Dahan and many more 'Israeli' leaders support and funded organizations to destroy al-Aqsa in order to rebuild a jewish temple.- 'Israeli' settlers, accompanied by occupation forces, often storm into Al-Aqsa compounds to perform Jewish prayers within the mosque and provoke Muslim worshippers, leading to confrontations. Many situations like this end with Palestinians restricted from prayer or arrested.- Palestinian mosques are burned deliberately by Zionist extremists, making mosques up to be more than half of hate crimes carried out. Since 2010, more than 30 Palestinian religious buildings, including churches, monasteries, and mosques, have been vandalized with threatening racist graffiti and/or subject to arson attacks and spray-painted with racist remarks.- In 2018, Jewish settlers assaulted several Palestinian citizens and created loud noises at the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Old City of al-Khalil in the occupied West Bank. Local sources told a reporter for the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) that dozens of settlers placed loudspeakers in the Ibrahimi Mosque’s courtyards and embarked on dancing and singing. Citizens identified as Ya’qoub Abu JChristians and Muslims in Jerusalem describe life under Israeli occupation
From imprisonment to assassination, Journalists are a common target of the 'Israeli' colonial state to eliminate key witnesses of its crimes. The targeting of Journalists is a war crime and is completely prohibited under international law.In 2019, the UN human rights council reported "that Israeli snipers shot journalists intentionally." Since the year 2000, more than 50 Palestinian journalists have been killed by 'Israel'. Among them is Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian journalist murdered on May 11, 2022. During her fatal shooting, Shireen was covering a military raid by zionist occupation forces on the Jenin refugee camp, Jenin is well known for its heavy resistance against the colonial state, both armed and unarmed. For this reason, the occupation state regularly conducts raids on the camp.Although Shireen was murdered while wearing a visible press vest and helmet, 'Israel' had claimed that she got caught in crossfire between Palestinian resistance fighters and 'Israeli' soldiers, however, according to maps and gps locations published by human rights organizations and B'Tselem's field researcher in Jenin, who documented exact locations of Palestinian fighters and Shireen's killing, found that Shireen was killed in an entirely different area than where fighting had taken place. Journalists who were with Shireen at the time of the killing said they were targeted on purpose.After murdering Shireen, 'Israeli' soldiers raided her home in Jerusalem and attacked family members. During her funeral procession, 'Israeli' soldiers assaulted mourners and pallbearers, ripping Palestinian flags and flowers and almost breaking her casket in the process. Video LinkOmar Abu Khdeir, Palestinian pallbearer witnessed in the video covering his head with one arm to avoid beatings and using his other arm to carry Shireens casket, has been arrested by 'Israeli' police and accused of several charges such as membership in a terrorist organization, providing services to it, and planning terrorist attacks in Jerusalem.'Israels' military order 101 of 197652 prohibits various demonstrations, protests, and gatherings which are offensive to the political interests of 'Israel', this order allows the targeting of journalists to prevent political expression.A part of 'Israels' attack on journalists is the deportation of TIPH members. TIPH, The Temporary International Presence in Hebron, is a mission of 64 legal experts and public monitors from Denmark, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey that was established in 1994 in the aftermath of the Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre in Al Khalil, Hebron. The mission began operations in 1997, following the signing of the Hebron Protocol, which involved the partial relocation of 'Israeli' soldiers in Al-Khalil and the split of the city into parts under Palestinian and 'Israeli' administration. It had a two-year mandate that was renewed twice a year.TIPH was the only mission documenting in Palestine for 22 years. Its members were given access to all sections of Hebron, including settlement areas. TIPH members provided information to the occupation, the Palestinian Authority (PA), and their respective governments. They recorded 'Israeli' brutality and even provided relief to the city's residents. While performing their duty, these delegates were assaulted by Israeli soldiers. As part of a campaign to extend settlement activities in Al Khalil, the occupation denied the renewal of TIPH's mandate in 2019 and forced the delegates out; since then, settler hostility has increased, and many other groups have withdrew from the area.Note: Hebron's downtown has become a ghost town during the last decade. 'Israel' has implemented a severe segregationist policy in the West Bank, enforcing it by restricting Palestinian pedestrians and automobiles, closing shops and enterprises, and failing to protect Palestinians from 'Israeli' violence. As a result, many residents have abandoned their homes, and large communities surrounding 'Israeli' settlers' dwellings have been completely vacant. The markets and main avenues of Hebron have become deserted. Those who have not left downtown Hebron are among society's weakest and most disenfranchised citizens. They are constantly confronted by an expanded and more violent presence of 'Israeli' security personnel, as well as settler brutality, because they have no choice but to stay.The year 2014, when 'Israel' carried out an onslaught against Gaza in which more than 2,200 Palestinians were killed, was the bloodiest year for journalists in Palestine. According to the Paris-based Reporters without Borders, 12 journalists including one foreigner were killed by the 'Israeli' army during the event. 'Israeli' occupation forces also later admitted to intentionally targeting the Al-Aqsa network, a Gaza-based television channel known for its links to Hamas.According to the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate, in 2017 alone 'Israel' committed at least 740 violations against Palestinian journalists, in both the West Bank and Gaza. Another report issued by the Journalist Support Committee (JSC), documented 638 instances of 'Israeli' violations against Palestinian journalists since the start 2018.'Israel' has even raided news agencies and confiscated evidence and files, for example, On July 29, 2021, the IOF raided DCIP (Defense for Children International Palestine) headquarters in the central occupied West Bank, at 5 in the morning, confiscating computers, laptops, and client files in 'Israeli' military courts.'Israel' has detained at least 26 Palestinian journalists in the West Bank since the beginning of 2020. Under the vast majority of cases, the journalists were held in administrative detention. According to Saleh al-Masri, the head of the Palestinian Journalist Support Committee, there were ten Palestinian journalists in Israeli prisons as of March 2022 on charges relating to publishing materials online that were deemed "incitement".…………Videos:
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The targeting of medics, medical transports, and establishments is illegal by international humanitarian law and amounts to war crimes. There has been immense evidence of 'Israel' targeting medics including violence against Palestinian health workers, interference with the delivery of healthcare, obstruction of medical transport, and denial of impartial care to wounded civilians.According to a report presented by Safeguarding Health in Conflict, Palestine is the second country to experience the highest number of attacks on healthcare, first being Syria. During the Great Return March, 4 Medics were among those murdered while 845 other medics were injured by 'Israeli' snipers. In the summer of 2014, during the bombardment on Gaza, 'Israel' murdered 23 health workers and destroyed 45 ambulances, 17 hospitals, and 56 healthcare centers.In 2015, a spokesperson for the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PCRS), Erab Fuqaha, claimed since the beginning of October, it had documented 228 attacks against the members of PRCS and its ambulances, during these attacks, 116 emergency medical technicians were wounded and 56 ambulances were destroyed. Erab Fuqaha also added that there were 56 instances where ambulances were hindered and prevented from reaching wounded Palestinians.In 2017, there were 93 attacks carried out against Palestinian health workers, majority of which being 'israeli' forces. On various occasions, 'israeli' forces stormed hospitals and arrested individuals, such as in Ramallah, Hebron, and East Jerusalem. They also interfered with the delivery of healthcare, including emergency medical care.A prevalent example of obstructing medical transport is the prevention or delay of ambulances. Even in emergencies, Palestinian patients are not allowed to enter East Jerusalem in a Palestinian registered ambulance; due to this, medics have to undertake a “back to back” procedure, meaning medics must transfer their patients from one ambulance to another, which may be harmful and even risk the life of the patient.In 2017 PRCS recorded 33 occasions of ‘Israeli’ forces restricting movement of PRCS ambulances to provide care in the West Bank; of those 33 instances, 22 were at 'Israeli' checkpoints; making delays up to 2 hours.On seven occasions PRCS ambulances were prevented from aiding injured Palestinians. PRCS had also documented 22 occurrences of 'israeli' forces becoming violent with members, such as firing bullets and tear gas towards them, therefore caused damage to ambulances on 15 instances.'Israel' has even taken measures to close and demolish covid testing sites. Police had closed down a testing site in East Jerusalem, without explanation, Although Haaretz daily newspaper wrote that the clinic was closed on the grounds that the covid-19 test kits were provided by the Palestinian Authority.'israeli' authorities demolished a Palestinian drive-through coronavirus testing center in the city of Hebron. Raed Maswadeh, a 35-year-old engineer, donated his land for the building of the coronavirus testing center. It was built in the memory of his grandfather, who died recently due to coronavirus, Maswadeh said the project cost his family around $250,000. The idea of the project was to ease pressure on hospitals in Hebron treating Covid-19 patients, which have reached full capacity. The construction had been ongoing for two months, while 'israeli' soldiers patrolled the area. The soldiers watched bulldozers and building equipment enter the site, but said nothing, according to Maswadeh. However, on 12 July, they received a military order to stop the construction, which was handed to them by an 'israeli' army commander.Farid al-Atrash, a 44-year-old human rights lawyer and activist from Hebron, said that the city was suffering from the crisis and urgently needed the facility. If 'israel' can’t kill Palestinians they want the virus to do their job.August 21, 'israeli' police had tear gassed a hospital in East Jerusalem. Police claimed they never fired into the hospital however they were dispersing crowds outside the hospital, although a video shot on the scene clearly shows a canister on the floor in the middle of a cloud of gas.
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In occupied Palestine refugee camps are among the worst conditions due to the 'israeli' occupation, In fact, the most tear gassed place on earth is Aida refugee camp, a camp residing in Bethlehem.Refugee camps in the West Bank frequently undertake night raids tremendously effecting the community. Salah Ajarma, the director of the Lajee community center in Aida Refugee Camp says, 'israeli' soldiers have sometimes raided Aida as frequently as every other day, acting with much more violence than before the 1993 Oslo Accords.“Before Oslo, when they came to the camp there would often be an israeli captain, they would enter homes without destroying anything, they wouldn’t kill people,” he recalls. “But now when they enter the camps they can kill and injure, they scare people, they beat them in front of their parents.”Refugee camps in Gaza are not exempt from these war crimes, In 2014, the UNRWA gave israel its GPS coordinates 17 times to avoid hitting a school providing sheltering to 3,000 Palestinians, in Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza. However, 'israel' struck the school and killed 17 Palestinians including four children.During the most recent attacks on Gaza, one 'israeli' missile struck an UNRWA-run primary school in the Shati refugee camp, which is one of the most densely populated areas in the Strip. Fortunately, everyone was evacuated.
Under occupation, Palestinian farmers suffer land restrictions and massive water shortages both jepordizing their agriculture; they are also at constant risk of being targeted by the occupation and settlers.'israel' took complete control over water sources in the occupied Palestinian territories 1967 thus denying Palestinians the right to drill wells or repair existing ones along with destroying any water installation built without a permit. These policies have deprived Palestinians access to the water.According to the World Bank figures, this has resulted in a tremendous decrease of Palestinian GDP, in 1994 Palestinian agriculture accounted for 13 percent of the Palestinian GDP, Today it only accounts for three percent. Other studies have found that by 2016, only 6.8 percent of cultivated West Bank land was irrigated, and 600,000 settlers were using six times more water than the entire Palestinian population of the West Bank.Of the arable agricultural land in the West Bank, 63% of it is located in Area C, putting Palestinian agriculture under the control of 'israeli' military, In addition, 'israel’s' control over almost all of the West Bank’s water reserve severely restricts access by Palestinians.While 'israel' withdraws nearly 90% of West Bank water resources, the majority of Palestinian projects are rejected by the JWC. The construction of all new water facilities and the maintenance of existing water infrastructure projects in Area C requires a permit from the 'israeli' Civil Administration (ICA).In the duration between 2010 and 2014, out of 2,020 applicants submitted for building permits in Area C by Palestinians, only 33 (1.5%) were approved, structures built without permits risk demolition.In the months of January and February of 2017, the 'israeli' occupation destroyed seven water cisterns used by farmers and shepherds near the Palestinian village of Tuqu’ in Bethlehem District, and another cistern in the community of Khashm a-Daraj. A water pipe serving Palestinian farming and shepherding communities in the northern Jordan Valley was also destroyed. An estimated 113,000 Palestinians in the West Bank have no piped water supply, while hundreds of thousands more have only intermittent supply, especially in the summer.The chronic water shortage among the Palestinian communities in Area C has created a dependence on Mekorot, 'israel’s' national water company and the country’s top agency for water management. In the event of a water shortage, supplies to settlements are prioritized while valves supplying Palestinian towns and villages are cut off for days or weeks, forcing Palestinians to buy trucked water at five times the price of network water and reduce their already low consumption.The lack of access to water resources often precedes dispossession as Palestinians are forced to leave their communities in Area C, allowing 'israel’s' takeover of land and further expansion of its settlements. The settlements, however, have enough water to run farms and orchards, and for swimming pools and spas. Restrictions on water and access to land have made it impossible for the Palestinians to maintain livelihoods in the occupied West Bank. Drying out the land and people and preventing farming are key instruments of the colonization of Palestine.On June 4th, 'israeli' police ordered the cancellation of a public market, in Jerusalem, that was planned in support of Palestinian local farmers. Even at this level, Palestinian independent activity is considered at threat._________________
settler attacks:
'israeli' settlers, under protection of the IDF, have on many occasions targeted farmers and their crops. In many places, Palestinian farmers say they face intimidation and violence from nearby settlers.In 2018, more than 7,000 Palestinian-owned trees were vandalized and destroyed. Naser Ismail Marzouq, a Palestinian farmer, had 300 trees uprooted from his farm by illegal settlers. According to local sources, The 200-year-old olive trees and 80 grape vines on the farm of Marwan and Anas Salah were also uprooted, which is located near the settlement of Eliazar.Both 'israeli' and Palestinian activists say most of the attacks go uninvestigated by the israeli army.
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'israeli' Naval Forces continue their attacks on Palestinian Fishermen in Gaza waters, under the continued 'israeli' restrictions on fishermen's freedom to work and banning their access to areas rich with fish, all while fishermen do not pose any threat to the 'israeli' naval forces stationed in Gaza waters, which is a violation of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, including Article 6 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.The 1993 Oslo Accords granted Gazan fishers the right to fish up to 20 nautical miles offshore (one nautical mile is roughly 1.15 miles.) The 20 nautical mile limit is only 10 percent of the exclusive international legal limit of 200 miles granted to sovereign countries under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
In 2006, 'israel' unilaterally reduced the fishing area to 6 nautical miles offshore when Hamas came to power in the Gaza Strip.During the 2008-2009 Operation Cast Lead, 'israel' further reduced the fishing area to just 3 nautical miles.The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) reports that naval forces routinely shoot at Gazan fishing boats even when they are well within 3 nautical miles from shore, which had caused the death of multiple Gazans while damaging their property. There were 347 instances of 'israel' opening fire towards Gaza fishers in 2019 alone.It is also reported that Palestinian fisherman are chased off the coast by 'israeli' sea boats, all of which being in the permitted zone of fishing. 'israel' even takes measures by seizing boats of Gazan fisherman, which are rarely returned, those that are returned are damage and can not operate.By reducing the fish-able area, 'israel' has cut off up to 85 percent of the available seas, including the best waters containing valuable fish such as sardines and mackerel. Fishers were once one of the wealthiest sectors of Palestinian society, but today 95 percent of fishing families are dependent on food aid.
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Palestinian sports players:
When approaching the subject of sports in Palestine it is clear as day that Palestinian sports face a number of restraints and obstructions, by the ‘israeli’ occupation.In 2014, 7 Palestinian children, of the ages 9-11, were playing football on a beach in Gaza, They were attacked by an ‘israeli’ strike, Four young boys, Ismael Mohammed Bakr, Zakaria Ahed Bakr , Ahed Atif Bakr, and Mohammed Ramiz Bakr, members of the same family, were killed. The other three children were in critical condition but survived. However they do suffer from severe psychological issues due to the traumatic event. Video LinkAnother example of ‘israel’ targeting Palestinian sports players is the story of Jawhar Nasser Jawhar, 19, and Adam Abd al-Raouf Halabiya, 17. They were walking home from practice and were shot multiple times in their legs, Medical reports indicated that “Jawhar was shot with 11 bullets, seven in his left foot, three in his right, and one in his left hand. Halabiya was shot once in each foot.” After being shot repeatedly, they were mauled by checkpoint dogs and then beaten. After they were transferred from a hospital in Ramallah to King Hussein Medical Center in Amman, they were told that football would no longer be a part of their futures.‘israel’ also targeted footballer, Mohammed Khalil, who took part in the Great Return March, he was shot in his knee while holding a selfie stick that posed no threat. His injury put an end to his career. Video linkObstruction of Palestinian football falls into 5 categories:
1. Human rights’ violations: many football players were arrested, kidnapped, or killed.
- In February 2013, 16 children were abducted by ‘israeli’ troops. The children were playing football in the pitch of their school near Nablus. The boys later heard that the ‘israeli’ occupation forces had kidnapped two of their group near the pitch, and had gone outside to see what happened when the whole group was kidnapped and taken to a military detention camp in Huwwarah. After long talks between the Palestinian civil office and the ‘israeli’ military, the boys were released late at night.
- In 2012, Mr. Nehad Sugayyar, an employee of Al-Muwathafin Club in East Jerusalem, was attacked by multiple Orthodox ‘israelis’, while israeli police watched and did not intervene.2. Movement Restrictions: prohibiting of Palestinian players, officials, Board members, etc.
- ‘israeli’ checkpoints prevent players and officials from moving freely between Palestinian cities and villages, causing difficulty in bringing together all the national team players for training, and obliges the football association, and the other official sport bodies, to set up training camps outside Palestine.
- Players living abroad are, on many occasions, denied permits to enter the Palestinian territories, and players from Gaza Strip are denied access to the West Bank.
- Football players, Asem Hussein Attallah Abu Assi, Ihab Mahmoud Hamad Abujazar, Ahmad Nasr Khalid Keshkesh and Goal Keeper Mohammad Shbair, were all denied entry to the west bank to join the national team in an international match in 2010. Shbair and Keshkesh had to stay in Jordan for more than 3 months before they were allowed to return to Palestine.3. Infrastructure: Banning the building -or hindering the completion of-stadiums and other infrastructure, and sometimes destroying existing ones.
- The village of Beit Liqya received from FIFA a new natural grass football field, but the village is fully in Area “A”, while the field is in Area “C”. The issue was sent to “security” considerations, and Palestinian players applied for permits each of which were denied and the project was forfeited.
- In November 2012, During the ‘israeli’ war on Gaza, ‘israeli’ F16 fighters repeatedly bombarded the “Palestine Stadium” in Gaza, which resulted in severe damage to the Stadium’s infra-structure.4. Hindering sport shipments: delaying or preventing receipt of course equipment sent by FIFA and the AFC, or donated by other Confederations and Sport governing bodies.
- Shipments enter supposedly through either Jordan or ‘israel’ via Israeli ports or Ben Gurion Airport.
- To obtain the release of this donated equipment, the Palestinian customs authority must provide the ‘israeli’ customs authority with documents so the latter can decide whether the equipment is released
- In the past years, on several opportunities, donated equipment sent by FIFA and UEFA has not been received or was released only after the payment of exorbitant fees.5. Political intervention: Interfering in the organization of friendly matches between Palestine and other Associations.
- During an agreement between the Palestine FA and two top Brazilian clubs, 2009 to play a match on the 15th of September of the same year. The match was, however, cancelled under pressure from the “israeli Confederacy” headed by Fernando Lutenberg.
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For many decades ‘Israel’ has shown a prominent practice of targeting deceased Palestinians. ‘Israel’ has countless of times detained the bodies of Palestinians, sometimes even years on end, which is illegal under the Geneva convention and international humanitarian law. Since 1967, hundreds of Palestinian bodies have been held by ‘Israel’ in freezers, and others are believed to be in the notorious “cemeteries of numbers”. 'Israel' is the only country in the world that has a policy of confiscating human remains.Q: What is necroviolence?
Necroviolence refers to violence inflicted on corpses.'Israel' commits necroviolence by:
i) Confiscation Palestinian bodies;
ii) Harvesting of Palestinian organs;
iii) mass graves; and
iv) Desecration of the deadi) Confiscation of Palestinian bodies:
Many Palestinian families are forced to pay in order to have the bodies of their loved ones returned to them. Mohammed Obaid, 21, who was part of a peaceful protest in 2019 was shot dead by the IOF, which in turn demanded his family to pay in order to retrieve his body. Video linkDue to the confiscation of bodies at such a high rate, many Palestinians rush when hearing of someones death. For example, Mohammed Abu Ghannam, a Palestinian who was martyred after being shot during protests that took place due to the Al Aqsa crisis in 2017, was smuggled by Palestinians out of the hospital in order for them to bury him before ‘Israeli’ forces could detain his body. Video linkii) Harvesting of Palestinian organs:
Moreover, 'Israel' has been found guilty of detaining deceased Palestinian bodies and collecting their organs. In her latest book, "on their dead bodies,"' 'Israeli' doctor, Meira Weiss disclosed that the occupation state steals organs from the bodies of Palestinian martyrs that its military has kidnapped.'Israel' has acknowledged that pathologists removed organs from deceased Palestinians and others without the families' permission. "Abu Kabir forensic institute" snatches the bodies and organs of Palestinian. Bones, corneas, skin, and heart valves have been harvested at "Abu Kabir".The occupying state employs stolen organs in medical schools at 'Israeli' colleges and for transplants for ill settlers. Currently, Tel Aviv University holds 62 Palestinian bodies hostage, refusing to return them to their families.iii) Mass graves:
The "cemeteries of numbers," is a term coined by Palestinians that refers to the mass graves containing the bodies of murdered Palestinians. These cemeteries are composed entirely of numbers without names so that the deceased can not be identified. some of the bodies have been there since 1948 and 1967. The cemetery of numbers is off limits to Palestinians.In 2013, six mass Palestinian graves were uncovered in Yaffa of the occupied 48' territories. These graves contained the remains of Palestinians who endured the massacre of Yaffa in 1948 of the Nakba. Palestinians who survived the massacre in Yaffa recalled that dead bodies were stacked in the streets.iv) Desecration of the dead
In 2020, the IOF murdered 27-year-old, Mohammed Ali Al-Naim, in Gaza. They ran him over several times with a bulldozer, picked up his body with the blades of the bulldozer, and left his body dangling off of it.Targeting Palestinian cemeteries is another method of 'Israeli' necroviolence. 'Israel' has invaded the 1,400-year-old Bab al-Rahmeh cemetery and destroyed countless graves. In Hebron, 'Israeli' police, in 2012, sprayed a Muslim burial procession with skunk water, exposing both the deceased's body and the mourners to the foul odor.In addition, 'Israel' attempted to demolish the lone Muslim graveyard in Yaffa, which sparked outrage and resulted in hundreds of Palestinian protests. Protesters were met with water cannons and stun grenades, and some were detained.'Israeli' soldiers invaded a cemetery at Abu Touq, near the entrance of Beit Ummar, on July 28, 2021. Only a few hours after being buried, the body of a stillborn baby was exhumed. The IOF threw the excavated body next to the grave after which they forbade the community or the baby's family from burying the stillborn child until they had checked the father's ID.Furthermore on July 28, 2021, 11 year old Mohammed Abu Sara was shot dead by ‘Israeli’ forces as he sat in his father’s car near the entrance of the town Beit Ummar in Hebron. After going shopping, Mohammed, his two younger siblings, and their father, Muayyad Abu Sara, were making their way back home. A number of troops were present as they approached a roadway that led to their house. Muayyad stopped the vehicle and reversed, at which point soldiers started firing and chased the vehicle. Muhammad was found unconscious on his sister's lap following the shooting. He sustained a gunshot wound to the chest which caused bleeding in his lungs. The following day, ‘Israeli’ soldiers shot and killed 20 year old Shawkat Awad, while he was attending Mohammad's funeral. Shawkat died of gunshot wounds to the head and stomach. Video Link'Israeli' occupation forces have tightened their hold on the Yusufiya cemetery in Jerusalem, which is close to Al-Aqsa Mosque. However, since October 25, 2021, the 'Israeli' Nature and Parks Authority and the municipality have been tearing down portions of the cemetery and gravestones to make way for a theme park. To stop dozens of Jerusalemites from paying their respects to their dead, 'Israeli' police mounted surveillance cameras, surrounded the cemetery's perimeter walls, and shot tear gas. Alaa Nababta, a Palestinian mother, reached the Palestinian cemetery and clung to the tomb of her son when she discovered of the plans to exhume the cemetery. Video LinkPalestinians risk their lives to mourn the loss of their friends and families at the hands of Israel's genocidal apartheid and military occupation._________________
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Over time, there has been a significant increase in the disparity between 'Israeli' and Palestinian deaths. According to a research by If Americans Knew, 1,270 Israelis and at least 10,001 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000.Among the 8,166 "conflict" deaths reported by B'Tselem, an Israeli organization that advocates for Palestinian rights, 7,065 of the victims were Palestinians and 1,101 were Israelis. The report concluded “That means 87 percent of deaths have been Palestinian and only 13 percent israeli ... That number is even more staggering when you consider that there are about twice as many israelis as there are Palestinians. This means, very roughly, that a Palestinian person has been 15 times more likely to be killed by the conflict than an israeli person.”The Ministry of Information in Ramallah has released official figures showing that from the beginning of the second Intifada in September 2000, 'Israeli' occupation troops killed around 2,000 Palestinian children. That equates to 'Israel' killing one Palestinian child every three days for almost 18 years.Note: 76 Palestinian children have been murdered by the ‘Israeli’ occupation in 2021 aloneOn April 15, 2022, Euro-Med Monitor's field team released a report concluding that the occupation state murdered five times as many Palestinians in 2022 than it did in the same period of 2021. In the first half of April 2022, Euro-Med Monitor documented 18 Palestinians killed, they had noted that majority of the 18 Palestinians killed were killed following statements by 'Israeli' Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on 8 April, granting a mandate to the 'Israeli' army to wage an unrelenting war on what he described as terrorism.Since 2022, 47 Palestinians have been killed by 'Israeli' troops in various instances, including eight children and two women, according to the Euro-Med Monitor. This figure is almost five times as many Palestinians who were murdered by the 'Israeli' military during the same period last year, which totaled 10. The statement released by Euro-Med Monitor connected the rise in killing Palestinians this year to the the new guidelines for the shooting policy, which the 'Israeli' army approved on December 20, 2021. The policy known as "shoot to kill" gave soldiers in the West Bank permission to fire upon Palestinian youths who threw stones and Molotov cocktails.The policy's adoption led to a significant spike in killings throughout the year. In January, five Palestinians were killed; in February, six; in March, 18; although in April of this year, 18 Palestinians were killed in just 14 days. According to Euro-Med Monitor, 29 Palestinians were killed in shootings without a reason or involvement in any actions that led to the killings, reflecting the 'Israeli' forces' practice of using disproportionate force against the Palestinians.
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Tear gas is a solid powdered chemical, once it is activated, the chemical is aerosolized, creating a dense plume of crystallized chemicals that hang in the air which binds and reacts to moisture.…………Q: What does it do?
…………Eye symptoms: tearing, involuntary closing of …………eyelids, itching, burning, temporary blindness,
…………blurry vision, chemical burns. Long-term …………exposure or exposure at a
…………close range can lead to blindness, hemorrhages, nerve
…………damage, cataracts, and corneal erosion.
…………Skin symptoms: irritation, pain, itching, redness,
…………blisters, allergic dermatitis, and chemical burns.
…………Respiratory symptoms: choking, burning and itching
…………of your nose and throat, trouble breathing, coughing,
…………salivating, chest tightness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
…………respiratory failure. People with respiratory diseases like
…………asthma are especially susceptible to tear gas, sometimes
…………requiring long-term hospitalization.
…………Pregnancy: miscarriages, still birth, and defects.
…………People who spend too much time in the cloud of tear gas
…………are at a high risk of being hospitalized or even death.Under the Geneva Convention, the use of tear gas is banned. According to the Red Crescent, More than 1,000 Palestinians were injured during the two weeks of daily protests that followed the al-Aqsa mosque crisis in 2017.In addition to the gas itself, the canisters used to administer tear gas are shot at high velocity and can do serious damage if the canister hits vulnerable parts of the body.Rubber-coated bullets
The name of rubber bullets is actually a misnomer, a rubber-coated bullet is a metal bullet covered in a small layer of plastic or rubber. They either take the shape of a ball or a cylinder. Rubber bullets are classified as “non-lethal” weapons yet their effects show far more than that. A study published in 2017, reviewed 25 years of international data regarding death, injuries and permanent disabilities from rubber bullets found that the trauma of impact may lead to death. Of the articles reviewed, 3% of those struck by rubber bullets died from the injury, with 15.5% suffering permanent injuries such as bowel injuries requiring surgery, splenic trauma leading to removal of the spleen, and even eye injuries leading to loss of vision.…………Q: What are the impacts? open wounds, fatal bleeding,
…………skull fractures, internal bleeding, contusions to the
…………brain, concussions, long-term traumatic brain injury,
…………solid organ injury, bleeding in the chest and abdomen
…………without breaking the skin, ruptured eyeball, destroying
…………the integrity of the eye itself with permanent loss of
…………vision and likelihood of death if shot at close distance of
…………the head, eye, neck or chest.Doctor Nasser Al-Jaberi explained that while a real bullet is more likely to make a clean entry and exit, the nature of a rubber-bullet means the entry point is much more likely to be torn open jaggedly, and if shot at a close distance, the bullet is more likely to embed itself into the body.Dr. Robert Glatter, emergency medicine physician at Lenox Hill Hospital Northwell Health, explained depending on where a person is hit, rubber bullets have certain impacts. The trauma from a rubber bullet could lead to "blunt and penetrating trauma"Rubber bullets are meant to be shot at the ground to reduce the risk of harm towards individuals, although the IOF has deliberately aimed it at Palestinians and have caused them to suffer from skull fractures, loss of eyes, and etc.A victim of rubber bullets, Malek Issa, an 8 year old Palestinian boy who lost one of his eyes after he was shot between the eyes after stepping out from a restaurant in East Jerusalem. The shot had caused fractures to the skull, face and brain haemorrhage. Eye witnesses claimed there were no protests or stone throwing. ‘israeli’ officer who shot at Malek claimed he shot at the wall but footage revealed the shooting of Malek was an unprovoked attack. video linkSponge bullets:
Sponge bullets also known as sponge grenades or sponge tipped bullets come in two types of rounds that are used by ‘israeli’ occupation forces. The blue-tipped rounds are made up of an aluminum base, plastic base and dense sponge. They can cause serious damage on their own, but in 2015 a new black-tipped sponge round was introduced. The black-tipped rounds are heavier, with more dangerous tips created from synthetic rubber.…………Effects? massive black and blue bruises, fractures to the
skull, loss of eye, when shot at a close distance they can easily stop a heart or crack a skull, possibility of being put into a coma, a possibility of death if shot at towards the chest, eye or neck in some cases."Youth in the streets are more careful about coming out in the open when israeli forces use sponge bullets. They hide behind concrete blocks on the side of the road. In the middle of street wooden boards and other barriers are perched up on light poles and metal dumpsters are pushed out into the road, with youth popping up from behind them just long enough to pop off a rock from their slingshots."Ahmed Abu al-Homs, 13, was on his way to see his sister before he was hit by a sponge bullet after he became caught up in protests between Palestinians and ‘israeli’ police. He was hit by a sponge bullet during the January protest in East Jerusalem, leaving the young Palestinian in a coma for 45 days. When he came out of it, a piece of his skull was gone. video linkLive ammunition
Live ammunition is the most lethal means used by ‘israeli’ forces at West Bank demonstrations. At least 41 Palestinians were killed as a result of the shooting of live ammunition by ‘israeli’ soldiers, between January 2011 and December 2013, while hundreds of others were injured.According to the Commission’s data analysis, the ‘israeli’ forces injured 6,106 Palestinians with live ammunition at the Great Return March sites during this period.“There can be no justification for killing and injuring journalists, medics, and persons who pose no imminent threat of death or serious injury to those around them. Particularly alarming is the targeting of children and persons with disabilities, … Many young persons’ lives have been altered forever. 122 people have had a limb amputated since 30 March last year. Twenty of these amputees are children.”Butterfly bullets
The butterfly bullets also known as dum dum bullets expand on impact, causing severe damage to internal tissue, arteries, veins, and even bones, increasing the size of the wound. Blood loss from the wounds is higher and often, the victims suffer permanent damage.The bullets are prohibited by the Hague Declaration of 1899. Their use is also a war crime as per a statute of the International Criminal Court because of the “unnecessary injury and suffering caused from large bullet wounds.”- Impact: permanently maimed, damage to organs, breaking of bones, or death‘israel’ has been accused of using butterfly bullets on unarmed gazan protestors, which they denied. However, doctors have reported unusually severe injuries. “What is unusual is the lesions and the fact that the wounds are very wide, and the bones can be in many fragments,” said Marie-Elisabeth Ingres, head of the Medecins Sans Frontieres mission (MSF) in the Palestinian territories.Ashraf Al-Qidra, Gaza’s health ministry spokesperson, said that those who were shot in the abdomen had their internal organs “totally destroyed, pulverized…Normally, a regular bullet breaks the leg upon impact. But these bullets create massive wounds, indicating that an explosion happened inside the body. It’s an expanding bullet. It pulverizes the leg, and the leg gets cut off as a result,”The use of this bullet is to permanently maim Palestinians. The nature of these injuries shows that ‘israeli’ soldiers are using high-velocity military weapons designed to cause maximum harm - Amnesty International.One victim of butterfly bullets was 10-year-old Abdul Rahman Shteiwi who was murdered in cold blood by ‘israeli’ snipers. Protesters came out with flags and signs which quickly escalated after soldiers began firing bullets.The villagers saw Abdul Rahman fall to the ground, blood spilling from his head. “He wasn’t even at the front of the clashes, there were tons of other young men in front of him. But they aimed at the child on purpose and shot him,” Murad Shteiwi recounted.Doctors told the boy’s family that he was shot with an expanding live bullet that exploded into more than 100 fragments after it lodged in his head, wreaking havoc on his brain and causing severe damage to three major blood vessels.White phosphorus
White phosphorus is a colorless, white, or yellow waxy solid with a garlic-like odor. It is manufactured from phosphate rocks and reacts rapidly with oxygen, easily catching fire at temperatures 10 to 15 degrees above room temperature. The use of white phosphorus is illegal under international law.
- How can white phosphorus affect an individual’s health? Breathing white phosphorus will cause irritation to the nose, throat, and lungs, cough and shortness of breath, However, breathing it for long periods may cause bronchitis (infection of the main airways of the lungs) or “phossy jaw” which involves poor wound healing of the mouth and breakdown of the jaw bone. Skin contact with white phosphorus may cause burning of skin or cause liver, heart, and kidney damage. Eating or drinking small amounts of white phosphorus may cause liver, heart, or kidney damage, vomiting, stomach cramps, drowsiness, or death.Human Rights Watch had reported “israel's repeated firing of white phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza during its recent military campaign was indiscriminate and is evidence of war crimes” The report concludes that the IOF repeatedly exploded it unlawfully over populated neighborhoods, killing and wounding civilians and damaging civilian structures, including a school, a market, a humanitarian aid warehouse, and a hospital.Experts at US military information services claim "these weapons are particularly nasty because white phosphorus continues to burn until it disappears. If service members are hit by pieces of white phosphorus, it could burn right down to the bone."Human Rights Watch said that for multiple reasons it concluded that the IOF had deliberately or recklessly used white phosphorus munitions in violation of the laws of war. First, the repeated use of air-burst white phosphorus in populated areas until the last days of the operation reveals a pattern or policy of conduct rather than incidental or accidental usage. Second, the IOF was well aware of the effects of white phosphorus and the dangers it poses to civilians. Third, the IOF failed to use safer available alternatives for smokescreens.
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COLONIAL VIOLENCEHome raids are an everyday occurrence for Palestinians living in the West Bank and East Jerusalem having a significant effect on the individuals, households and communities.As indicated in a report by WCLAC, it is evaluated that the military conducts about 1,400 night raids every year, with more than 65,000 since military law was imposed on the West Bank in 1967. These figures do not even include the more frequent military raids that occur into Palestinian villages and cities during the day nor does it include raids in East Jerusalem.The majority of night raids occur between 2.00 a.m. and 4.00 a.m. while individuals of the targeted household are asleep. Raids are conducted by large amounts of soldiers in full battle gear who wear camouflage or masks covering their faces, to increase the fear and prevent identification.The occupants of the household will usually wake up to loud banging at the front door, the sound of shouting, or sometimes ‘israeli’ soldiers will use tools designed to silently open doors, and Palestinians will only realize the army is raiding their home when they wake up to a gun pointed at their face. In some cases the door is simply kicked in or blown off its hinges without notice.In certain instances soldiers are accommodated with dogs, which increases the tension inside the household. Family members are occasionally forced to stand outside in their night clothes as their child is forcibly taken from home, Parents are only given vague explanations such as ‘he is coming with us and we will return him later,’ or simply that the child is ‘wanted’. Individuals are rarely informed of where, why, or for how long their child will be gone.The report also illustrates that Palestinian communities affected most by night raids are on average located within 2 kilometres of an ‘israeli’ settlement built in violation of international law.There are 4 classifications for night raids:(i) Arrest operations;
(ii) Search operations;
(iii) Mapping operations;
(iv) Intimidation and retaliation.- (ii) In cases of “Search Operations”, evidence gathered designates that the family's furniture, possessions and clothes are commonly destroyed and thrown on the floor after being ransacked. Testimonies of families that experienced night raids found that soldiers collect and steal mobile phones and laptops from individuals in the household, items like these are either returned after being damaged or never returned at all. Women’s testimonies also found that during these search operations soldiers stole cash.- (iii) In cases of “Mapping Operations” They usually occur in villages that are involved in weekly protests. Young males are photographed to identify the individuals that participated in protests or may participate in the future.- (iv) In cases of “Intimidation and retaliation” A familiar strategy known as “making the military’s presence felt” is a reason that contributes to why the ‘israeli’ military carries out night raids. Numerous testimonies reported extensive use of stun grenades and tear gas during the operations. This sometimes happens when those in the neighborhood wake up and clashes erupt. However, there is also evidence that institutes tear gas and stun grenades being used in circumstances ‘where it is difficult to discern any legitimate explanation for their use, particularly in and around houses where the soldiers know young children are present’.There is an increase in violence especially against women. In two cases documented by WCLAC, family members died during the course of the night raid. WCLAC has also documented one case of hostage taking potentially amounting to a war crime.Based on information released by the military authorities, it is estimated that 1,360 raids took place in 2013 alone. This does not include East Jerusalem. Fifty-six percent of the children detained and arrested in 2013 were seized by force during night raids.As reported by OCHA, In 2016, ‘israeli’ forces have carried out an average of 81 raids EACH WEEK in the West Bank. Majority taking place at night or in the early morning hours. On the other hand, the amount of weekly raids increased to an average of 105 in July after attacks which killed two israelis.On January 1, of 2019 the ‘israeli’ military kidnapped 32 Palestinians in one night. On June 2, of 2020 20 Palestinians were kidnapped during home raids.Refugee camps under raids:
Refugee camps in the West Bank are the most affected communities by the night raids.The raids are composed of a large number of troops deployed to carry them out. Ma’an, a 20-year-old resident of the Dheisheh refugee camp near Bethlehem, says that several hundred soldiers will come to the camp, even to carry out only one arrest.“In July 2014, they attacked the camp with 1,500 soldiers, … They entered the camp from three different sides, each with a group of 500.”Naji Owdah, the director of local association Laylac in Dheisheh Refugee Camp, says that up until recently, ‘israeli’ forces would enter the camp three or four nights a week firing tear gas and sounds bombs, causing serious health issues for Palestinian residents, including his young granddaughter who was visiting from abroad.“The first time my daughter came to Dheisheh with her ten-month-old daughter, on their second night here we were attacked by soldiers. Since we don’t have air conditioning we sleep with the windows open, and that night at 3.30am I woke up and there was gas everywhere in my house, … The baby woke up and started crying, she had to stay in the hospital for three days.”Q: How has this affected Palestinian children?
Palestinian children who have experienced the military detention system are far less likely to rebel against ‘israeli’ authorities later on. These night raids take advantage of their vulnerability to create a generation of fearful and passive individuals.The psychological traumas involved are deep and lasting–in fact, many children exhibit the signs indicative of post-traumatic stress disorder. Upon returning home from a military detention center, children are often paranoid and depressed. They lose their appetites, withdraw from friends, and spend their nights haunted by the waking nightmare of their reality. The suffering and humiliation extends past the singular child into the family and larger community, which is the objective of the IOF’s system of collective punishment.The sense of terror increases when children are involved, as reported by WCLAC women have reported testimonies of their young children wetting themselves or some children becoming aggressive.Moony, a 21-year-old resident of Dheisheh, says “When I was eight years old, they came into our house, they beat my brother, and they put us into a small room for two days, … Until now I am afraid of soldiers. When I see a soldier, I cry … We don’t feel safe anymore, we don’t feel that we can do whatever we want in our land, our camp, or even in our house, … One minute I am in my house at 8 in the morning drinking coffee, and the other there is screaming because the soldiers are here and there is gas.”.These procedures show that violence is inescapable for Palestinians, even within their own homes.Kidnapping:
Musta'ribeen are an elite ‘israeli’ undercover unit that disguises themselves as Palestinians. They dress like Palestinian protesters, speak with the same accents and expressions, and show the same mannerisms.During protests they cover their faces with keffiyehs and chant against ‘israel’ and throw stones in the direction of the soldiers to blend in with protestors. Musta’rabeen also carry out assassinations against certain resistance members and raid hospitals and kidnap Palestinians.The more and more protesters they draw in trying to blend in the quicker they turn on Palestinians, once they have reached their goal they pull out guns that were concealed under their shirts, and fire in the air, while grabbing anyone near them. The army begins to attack Palestinians and takes custody of those caught, as other protesters flee, screaming "Musta'ribeen!" to warn others.The operators are taught to think and act like a Palestinians. These courses take between four to six months and include how to master customs and religious practices, such as fasting and praying.The agents use makeup and wigs to finish their mask however are picked by how comparative their physical highlights are to Arab faces. Altogether, the preparation can take as long as 15 months, and comprises of operational field work, for example, driving and sniping, how to move around in jam-packed Palestinian settings, and arms training.Q: How do Palestinians spot a musta’rib?
Since the development of the musta'ribeen in protests, Palestinians have figured out how to be more cautious.Before musta'ribeen make their presence known, the protesters throw stones at the ‘israeli’ army. In any case, the soldiers don't react, which quickly raises suspicions.Harzallah who addressed Al Jazeera claimed ["They did not do anything, ... From experience, the protesters know that when the ‘israeli’ army stops firing sound grenades, tear gas, rubber bullets … then there's a big probability that the musta'ribeen are present among them."One way Palestinians differentiate themselves from undercover ‘israeli’ agents is tucking their shirts into their waistbands, where concealed weapons would be seen."They should also take caution when a group drags other protesters closer to the army …. and make sure that there is a group monitoring other protesters." Harzallah saidIn 2015 during a wave of unrest hundreds upon hundreds of Palestinians began participating in demonstrations, this is when musta’rabeen made an appearance."They fired their weapons at two Palestinians, one in the head and the other in his leg from point-blank range, ... I saw them drag the Palestinian they had shot in the head…I thought he was dead because I saw bits of his flesh on the ground." said Harzallah.Mohammed Ziyadeh, the demonstrator who was shot in his head, remained partially paralysed. He claimed that he was beaten in the hospital, after two of his surgeries he was interrogated and beaten after each one. His lawyer finally managed to set him free, and shortly after he was able to move one of his legs again.In 2018 alone, 6,489 Palestinians were kidnapped, including 1,063 children, 140 women, 6 legislators and 38 journalists.
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COLONIAL VIOLENCE‘israel’ is the only country in the world that systematically prosecutes 700 children every year in military courts, which lack fundamental fair trial rights. Around 200-300 children are held on a monthly basis. Palestinian children in the West Bank, like adults, face arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment under an israeli military detention that denies them basic human rights.‘israel’ has operated two separate legal systems in the same territory. In the occupied West Bank, illegal ‘israeli’ settlers are subject to criminal legal system whereas Palestinians live under military law. The recurrence of the utilization of administrative detention has fluctuated throughout ‘israel’s’ occupation, and has been consistently rising since the outbreak of the second intifada in September 2000.Since the beginning of 1967, ‘israel’ has detained nearly 1,000,000 Palestinians, including 45,000 children, in an attempt to crush any resistance to its military rule and theft of Palestinian land for its illegal settlement enterprise.According to prisoners’ rights group Addameer, more than 12,000 Palestinian children have been detained by the ‘israeli’ army since the year 2000, many of them are as young as 12 years old. In some cases, even 6 and 7 year olds have been detained by the military as well and serve time in the same detention facilities as adult Palestinian prisoners.Arrest and transfer:
Palestinian children endure the constant fear of being arrested anytime, anywhere. 53% of Palestinian children are detained in night raids; a procedure where fully armed ‘israeli’ soldiers barge in your home, mainly in the hours of 2am to 4am in order to make arrests. Parents are rarely informed of where their child is taken, they are given vague expressions such as “we will return him later” or simply that the child is “wanted”.…………Testimony: “He (the soldier raiding the house) told my father- ………….…………‘Bring him in or we will shoot him.”
…………………..……H.Y., detained at the age of 17.The transfer of Palestinian prisoners is a process that involves “the bosta” – a vehicle with blacked-out windows and tightly divided cells with metal chairs, to which prisoners are chained. Usually, such rides can take up to 12 hours or more, with no rest stops, food, or toilet breaks.The transferring of Palestinian detainees outside of an occupied area constitutes an unlawful transfer in the violation of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and constitutes a war crime in violation of Article 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.Conviction rate:
all cases heard by the military courts in the territories end in a conviction, according to data in the military courts' annual report, Palestinians have a 99.74 percent rate of being convicted. That’s 25 acquittals out of 9,542.Administrative detention:
Administrative detention is the course of action when a person is held without trial without having committed an offense, on the grounds that he or she plans to break the law in the future. This is used by the ‘israeli’ military to hold prisoners indefinitely without charge or trial for secret security reasons.Administrative order lasts for a maximum of 6 months but can be renewed indefinitely. In practice, this allows ‘israel’ to incarcerate Palestinians who have not been convicted of anything for years on end.Detainees are held on the basis of ‘secret evidence’ meaning that they have no way of finding out what they're being accused of and have no right to legal services. ‘israel’ has the power to bar access to a lawyer for up to 90 days even with access the lawyer will not be allowed to see secret evidence.Since 1967, the number of administrative detention decisions is estimated at more than 54,000.During the first and second intifada, ‘israel’ detained hundreds of Palestinians in administrative detention, and crossed the 1,000 mark several times in 2003. Since March 2002, there hasn't been a single month without ‘israel’ holding at least 100 Palestinians in administrative detention.
According to information provided by the IDF (‘israeli’ “defense” forces) Spokesperson, 3,909 administrative detention orders were issued between the beginning of 2015 and the end of July 2017. 2,441 (62.4%) of these were extensions of existing orders. Only 48 (1.2%) of the cases were dismissed by a military court. The following are the remaining detention orders that were approved:
- 2,953 (75.5%) were approved with no amendments or limitations.
- In 390 cases (9.9%), the judges instructed that the orders be shortened, yet placed no limitation on the possibility of renewing them.
- In 501 (12.8%) cases, the judges approved the orders, in some cases shortening them, but stipulated that they could only be extended if new information came to light – which, again, would not be disclosed to the detainee.An article by b’tselem states “At the end of May 2017, 475 Palestinians were being held under administrative detention in Israel Prison Service facilities. Of these, 128 had been held for six to twelve months, meaning their detention had been extended at least once, and 121 had been held for more than a year, meaning their detention had been extended at least twice.”Q: What does international law say?
This use of administrative detention under international law is absolutely prohibited and totally blurs the distinction between an administrative proceeding that is intended as a prospective, preventive measure, and a criminal proceeding, whose purpose is punitive and retroactive.It is clear that the Geneva convention speaks of administrative detention ONLY in emergency situations and as an inevitable necessity, and that the possibility of imposing house arrest, if possible, should be a priority as it is less harmful to the person.However, The conditions and procedures that the occupation authority is using administrative detention violate International Conventions and other international standards..Torture and ill-treatment:
From the moment of arrest, Palestinians encounter ill treatment and all types of torture at the hands of ‘israeli’ forces. Interrogators use abuse, threats and isolation to coerce confessions from children, and ‘israeli’ military court judges seldom exclude these confessions. The use of torture and acts of violence against prisoners in a detention system is a common practice of colonizing regimes, which aim to pressure and break the will of a population that refuses to submit to occupation and injustice.Following detention and interrogation, 81 percent of minors offered confessions, according to DCI-examination Palestine's of data based on 100 affidavits given by children held in 2009. In 2010, 55 percent of the children represented by the organization said they were threatened during interrogation or offered rewards, such as a reduced sentence, if they confessed.Since June 5, 1967, there have been 226 prisoners that have been killed under the custody of the occupation. Of them, 75 were killed in circumstances amounting to premeditated murder after arrest; eight were killed by gunshots while in prison; 71 died in circumstances linked to medical negligence; and 73 died as a result of torture.Hundreds of other prisoners died soon after their release from diseases they contracted in prisons as a result of torture, medical neglect, and other forms of ill-treatment. Physical, psychological, and sensory problems were common in prison, and some are still evident in the lives of inmates today.Note: A prominent tactic of psychological torture practiced by ‘israel’ is the detaining of freed prisoners. There have been many instances of freed prisoners getting arrested within the same hour of their release. Between 2013 and 2018, DCIP analyzed the testimonies of 739 Palestinian children detained by ‘israeli’ troops in the occupied West Bank and tried in ‘israeli’ military courts. They found that:
…………• 96% were interrogated without the presence of a
…………family member.
…………• 95% were hand tied.
…………• 86% were blindfolded.
…………• 74% of children were not properly informed of their
…………• 73% experienced physical violence following arrest.
…………• 64% faced verbal abuse, humiliation, or intimidation.
…………• 49% were detained from their homes in the middle of
…………the night.
…………• 49% signed documents in hebrew, language most
…………Palestinian children don’t understand.
…………• 20% were subjected to stress positions.
Q: What are some methods of torture?
Positional torture - various stress positions, such as detainees being shackled above their heads and being forced to stand on their toes.
…………• The banana position, where the detainee’s hands and
…………legs are cuffed to the lower part of a chair, forming an
…………arch. Interrogators then beat the detainee harshly on
…………the chest and stomach.
…………• The frog crouch: forcing detainees to crouch on tiptoes
…………accompanied by shoving.Sleep deprivation - This act of torture can be carried out through different methods. Prison guards disturb detainees with loud noises and in some cases, prisoners are harshly beaten and continuously splashed with water.Harsh beatings - ‘israeli’ intelligence officers reportedly use extreme methods of violence against detainees including punching, kicking and slapping prisoners. Detainees are sometimes blindfolded so they would not expect the beating or know where it is coming from, at times having beatings last for hours and done by more than five officers at the same time.Police Dogs - interrogators release police dogs onto Palestinians and on some occasions multiple at the same time to torture them.Heavy sacks - placing dirty and heavy sacks over detainees’ heads. Violent shaking causing severe damage to the brain, Shoving of needles into the hand and leg, Denial of medical treatment, Solitary confinement, Exposure to loud music and screaming sounds, Handcuffs and zipties - pulling of the body while causing pain in the hand joints which are cuffed to the chair, Painful tightening of handcuffs, sometimes while cutting off blood flow, Denial of food, water and use of toilet, Electric shock/electrocution, Sexual Torture, etc.Solitary confinement:
Between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 20o19 DCIP documented 108 cases of Palestinian children being placed in solitary confinement. Nearly 40 percent (43 children), endured a prolonged period of isolation of 16 or more days. The average duration of isolation was 14-3 days.All cases were Palestinian boys aged 14 - 17 years old:
• 70 - 17 year olds
• 30 - 16 year olds
• 7- 15 year olds
• 1- 14 year oldInternational law prohibits the use of solitary confinement and similar measures constituting cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment against children, defined as any person under 18 years old. The practice of solitary confinement, in addition to corporal punishment, placement in a dark cell, or any other punishment that may compromise the physical or mental health of the child may, in some cases, amounts to torture.Q: So how are ‘israeli’ doctors complicit in torture?
From approving brutal interrogation techniques to writing false medical reports, ‘israeli’ doctors have taken an active role in the torture of Palestinian prisoners. Doctors in Shin Bet, ‘israel’ Prison Service, and in emergency rooms across ‘israel’ write false medical opinions in accordance with the demands of the Shin Bet.For example, Nader Qumsieh was arrested on 3-4 May 1993, He was brought to Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva five days after his arrest. A urologist diagnosed him with a hemorrhage and a torn scrotum.He alleges that he was subjected to several sessions of torture in the Dhahariyyeh Detention Centre between 7 and 11 May. During this time he was forced to kneel for long periods with his hands tied behind his back and repeatedly hit around the face, and on his abdomen and genitalia. By 10 May his genitalia were extremely swollen and on 11 May he was taken to a doctor who examined him. During the same afternoon he was referred to Soroka Hospital, after receiving a phone call from the ‘israeli’ military, the initial report was taken off file and the urologist wrote a retroactive letter without conducting an examination of the patient, in which he said that:"According to the patient's words, he fell downstairs two days before recourse to the emergency room. The medical examination revealed a localized haematoma in the region of the scrotum, consistent with a local trauma which happened two to five days before the examination in the emergency room".Nader Qumsieh denied that he ever told the doctor that he had fallen downstairs and stated that he had never been taken up or down any stairs at the Dhahariyyeh. It is unlikely that any such fall could have caused such an injury.Resistance in ‘israeli’ prisons:
Palestinians take part in hunger strikes to protest prison conditions and ‘israel’s’ use of administrative detention orders. Many Palestinian Individuals are successful during these strikes and end up being released from detention.The vast majority of palestinians locked up in ‘israeli’ prisons are there for resisting a foreign military occupation on their land; which is their right under international law. They are resistance fighters and political prisoners not criminals.
Sexual violence:
The tactic of sexual violence used on Palestinian detainees is widespread among 'israeli' police. In many cases, Palestinian men are among the most subjected to such aggression.On January 13, 2021, in occupied East Jerusalem, 'israeli' border police detained a 15 year-old Palestinian boy 5am. He was transferred to Al-Mascobiya interrogation center in Jerusalem. The 15 year-old boy, whos name was not disclosed, was blindfolded and forced to sit in a hallway. The detainee told DCIP, Defense For Children International Palestine, “Every two to three minutes, someone would come by and slap, push, punch, or kick me.” Soon after being brought into the interrogation room, the boy claimed a man named Captain Kamel came into the room, “He kicked me and punched me while shouting and saying I should tell him what I did. Whenever I told him I did not do anything, he would beat me harder. He threatened to shock me with electricity, but I told him I did not do anything.”According to DCIP, the boy, still blindfolded, asserts that Captain Kamel knocked him to the ground and used an object to rape him. He also concluded that the man threatened to continue assaulting the boy unless he confessed to the allegations. The individual then forced the boy to stand along the wall while he inflicted extreme pain on the boys gentiles. “There are no words to describe that moment,” The boy was then threatened again by the Captain that if he were to tell his lawyer about what had occurred he will continue the abuse.'israeli' forces took the child to another room 15 minutes after the event, when he met with a lawyer for around five minutes. Then he was escorted to a room where an 'israeli' interrogator introduced himself. According to information gathered by DCIP, the boy was interrogated for about four hours, during which he was subjected to verbal abuse and was forced to sign papers written in Hebrew that he did not understand. The boy was held in a room with four other children for three days while his court case was adjourned for four days. He was escorted back to an interrogation room after that period. He was questioned for around four hours, after which he was compelled to sign Hebrew papers once more. The next day (jan 17), he was released under house arrest, pending a court appearance at a later date.[1] [2]
COLONIAL VIOLENCE56,502 Palestinian homes in the OPT have been demolished by 'israel' since 1967.
Statistics Source: The israeli Committee Against Home DemolitionsFor decades ‘israel’ has conducted procedures of forced dispossession and demolition of homes of Palestinians living in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and homes of Palestinians living in the 48' territories. Victims of these procedures are generally the poorest and most disadvantaged in both Palestinian and ‘israeli’ society.Forced evictions and house demolitions are often implemented at night, without warning. Palestinians are rarely given time to gather their belongings, those who are, are given a few minutes or half an hour, which is not enough time. Usually, the only warning is the sound of ‘israeli’ army's bulldozers. In some cases people have been injured and even killed by collapsing structures or while fleeing; others were beaten, ill-treated or fired upon as they tried to protest or resist the demolition.The displacement of Palestinians and destruction of their homes is inextricably linked with ‘israel's’ policy of appropriating as much as possible of the land it occupies, to build Jewish colonies which is a violation of international law.In 2016 alone, ‘israel’ demolished 1,094 structures as reported by OCHA displacing 1,593 Palestinians while affecting 7,126.Property destruction and forced eviction
The destruction of houses, land and other properties falls into two categories:1 – Unlicensed houses: The destruction of houses in the Arab sector in ‘israel’ and in parts of the Occupied Territories are 'justified' on the ground that they were built without a permit. The reasoning why many Palestinians build without a permit is due to the difficult system that denies them permits.2 – "Military/security needs": The vast majority of the homes, land and other properties destroyed by the ‘israeli’ army in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in recent years fall under the category, which ‘israel’ defines as destruction for "military/security needs". The scale of the destruction in this category is massive, including more than 3,000 Palestinian homes, large areas of cultivated land, hundreds of commercial properties (shops, workshops and factories) and public buildings, as well as tens of thousands of other homes and properties which have been damaged, many beyond repair.The criteria to define "military/security needs" can be divided into three classifications:- A. Punitive demolitions of houses belonging to families of Palestinians who are known or suspected of involvement in suicide bombings and other attacks against israeli civilians and soldiers have become routine. The ‘israeli’ occupation assert that these homes are destroyed as a "deterrent", in order to dissuade other Palestinians from carrying out attacks against ‘israelis’. Usually these houses are blown up by the ‘israeli’ army, frequently resulting in neighboring houses also being destroyed or damaged.- B. Houses, land, and other properties which the ‘israeli’ authorities claim it is necessary to destroy for "security needs", notably to build or expand roads or other infrastructure for the benefit or protection of ‘israeli’ settlers or soldiers.- C. The destruction of houses, land and other properties which the authorities contend were used or could be used by Palestinian armed groups to shoot or launch attacks against ‘israelis’, and which ‘israel’ argues it is entitled to destroy at any time. In some cases the destruction also serves the purpose of removing Palestinians from areas where israel has a particular interest in seizing control of the land.Critics have claimed the discriminatory permitting by the ‘israeli’ government has forced a vast number of Palestinians to build illegally. An ‘israeli’ rights group, Peace Now, gained access to official documents on building permits in East Jerusalem going back to 1991 that provided strong evidence of systematic discrimination against Palestinian residents, who make up more than 60 percent of the population of East Jerusalem, but have received just 30 percent of permits to build homes. As a result, half of the 40,000 housing units built in Palestinian neighborhoods since 1967 lack permits, placing them at constant risk of demolition. Within the West Bank’s Area C, ‘israel’ Rejects Over 98 Percent of Palestinian Building Permit Requests.Palestinians are frequently ordered to demolish their own homes by 'israel.' If Palestinians refuse, they will be taxed, compelled to pay for the demolition of their homes, and face up to 18 months in prison. This practice is not only against international law, but it is also a form of collective punishment that reinforces the occupation and purposefully displaces Palestinian families, making them destitute.In neighborhoods like Silwan, many families are forced to self demolish their homes by ‘israel’ to make way for a biblical theme park.- Salem family:
- Salahiya family:Impact on economic situation
Hundreds of thousands of olive, citrus, almond, date and other trees have been uprooted by ‘israeli’ army bulldozers, along with vegetables and other crops. The trees and orchards uprooted in the past three and half years constituted a source, and in many cases the only source, of livelihood for hundreds of thousands of people. The land on which trees and crops stood has since been made inaccessible to Palestinian farmers and it now either lies in waste or is being used by the ‘israeli’ army. Even if Palestinians were allowed to resume farming the land which has been destroyed in recent years, would take a long time and considerable resources for it to become productive again.Impact on women and children
All those whose homes have been destroyed have been affected, individually and as families, as they are forced to make adjustments and live in conditions which often place additional strains on their family relations.In most cases the families whose homes have been demolished cannot afford to pay for alternative accommodation and have therefore been forced to move in with relatives, who often do not have sufficient space to accommodate an additional family. Moreover, women whose families have been made homeless as a result of the demolition of their homes feel even less able to complain and seek redress, both because they feel that in the face of the loss of the family home their grievances are not seen as a priority and because the additional practical and financial difficulties caused by the destruction of the family home make it more difficult to find a solution to their individual problem.Rejecting Palestinian building permits is another act of colonial policy used to suppress the indigenous population, regardless of the reason, ‘israels’ main goal is to expel palestinians. Video link_________________
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IMPACTS ON PALESTINIANSThe right to education is protected under international law, along with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Convention, Nonetheless, Palestinians are still denied access to education.Restricted movement:
The system of checkpoints, barriers, apartheid wall, etc impose barriers to the freedom of movement of Palestinians to and from school. On daily journeys to school and university, Palestinian students and teachers are forced to cross checkpoints, and are subjected to delays, detention and harassment by ‘israeli’ soldiers and illegal ‘israeli’ settlers.According to a report from 2007, the “israeli policy prevented thousands of young Palestinians from attending school...in 2002 over 226,000 children were unable to get to their schools and over 9300 teachers were unable to teach in their regular classrooms. At least 580 schools had to close that year because of israeli curfews, closures and home confinements”.Attacking of schools and students:
Across Palestine, students are subjugated to colonial violence. The UN documented 111 israeli attacks on education in the West Bank affecting more than 19,000 children in the last four months of 2018.Students frequently endure arrest and imprisonment by the ‘israeli’ military. In 2018, ‘israeli’ forces broke into Birzeit University and kidnapped the student Omar Al-Kiswani, the head of the student council. As of January 2018 Approximately 80 students from Birzeit University are in jail. Video linkTargeting of Palestinian children are disturbingly common. In 2013-2014, in just one month, 11 tear gas grenades and 13 stun grenades were documented being launched against Palestinian school kids as young as 4 years old. Video linkBy attacking schools and students this furthermore provokes Palestinians into throwing rocks to escalate situations into clashes between students and ‘israeli’ occupation forces.Education in gaza:
Since 2000, ‘israel’ has introduced bans on travel by students and academics which were further extended by the blockade. Today, Palestinians in Gaza are banned from pursuing their education in the West Bank, and are unable to attend the universities established for their benefit. Before 2000, 350 students from Gaza were studying at Birzeit University, today there are none.Attacks on schools peaked in Gaza in 2014 during the ‘israeli’ Operation Protective Edge. According to the UN, at least 262 schools and 274 kindergartens in Gaza were damaged or destroyed during the operation between July 8 and August 26, 2014.The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) reported that during ‘israel’s’ 50-day military assault on the Gaza Strip in 2014 known as ‘Operation Protective Edge’, 412 students were killed and 14 higher education institutions were damaged, some of which were ‘directly targeted during the hostilities’.Erasing identity:
‘israel’ is attempting to force its syllabus on Palestinian education in Jerusalem to eradicate the Palestinian identity.Peled-Elhanan, an ‘israeli’ professor, who studied 17 ‘israeli’ school textbooks on history, geography, and civic studies called the ‘israeli’ official schoolbooks a “racist discourse” which quite literally wipes Palestine off the map.At the point when they even notice Palestinians by any means, ‘israel's’ legitimate textbooks show a "supremacist talk", which actually clears Palestine off the guide. Guides in the textbooks just ever show "the Land of Israel".She clarified that not a single textbook included "any positive cultural or social aspect of Palestinian life-world: neither literature nor poetry, neither history nor agriculture, neither art nor architecture, neither customs nor traditions are ever mentioned".Of the uncommon occasions that Palestinians are referenced, it is in an overwhelmingly negative and cliché style: "all the books represent Palestinians in racist icons or demeaning classificatory images such as terrorists, refugees and primitive farmers — the three ‘problems’ they constitute for Israel".She inferred that the young ‘israeli' textbooks "present Israeli-Jewish culture as better than the Arab-Palestinian one, Israeli-Jewish ideas of progress as better than the Palestinian-Arab lifestyle and Israeli-Jewish conduct as lining up with all inclusive qualities." a significant distinction she said, "We have three generations of students who don’t even know where the borders are".This means that Palestinian students are forced to learn their culture, history, language and even religious customs as told by the oppressor, thus erasing their entire history.
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IMPACTS ON PALESTINIANSViolence against women by israeli forces appeared to be on the rise, a report in 2014 found that 535 women have been killed by ‘israeli’ occupying forces since September 29, 2000.Arrest:
Since 1967, more than 10,000 Palestinian women have been arrested and detained by ‘israeli’ forces. In 2015, more than 106 Palestinian women were arrested, which is 60 percent higher than the number of Palestinian women arrested in 2014 which is 70 percent higher than the number arrested in 2013.The majority of these are detained in Hasharon and Damon prisons located inside ‘israel’, which is an unlawful transfer in violation of Articles 49 and 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 8 of the Rome Statute, neither of which is equipped for female prisoners.Furthermore, the arrest and detention of Palestinian women political prisoners also “...serve as a form of collective punishment against their entire family” with incidents of violence during arrest have an enormous psychological impact on the children who witness them.Demolition and displacement
Housing demolition and property destruction remains an overshadowing fear, and daily reality, for many women living in occupied East Jerusalem. In 2014 51% of the 1,215 Palestinians displaced as a result of house demolitions were women.From November 2013 until June 2017, WCLAC published interviews with 49 women who experienced housing demolition, or threat of demolition. The result of intimidation and possibility of losing their livelihood has profound economic, social, and psychological consequences on women and their families, who are often left homeless, or resulted to live in over-crowded, or less than adequate, conditions.Human Rights Watch has reported in its World Report 20178 that as of October 31st 2016, ‘israeli’ occupation forces have issued demolitions, or demolished 925 Palestinian homes in the West Bank Area C and East Jerusalem. The resulting trauma from housing demolition, and threat of eviction, mean that Palestinian women cannot enjoy the level of human rights and quality of life they deserveAttacking female journalists, activists and human rights defenders:
‘israel’ frequently attacks female journalists, human rights defenders, and activists due to their coverage of ‘israeli’ violations towards Palestinians and continued presence in peaceful demonstrations. Women have been subjected to night raids, arrests and punitive measures under the pretext of “incitement”.‘israel’ has even taken measures to restrict any chronicle or photography of the IDF, the bill states "Anyone who filmed, photographed, and/or recorded soldiers in the course of their duties, with the intention of undermining the spirit of IDF soldiers and residents of Israel, shall be liable to five years imprisonment,” those found photographing troops “with the intention of undermining the spirit” of the army can be punished by up to 10 years in prison.Between 2013 and May 2017, MADA monitored and documented 116 total violations against Palestinian women journalists and media students. "During this period, physical assaults accounted for more than 50% of the total violations committed by occupation forces against women journalists, which constitute a form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."
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IMPACTS ON PALESTINIANSMental health crisis:
The persistent practice of murder, violence, torture, blockade, demolitions, checkpoints, aggression, etc. contribute to the psychological torture and inescapable encounters of humiliation, which intensify psychological stress and have taken a toll on the health of Palestinian children.Palestine leads the MENA region in depression and anxiety disorders, estimates suggest more than forty percent of Palestinians suffer from clinical depression, making it the highest rate in the world.According to Prevalence of Suicide Ideation and Attempt among Palestinian Adolescents, the study indicated that 25% of Palestinian teenagers (13-17) have at some point attempted suicide or had suicide ideation. The frequency of suicide ideation among Palestinian teenagers was 24.6%, surpassing the percentage reported in neighboring countries and international studies.The excessive proportion of this is “due to living in continuous turmoil and in a violent region attributed to political instability, combined with poverty and unemployment, closure and war, which may result in post-traumatic stress disorder, including disrupted patterns of eating and sleeping, difficulties in controlling attention and relating to others, anxiety responses, fear and recurring experiences of the violent episodes they have witnessed.”A report presented by the Palestinian Ministry of Health demonstrated that in a matter of a year (2018-2019) suicide rates increased by 14%, constituting depression to be one of the motivated factors behind this sharp rise.In 2017, a study reported “about 54 percent of Palestinian boys and 46.5 percent of Palestinian girls 6-12 years old are estimated to suffer from emotional and behavioural disorders.”Another common aspect of mental health disorders among young Palestinians is a result of incarceration of children by ‘israeli’ occupation forces causing high rates of anxiety, depression, and attentional and educational difficulties.From February to July of 2019, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), an international humanitarian medical non-governmental organisation, reached 8,145 people with mental health services, of whom more than 60 percent were children.In conclusion, data found that children and teenagers who live in the areas of conflict are vulnerable to high levels of traumatic encounters. The widespread of PTSD in young Palestinians is estimated to be 23-70%.Gaza strip:
In Gaza, not only are they suffering from poverty, mass unemployment, and physical entrapment, but they have witnessed three ‘israeli’ military offensives within six years. After the war on Gaza in 2014, 54% of children were documented as suffering from severe PTSD. A report released in 2018 found that 95% of Gaza children suffer from deep psychological distress.A World Health Organisation presented a report to depict the state of mental health in Palestine due to israeli violence, “over half of conflict-affected children may be affected by post-traumatic stress disorder”, while “an estimated 210,000, or over one in 10, people suffer from severe or moderate mental health disorders in the Gaza Strip”.The Norwegian Refugee Council conducted a study which established that 68% of schoolchildren in zones near ‘israeli’ perimeter fences have clear indications of psychosocial distress. The majority said they were most severely affected by the sounds of nearby explosions and media images of conflict in Gaza.Under ‘israeli’ siege for over 13 years, 54 percent of Gaza’s population is now unemployed, 53 percent of people live in poverty and food insecurity has spiralled to 68 percent.In the first five years of the ‘israeli’ blockade, the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme reported an 18 percent rise in depression. Drug addiction and suicides, once unheard of in Gaza, have increased as a result, with coping mechanisms for Gazans all but exhausted.Both the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross have found that the siege imposed on Gaza constitutes collective punishment.Mental health care access:
The mental health system has been affected negatively by the political conflict in Palestine from the low amount of care to restrictions on movement Palestinians suffer from not receiving the help they need.After 1967 the ‘israeli’ government took control of mental health services in the West Bank and Gaza; they were heavily neglected and under-developed. Up until 1993 the Palestinian authority began managing basic services.The need for mental health care access grew immensely in 2004. Many health services and clinics were affected negatively or destroyed due to the ‘israeli’ military practices during the Aqsa Intifada.During 2006 the Palestinian government suffered due to lack of international funds and financial support, due to this, the health system was negatively impacted; access to medicines and basic medical supplies sharply declined, and money was not available to pay salaries.Services have suffered through an overload of demand, lack of up-to-date medications, ineffective management, and lack of funding. There are only 13 community mental health clinics or centres in the West Bank, in addition to one psychiatric hospital in Bethlehem. The budget for mental health care is 2% of the budget of the Ministry of Health; and 73% of the 2% is spent on the psychiatric hospital.“The total number of psychiatrists is 20 in the West Bank. Each community mental health centre or clinic contains mostly one psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker in addition to one not well-trained or specialised mental health nurse. The total number of nurses who work in community mental health workplaces in the West Bank is only 17, working with a total population of nearly three million.”Along with imposed movement restrictions more civilians are prohibited from accessing support to meet their basic human needs. Mental health services in Palestine remain under- developed, under-resourced, under-treated, and underfunded.How to help:
Palestinian American medical association
Medical aid for Palestine
Gaza health foundation
International medical corpsJoin campaigns
MAP campaign
Medecins du monde
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IMPACTS ON PALESTINIANSQ: What is greenwashing?
Greenwashing is a practice that involves pretending to be environmentally friendly in order to deflect attention from criminal activity.During the period of Zionist colonization in Palestine, zionists propagated the myth of "making the desert bloom." They sought to portray Palestine as an empty desert, framing it as a suitable homeland for Jewish immigrants who could settle there without affecting any established communities. In the face of those aware of the existing Palestinian Arab population, Zionists highlighted the superiority of their agriculture to that of the indigenous farmers.The claim that Zonists have "made the desert bloom" has been used most frequently to justify the establishment of the 'israel' in Palestine in 1947-48.Ecological and carbon footprint:
Ecological footprint refers to the human impact on the Earth's ecosystem, representing a balance between the Earth's ability to regenerate and the rate at which humans are adversely affecting it. Carbon footprint measures the emission of gases that contribute to global warmingIsrael ranks in the top 10% of countries with one of the highest per capita ecological footprints and in the top 20% for carbon footprints globally.JNF greenwashing:
The Jewish National Fund (JNF), initially called the Jewish National Colonization Fund, helps greenwash 'israeli' crimes. The JNF was founded in 1901 by Theodor Herzl to acquire land in Palestine for Jewish-only use. Today, the JNF does not sell land to non-jews and it controls 93% of land in ‘israel’.During the Nakba, hundreds of Palestinian villages and towns were completely destroyed, and the JNF planted trees over the ruins of Palestinian villages to conceal evidence of the ethnic cleansing carried out by 'israeli' forces. In particular, the JNF plants trees that are foreign to the ecology of the land, such as pines.This was done to erase any Palestinian history and to make European settlers, in the early stages of establishing 'israel', feel at home. Thus, the JNF employs environmental policy, such as tree planting, to greenwash 'israel's' destruction of Palestinian villages.To date, 86 demolished Palestinian towns have been buried beneath JNF trees. Many forest fires have occurred due to the planting of trees that were imported from Europe that are not meant for the Palestinian environment. ‘israel’ also attempts to conceal villages that were ethnically cleansed in 1948 by building national parks over them."Forest fires in Israel have revealed two facts: the failure of pines to adjust to the ecosystem in Palestine and the existence of a different land topography that speaks of thousands of years of connection between Palestinian farmers and their land."While the JNF plants pine trees, 'israeli' settlers burn olive trees. ‘israel’ has uprooted hundreds of thousands of trees to date, including olive, citrus, date, almond, and banana within the West Bank. ‘israeli’ settlers, under protection of the army, attack Palestinian farmers and burn their trees, in particular, olive trees. For the last few decades, occupation forces and ‘israeli’ settlers have been burning Palestinian olive trees. Palestinian olive trees are a symbol of resistance and Palestinian identity. These olive trees have spanned centuries in Palestine, some even dating back to the Roman period. ‘israeli’ occupation forces have even dug up Palestinian olive trees to replant them in ‘israeli’ settlements.Environment impacts of illegal colonies:
‘israeli’ settlements are built on confiscated Palestinian agricultural or grazing lands, uprooting thousands of fruit-bearing trees and leading to increasing soil erosion. ‘israeli’ settlements are one of the causes of corruption of Palestinian land and pollution of the environment.Due to their illegal presence and continued expansion, settlements also adversely affect both the environment and the quality of life today, and have a disastrous effect on Palestinian life. Continued settlement building strains the land resources and the environment, due to issues of waste disposal, construction of road networks and exploitation of natural resources.Since the Oslo I accords in 1993-1996, ‘israel’ has uprooted over 32,500 fruit trees, confiscated 29,000 hectares of land and bulldozed 3,250 hectares for the expansion of settlements and roads to serve settlers.“The geographic distribution of Jewish settlements on Palestinian land severely restricts the growth of Palestinian communities. In most cases, settlements either surround Palestinian communities and, therefore, prevent their natural growth, or huge tracts of Palestinian land are confiscated for future Jewish settlement expansion.”Depletion of Water Sources
Jewish settlers consume huge amounts of the scarce Palestinian water resources. The average per-capita a Jewish settler uses is 650-1,714 cubic meters per year, while Palestinian water consumption is 107-156 cubic meters per year. Jewish settlers receive continuous water supply, majority from wells in Palestine, however, Palestinians are struggling to connect the remaining 25 percent of the population in Palestine to household water-distribution systems.Bypass Roads
After the signing of the Oslo II Interim Agreement in 1995, israel began the building of lateral roads to secure safety for settlers. These roads became an infrastructure of bypass roads that encompass Palestinian villages and roads.Bypass roads are built with a safety buffer of 50 to 100 meters on each side,The construction of these bypass roads requires the confiscation and destruction of approximately 109,000 dunums of Palestinian land, most of which is agricultural, depriving owners of their main source of income. Palestinian activity, for example, building of homes is prohibited. Any existing houses in the area are demolished.Wastewater Disposal
Wastewater disposed of by 306,000 Jewish settlers in the occupied territories, threatens to pollute the West Bank Aquifer. It is estimated that 80% of domestic water ends up as wastewater, meaning approximately 4.3 million cubic meters of wastewater are generated per year from Jewish settlements in the West Bank, muchh of this, is dumped on Palestinian landDomestic Solid Waste
As stated by the Environment Office of the israeli Civil Administration, the daily amount of domestic waste produced by Jewish settlers is 1.3 kg; making the total quantity of solid waste to be 145,000 tons. Much of waste is disposed upon Palestinian land or dumping sites, The solid waste generated in West Jerusalem is transferred to the Abu Dis dumping site.Industrial Waste
Currently, there are 7 industrial zones in the occupied West Bank. These industrial zones approximately occupy 302 hectares, located mainly on hilltops, which often results in the flow of industrial wastewater into adjacent Palestinian lands.‘israeli’ forces have transferred various polluting industries from ‘israel’ to areas inside the West Bank or near the green line, such as, a pesticide factory in Kfar Saba that produces dangerous pollutants has been moved to an area near Tulkarem, affecting agriculture and polluting the soil, and constitutes a hazard to the groundwater. The Dixon Gas industrial factory, which was located in Netanya, inside israel, has also been moved to the Tulkarem area; the solid waste generated by the factory is burned in open air.At least 200 industrial factories are located in jewish settlements; Major industries for Aluminum, leather-¬tanning, textile-dyeing, batteries, fiberglass, plastics and other chemicals. These industries produce toxic elements, for example, “the aluminum industry which is found in many israeli settlements produces aluminum and acidic waste. Electroplating produces nickel, chrome and acidic waste. The battery industry produces lead in its wastewater. All of these inorganic substances are considered hazardous to health if accumulated in the human body.”Palestinian land located at the foothills of industrial zones are negatively impacted to the flow of industrial waste, it was found that pollution-prevention policies are not followed inside ‘israeli’ factories.The generated industrial solid waste is often collected and dumped in areas near Palestinian villages. An example is the Barkan industrial zone located in the Nablus district over a 150-dunum area. It includes approximately 80 factories of various industries, such as aluminum, fiberglass, plastic, electroplating and military: these produce an estimated 810,000 cubic meters of industrial wastewater annually. Therefore, the industrial wastewater flows untreated to the nearby wadi, damaging agricultural land which belongs to three Palestinian villages - Sarta, Kufr A-Deek and Burqin in the Nablus district - and polluting the groundwater with heavy metals.’israeli’ Quarries
The continuous seizing of land for ‘israeli’ benefit has impacted Palestinians tremendously, Quarrying negatively impacts the landscape and the environment. It causes serious changes to the topographic structure of the land and pollutes the air with huge amounts of dust in the working area. israel has confiscated an area of at least 18,700 dunums in the West Bank to construct seven quarries. The largest of these being"The largest quarry is the Wadi Al-Teen quarry in the Tulkarem district, on an area of 9,685 dunums. In the Ramallah district, an israeli quarry is located near Kufr Malik village, on a 2,523-dunum area. Israel plans to construct another quarry in the Ramallah district on land belonging to the villages of Rantis and Shuqba."In the district of Hebron, between the villages Dura and Al-thahiriya 1,744 dunums have been confiscated for quarries; From the villages of Tarqumiya, Dura and Khirbet Jamroura the ‘israeli’ military seized approximately 2,677 dunums and 2,077 dunums of land belonging to the village of Surif; Finally there is a quarry in the village of Majdal Bani Fadel in Nablus.
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IMPACTS ON PALESTINIANSPink-washing is an ‘israeli’ government propaganda strategy that desperately takes advantage of LGBTQ+ rights to appear as a progressive image while concealing ‘israel's’ occupation and aparthied policies oppressing Palestinians. The pinkwashing narrative, which depicts "civilized colonizers" triumphing over "backwards natives," is based on racist, anti-Palestinian rhetoric and earlier colonial stereotypes.Pinkwashing propagates the misconception that sexual and gender diversity are unnatural and alien to Palestinian society. Queer Palestinians face even more alienation and violence when their sexuality is forcedly tied with a colonial identity.’israeli’ pink-washing:
In 2005, the ‘israeli’ government created a new marketing campaign called “brand israel”. The jewish daily forward reported the purpose of the new campaign was to interpret ‘israel’ as “relevant and modern”.In 2010, Ynet presented a report about the making of Tel aviv "an international gay vacation destination". The campaign by the Tel aviv tourism board began around 90 million to brand the city.Palestinian LGBTQ+ members do not have the same rights:
Gay rights apply just to ‘israeli’s and are reliably, glaringly ignored for Palestinians living under ‘israeli’ politically-sanctioned racial segregation.Pinkwashing erases the presence of LGBTQ+ Palestinians. It precludes the history of LGBTQ+ Palestinians being harassed, incarcerated, abused, and killed.‘israeli’ forces do not give LGBTQ+ Palestinians a free pass from their regime; in fact, it targets LGBTQ Palestinians. The ‘israeli’ army blackmails gay Palestinians into becoming informants against their loved ones, or, in all likelihood they'll be exposed to their community.Pinkwashing is a colonial divide-and-conquer strategy that exacerbates internal tensions and existing forms of patriarchal and capitalist oppression by isolating queer Palestinians from their own communities.Pinkwashing shifts the dynamic from colonized to colonizer by spreading the notion of LGBT asylum in ‘israel’, as if a colonial state could somehow bring salvation to the very people it colonizes.
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2020In January 2020, Trump announced a "peace" plan for the Palestine-‘israeli’ "conflict" in which he called the "deal of the century"The plan gives ‘israel’ the ability to steal more Palestinian land, ‘israel’ would retain 20% of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. Palestinians will gain a small amount of land in Negev, near the Gaza-Egypt border. ‘israel’ will continue to maintain control of borders.The plan will allow…
1. ‘israel’s’ annexation of every Jewish settlement in the West Bank will be accepted, rewarding illegal actions.
2. Full ‘israeli’ sovereignty over "undivided Jerusalem"
3. No right of return for Palestinian refugees, or aid for millions still in refugee camps.
4. No military or elements of self defense for the Palestinian State.
5. Open borders for ‘israel’ to enter the Palestinian State
6. ‘israel’ to control ALL security from the Jordan to the Mediterranean.
7. The IDF can continue operations in the West Bank.
8. Palestinians that would be citizens of this new state are affectively being put under martial law, with ‘israeli’ military control.The plan leaves open the possibility of ‘israel’ to swap the area known as the "triangle" consisting of Kafr kara, Arara, Baka al-Gharbiya, Umm el fahm, and more.Mosques began reciting the quran, Surah Al-Fath (The victory verse), and church bells were rung in opposition of the deal.Update: the deal failed.
2020Firstly, let’s establish what annexation is.Annexation is the force by one state to incorporate the territory of another state into its own territory.History of annexation of Palestine:1947-1949 War: Al Nakba
‘israel’ took 80% of historic Palestine, expelling 700k-900k Indigenous Palestinians and destroyed 531 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians. Remaining Palestinian territory included: West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.1967: The Six Day War
‘israel’ occupation is now entering its 6th decade.
• Annexation of East Jerusalem is still not recognized internationally.
• Allon Plan. After the war, Labor Minister Yigal Allon, planned for annexation of the area.The Oslo Accords
Divided the West Bank in 3 parts, on the condition ‘israel’ would withdraw from parts of the West Bank, in stages. ‘israel’ ignored the terms and today, 600,000-750,000 ‘israelis’ live on Palestinian land that ‘israel’ occupied in 1967.Recently, ‘israel’ has proposed a plan to annex the West Bank and Jordan Valley on July 1st. Annexing the West Bank will leave approximately 350,000 Palestinains displaced.Q: How does the annexation affect the Palestinians?
‘israel’ wants to annex the Jordan Valley due to its strategic importance which is 17% of the West Bank Territories. Netanyahu also planned to annex another 13% extending ‘israeli’ laws to its 132 illegal Jewish settlements on Palestinian land.The annexation of the Jordan Valley will cut off access to the Jordan river which feeds more than 80,000 hectares of agricultural land which further exploits Palestinians food and water security.The Jordan valley is fertile and home to 65,000 Palestinians and it also makes up more than half of the agricultural input that Palestinians depend on for food.‘israels’ plan to annex 30% will further divide Palestinian cities and villages and makes way for ‘israel’ to confiscate more land and forcibly evict Palestinians to build more settlements.Demolishing Palestinian structures and villages and illegally expanding ‘israeli’ settlements are already prominent practices of ‘israe li’ annexation.The king of Jordan warned ‘israel’ of massive conflict over annexation. and warned Jordan will be pulling out of the Jordan-‘israel’ peace accords if ‘israel’ goes through with the annexation.Update: annexation plans have been suspended due to international pressure._________________
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2021Sheikh Jarrah is a neighborhood north of Jerusalem's Old City. It is home to approximately 3000 Palestinians, all refugees, who were ethnically cleansed from their homes in other parts of historical Palestine.Following an agreement reached between Jordan and UNRWA in 1956, 28 Palestinian families who fled from different areas in Palestine were relocated to this neighborhood. These families were promised housing & land in Sheikh Jarrah. The families were meant to receive ownership titles after 3 years, but this never happened. ‘israel’ began its occupation of East Jerusalem before these titles materialized.In October 2020, an ‘israeli’ court ruled in favor to ethnically cleanse 12 Palestinian families from their homes in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah and hand their properties to illegal ‘israeli’ settlers. The court also ruled that each evicted family must pay $20,000 to cover the settlers' legal expenses. Due to this 550 Palestinians are facing dispossession.In 2009, at the age of 11, half of Mohammed El-Kurd's home in Sheikh Jarrah was seized by settlers."Since then, all that has separated us has been drywall and blankets on a clothesline. The blankets are there to block the settlers from harassing us. They often stand by windows exposing themselves or spitting harshly pronounced Arabic curse words at us. I've repeatedly witnessed them beat their dog before unleashing it after us."Sheikh Jarrah is one of the last fronts resisting colonization today. Settler outposts, settlements & police headquarters have surrounded it, severing centuries-old communal ties with neighboring communities.Sheikh Jarrah opens to other ancient neighborhoods & is key to controlling them. Losing Sheikh Jarrah would represent the loss of Jerusalem's Palestinian identity. "If Sheikh Jarrah falls, Jerusalem will follow."Laws like the 1950 Absentee's Property Law allow forced evictions & land confiscation. While Palestinian families are technically allowed to file appeals to Israeli courts, the courts usually refuse to check Palestinians' ownership documents.Since the 1970s, the ‘israeli’ government has been working on implementing a "demographic balance" in Jerusalem at a 70-30 ratio, limiting the Palestinian population in the city to 30 percent or less. This urban planning has been executed by a number of policies such as land confiscation, displacement, and colonization of Palestinian neighborhoods.What we have been witnessing in Sheikh Jarrah is a continuation of the Nakba, which has been ongoing since Israel's establishment: the ethnic cleansing, the military occupation, and the illegal settlement constructions are only a few of the many atrocities that Israel commits daily in attempt to expel the indigenous
palestinian population."This is not a local civil dispute over land but a more concerted attempt to change the character of an entire area by bringing in Jewish residents."
2021On Monday, May 24, 2021, ‘israeli’ police launched an operation of mass arrests of Palestinian citizens of ‘israel’, following two weeks of protests.The operation is intended to "settle the score" and punish Palestinians who took part in demonstrations regarding ‘israeli’ occupation forces' recent attacks on the Al Aqsa compound, the ethnic cleansing of Sheikh Jarrah, and the military's bombardment campaign of Gaza, which killed 248 Palestinians.On Sunday night, ‘israeli’ police claimed around 1,550 people have already been arrested since May 9. ‘israel’ mobilized thousands of police officers from all districts and units, including the border police, to carry out the arrests in towns and cities predominantly inhabited by Palestinian citizens.‘israel's’ arrest campaigns have primarily targeted minors and working-class children from impoverished communities..This campaign is a settler-colonial project attempting to intimidate and discipline those who take part in the daily struggle to achieve justice and liberation.
2021Lifta is a Palestinian village situated at the entrance to the city of Jerusalem. In 1947, the village was targeted by zionist militias and ethnically cleansed of its indigenous population.After it was completely occupied in 1948, settlements and streets were established on its lands, and its people were prevented from returning to it, although some of them live only a few meters away.During the eighties, the Occupation declared the village center a "nature reserve", under the management of ‘israel’ Nature and Parks Authority.Lifta, the only Palestinian village that ‘israel’ has not demolished or resettled after the Nakba, is set to be razed and replaced with an illegal "israeli" settlement under Plan 6036.By demolishing and Judaizing Lifta, ‘israel’ is ensuring Palestinian refugees of the village Lifta will never return to their homes and erasing Palestinians' history on and ties to their land.This scheme is part of a constant ‘israeli’ policy to destroy expelled villages and change their features, in an effort to kill any hope of the owners to return to their lands and homes._________________
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2021Silwan is a Palestinian neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, located approximately 300m south of Al-Aqsa Mosque, home to around 33,000 Palestinians.Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem have been resisting forced displacement and ethnic cleansing in various neighborhoods throughout the city. 15,000+ Palestinians are threatened by expulsion in Silwan.Zionist settler companies have been working with authorities since the 1980s to expel Silwan's Palestinians to make space for Jewish settlers.From 2004-2018, Israel demolished 112 Palestinian homes in Silwan, leaving 250 Palestinians homeless.Recently, occupation authorities ordered 1,500 Palestinians in Silwan to demolish their homes themselves within 21 days, or authorities will do so & bill the residents for the demolition.Q: Why are they ethnically cleansing Palestinians from Silwan?
To build a biblical theme park.Silwan is home to the famous "Ain Silwan spring. Its cultural & historical significance makes it a major target for efforts to erase Jerusalem's Palestinian identity,This is part of a larger effort to establish a Jewish demographic majority in Jerusalem and convert public areas into Israeli tourist sites, parks and settlement housing units, to strengthen exclusive Jewish sovereignty.This is not a "legal dispute”Israel's settler-colonialist policies in East Jerusalem are another manifestation of apartheid. By extending its laws & jurisdiction to occupied East Jerusalem, Israel entrenches its de facto annexation of Palestinian land.Under Israeli apartheid, property rights often depend on your ethnic background.The Absentee Property Law allows Jewish settlers to claim these homes as their own. while Palestinians are denied such property rights.Palestinians are also systematically denied building permits to expand their homes, even when necessary, forcing them to do so without permission. This gives Israeli authorities an excuse to later demolish them under the pretext of "unauthorized construction"Jawad Siyam, a social worker & a resident of Silwan, returned from Germany to defend his family's home:"This story is not just about one house, or one family. Soon after returning to Jerusalem, it became clear to me that the problem was much deeper and broader than that”"One day, it is my house, the next it will be my neighbor's. One day, it is Wadi Hilweh, the next it will be the Batan Al-Hawa… and the day after that, it will be Sheikh Jarrah.”Self-Demolitions
By default, the Israeli Magistrate Court orders Palestinians to demolish their own homes themselves.If a person refuses to do it, they can be fined over $14,000 or be imprisoned for up to 18 months.What this all means is that Palestinians in Silwan both lose their homes & are bankrupted at the same time. What's worse is that Palestinians affected by house demolition policies in Jerusalem are often part of the poorest & most vulnerable segments of an already disadvantaged Palestinian society. Self-demolitions create homelessness, poverty, and worse living conditions.The System Works Against Us
While Palestinians can technically appeal against demolition orders, courts often refuse to examine
Palestinian ownership documents & rarely question settler claims. Courts are a political tool used to fulfill settlers' goals.Jawad Siyam says that as soon as his family won a "long and costly" court case, settler company El'Ad launched a new one:"After 20 years of extortion and exhausting legal battles, they managed to take over half of our property. In July 2019, my sister-in law and her four children were thrown out of their apartment, and Israeli settlers moved in. The settlers recently just won another case in the Israeli courts, and now are forcing me to pay them $200,000 as "back rent'."Sometimes, demolitions are carried out before residents can even appeal Silwan resident, Areej Burgan, recalls the morning of April 17, 2019:"My husband, his mother, my six children and I were sleeping. I woke up at the sound of doors banging ...
The main entrance door had been broken down and the occupation forces were in the courtyard… They
told us to immediately leave the house, without allowing us to take movables or luggage. We went
out with my children and watched them demolish the house. The bulldozer destroyed my kitchen
before my eyes. I was not even allowed to take clothes. The only clothes I have left are ones that
were hung on the washing line outside."Systemic Brutality
Violence against Silwan's Palestinian residents is not limited to forced displacement. They face constant intimidation, harassment & attacks from settlers, backed by Israeli forces.Occupation forces routinely raid homes in Silwan to
suppress & root out any traces of resistance. Just weeks ago, on May 31, Silwan residents reported that Israeli forces ran over a 10-year-old in Ras Al Amud, after he attached a Palestinian flag to his bicycle.
"Our lives in Silwan are hell," says Silwan activist, Fakir Diab. "There's shootings every night, and homes indiscriminately targeted. Boys arrested. We are living on the edge, not knowing when we will
lose our homes.This ethnic cleansing, also taking place in Sheikh Jarrah, is part of the ‘israeli’ government's plan to fragment and displace Palestinians to maintain ‘israeli’ domination over them.
2021Since May, Palestinians have protested settler land theft in Beita, a village south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.The land theft was carried out by ‘israelis’ who created a new settlement called Evyatar on top of Palestinian families' farmland.All settlements are illegal under international law, but this settlement is illegal even under ‘israeli’ law because it was built without official permission, however, that didn't stop ‘israeli’ soldiers from helping build this illegal settlement.Every week Palestinians in Beita demonstrate against the settlement built on their land, while ‘israeli’ soldiers respond with deadly fire.
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RESISTANCEFor 75 years, Palestinians have been tortured and killed for resisting against the “israeli” occupation by exercising their inalienable moral and legal rights to resist an illegal and violent military occupation that continuously dictates their lives. Palestinians have every right to armed struggle to finally put an end to the systematic killing of Palestinians and the deprivation of their basic human rights.Not only is resistance and armed struggle against a colonial occupation acknowledged under international law but it is also recommended to those who are occupied.Wars of liberation have actually been embraced, through the adoption of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, as a protected and essential right of the occupied people.Resolution 3314 of the UNGA declared the right "to self-determination, freedom and independence ... of peoples forcibly deprived of that right, ... particularly peoples under colonial and racist regimes or other forms of alien domination" and expressed the rights of the oppressed "struggle ... and to seek and receive support".United Nations resolution 37/43, dated 3 December 1982, removed any uncertainty over the legal qualification of the oppressed to reject possessing powers by any legal methods and reaffirms "the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle”.The resolution clarified that it alludes not to just any group, however explicitly to the rights of Palestinians. “Considering that the denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, sovereignty, independence and return to Palestine and the repeated acts of aggression by israel against the peoples of the region constitute a serious threat to international peace and security.”
1. An unjust or unwarranted exertion of force or power, as against rights or laws.
2. Rough or injurious physical forces, action, or treatment.The system of apartheid was literally designed to oppress those they deemed inferior to the dominant group. By claiming Palestinian resistance is "unjust" or "unwarranted" it erases the decades of aggression ‘israel’ has carried out and is currently using against Palestinians that eventually led them to finally draw the line to their oppression and resist.When injustice is law resistance becomes duty. The laws are made to fit the agenda and narrative of the oppressors making it easier to control and abuse their power against the oppressed' rights.RESISTANCE:
1. The act of fighting against an entity, group, or organization that is attacking or harming you, or refusing to accept
2. An organization of conquered or nearly conquered country engaging in operations against the occupation forces and collaborators.TYPES OF RESISTANCE
RESISTANCEVillage Protests: Palestinians hold weekly demonstrations to resist the occupation. By these protests Palestinians are making a point that they will never submit to the occupation.Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions/BDS: BDS is a global movement of boycotting ‘israel’ for their injustice against Palestinians. By using the tactic of BDS it reclaims the power of the people and creates a real change on the ground. People such as celebrities have also participated in BDS by refusing to preform in ‘israel’. In 2017 alone, many scheduled gigs in Tel Aviv were cancelled following appeals from Palestinian, ‘israeli’ and international human rights activists.Prisoner Hunger Strikes: Palestinians in ‘israeli’ prisons repeatedly have taken part of hunger strike to protest prison conditions and ‘israel’s’ use of administrative detention orders. Many Palestinian Individual strikers were released from detention over the course of the year due to the strike. These strikes have resulted in ‘israel’ agreeing to change prison conditions, including an end to administrative detention. However, to this day ‘israel’ still continues to hold prisoners in administrative detention and Palestinian prisoners therefore continued to use hunger strikes to demand change in their situations.Culture resistance: By displaying our culture, we are putting pressure on oppressive systems. Our music, art, literature, clothing, tradition, and customs, among other things, are all linked to our history, which ‘israel’ is constantly attempting to erase and take.
………..Literature: The oppression of Palestinians is given a
………..new depth through literature and writing. Through their
………..writings, well-known Palestinian writers brought hope
………..and inspiration to their readers. Literature is a fantastic
………..tool for allowing others to understand the world through
………..the eyes of Palestinians.
………..Music: For the first time in its existence, the world-
………..renowned music platform Boiler Room staged 'Boiler
………..Room Palestine' in Ramallah in the summer of 2018.
………..Palestinians took advantage of this opportunity to turn
………..their oppression into a message, a way to help them
………..express themselves and communicate their problems to
…….... the rest of the world.
………..Art: The apartheid wall, once a symbol of oppression,
………..has been transformed by Palestinians into a symbol of
………..identity, resistance, love, and hope for victory and
………..freedom. The goal of our art is to bring attention to our
………..struggle and to reclaim our streets. Our art makes a
………..strong political statement that puts ‘israel's’ power in
………..jeopardy. In fact, many artists have been arrested as a
…….....result of their work.Political architecture: Architecture such as the Mahmoud Darwish Museum or the Yasser Arafat Museum remind Palestinians of our history and identity every day. It reminds us of the blessing of being able to call ourselves Palestinians despite everything we've been through, and that our struggle will never cease; our resistance will live on indefinitely.Sumud: Sumud, which means "steadfastness," expresses a shared attitude of resistance to all forms of ‘israeli’ injustice and prejudice. Sumud's vision emphasizes the preservation of Palestinian identity, culture, tradition, and custom in order to preserve their country, as well as the fight against ‘israel's’ occupation of Palestinian land. It's a term that's frequently used to define Palestinians' inner power. The more the zionists destroy, the more the Palestinians rebuild.Peaceful protests: Protests are held to oppose the rules and laws that ‘israel’ tries to impose on Palestinians who are simply trying to live their lives, such as the new limitations put on Palestinians intending to pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque in July 2017. When Palestinians refused to enter Al-Aqsa under the new restrictions, public protests and business strikes erupted, and prayer services were performed in the streets. The restrictions were lifted as a result of the demonstrations.
BLACK AND PALESTINIAN LIBERATIONAfro-Palestinians had existed in Palestine since the 7th century, when Muslim Africans journeyed from Chad, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sudan on a pilgrimage to Mecca. Numerous Africans stayed in Jerusalem, and then intermarried with locals.Afro-Palestinians reside in various Palestinian cities, with large communities in Jerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank town of Jericho. One large community is called Hai al-Afaarika or "African Quarter", located in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, adjacent to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. The neighborhood is difficult to find, only "accessible through an israeli police checkpoint where officers interrogate anyone who is not from the local community,"The existence of Afro-Palestinian is surrounded by the combination of ‘israel’s’ anti-Black and anti-Arab ideologies.Afro-Palestinians experience 'double racism' from the occupation, once for being Palestinian and once for being black. They are routinely subjected to harassment and abuse from ‘israeli’ police in schools and on the street and consistently taunted by being called ‘Kushi’.Economically speaking, Afro-Palestinians are among the most disenfranchised in the city of East Jerusalem. Ali Jiddeh, an Afro-Palestinian resident said "Whenever there are political tensions between Palestinians and israelis, the first sector to be affected by such measures is the Afro-Palestinians, ... Afro-Palestinians are the first to lose their jobs in businesses run by Jewish israelis" he also included.Many Afro-Palestinians fought fearlessly with non-black Palestinians against the ‘israeli’ occupation. The first Palestinian woman to be imprisoned for a paramilitary operation against ‘israel’ was Fatima Barnawi, a Nigerian-Palestinian.For their involvement in the Palestinian struggle they are well-respected among other Palestinians, it has given them a higher status but for ‘israel’ it made them target.
BLACK AND PALESTINIAN LIBERATIONThe underlying ideology of both the United States and ‘israel’ are White Supremacy and Settler Colonialism. Both communities have been subjected to these forms of institutional violence for decades, and they continue to do so now.Zionism is a racist and white supremacist political ideology that wants to establish a Jewish nation in historic Palestine. Not only has Zionism resulted in the foundation of an Apartheid state in ‘israel’, but it has also resulted in the systematic disenfranchisement of Palestinians. It also targets African-American Jews with measures including forced sterilization, mass deportations, and aggressive policing.Black Support for the freedom of Palestine:
The freedom of Palestine is supported by prominent Black activists throughout history, including Malcolm X, James Baldwin, Cornel West, Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Michelle Alexander, Angela Davis, Marc Lamont Hill, and Amiri Baraka, as well as various Black liberation organizations, such as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense.The Black Panther Party's support for Palestine was based on its anti-imperialist Marxist-Leninist-Maoist philosophy, which was influenced by Pan Africanism, which saw the Zionist state as a settler colonial entity. Its conceptualization of Black Americans as "a colonized people within a colony," and its understanding that this colony also happened to be the world's imperial, or hegemonic, power grounded its solidarity for the Palestinian cause.As protests erupted in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014 over the tragic police shooting of a Black man, Michael Brown, ‘israel’ started a huge military attack against Palestinians in Gaza. Messages of transnational solidarity swept across continents as Palestinians and Black Americans took to the streets to express support for one another's struggles while also fighting comparable demands protest comparable forms of police violence used to incriminate anti-state resistance, such as tear gas and rubber bullets.Protestors around the country chanted "from Ferguson to Palestine, occupation is a crime," drawing attention to the link between the two movements and initiating a conversation about Black-Palestinian solidarity.Vic Mensa, a popular black hip hop artist visited Palestine in 2017 along with other African-american artists, scholars, and activists. He described the oppression of Palestinians as "forever etched into my memory and burned into my mind’s eye.""For once in my life I didn’t feel like the n''''r. As I sat comfortably at a coffee shop, gawking at a group of israeli soldiers harassing a Palestinian teenager, it was clear who was the n''''r. My American passport, ironically, had awarded me a higher position in the social hierarchy of Jerusalem than it did in my hometown of Chicago. As insensitive as it sounds, it was almost a feeling of relief to be out of oppression’s crosshairs for a moment, albeit a very short one."Vic Mensa went on making a song "we could be free" which includes footage showing the similarity of oppression between Palestinians and Black people in America.Both the US and ‘israel's’ legal systems are significantly biased against Black people and Palestinians. The United States has the world's highest incarceration rate. Black Americans are six times more likely to be imprisoned than white Americans. Since 1967, 70% of Palestinians have been imprisoned. ‘israel’ is the only country in the world that is willing to try Palestinian children in military courts.Commercial interests are intertwined with the institutional infrastructure in both the US and ‘israel's’ prison systems, from security and communications to canteen stocking and food services. Profit-making enterprises in the United States use the prison-industrial complex as a source of free labor.
SOLIDARITYEach wall, from the US-Mexico border wall to ‘israel's’ apartheid wall, rips through people's lives and land, isolating families and escalating state brutality, repression, and exploitation. These barriers are a powerful symbol of military and dominance.While Trump was supported by Netanyahu, he used ‘israel's’ apartheid wall as a "model" for expanding the US/Mexico border wall. ‘israel’ and the US have strong ties, for example, the land divided by the US/Mexico border wall is lined with towers patrolled by ‘israeli’ weapons manufacturer Elbit Systems, allowing ‘israel’ to profit from the border wall.As part of its wider role in repression, surveillance, and militarization, ‘israel’ has influenced and encouraged a "trend" of walls.The slogan “from Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have to go,” integrates the realities of colonization and capitalist exploitation into a common struggle for liberation.INDIGENOUS STRUGGLES IN AMERICA AND PALESTINE
SOLIDARITYBoth the United States and ‘israel’ were founded as European settler colonial colonies that were established through ethnic cleansing of indigenous peoples.European pilgrims arrived on Turtle Island and in Palestine with the purpose of displacing the indigenous population rather than coexisting with them. The natives were slain and thrown out, their sacred places were destroyed, and their villages were endangered by military occupations, all as a result of dispossession, restrictions on movement, and slaughters.The United States and ‘israel’ collaborate to achieve their common colonial goals. The US and ‘israeli’ police exchange techniques for repressing indigenous peoples and profit from one other's persecution.The colonization of Turtle Island and Palestine are not past events. Surveillance, containment, military roadblocks, police brutality, mass incarceration, displacement, theft of water and other natural resources, environmental destruction, desecration of burial sites, and cultural erasure and appropriation are all examples of policies that continue today.HOW YOU CAN BE A RADICAL ALLY TO PALESTINIANS
SOLIDARITY#1. Use the correct terminology.
Learn or sharpen your tools of debate. Know what you're dealing with and avoid the trappings of false equivalency.Terms NOT to use and why:
Conflict / War - Implies an equivalence of violence between the oppressed and the oppressor. "israel" is a militarized settler-colonial state that pushes indigenous Palestinians off their land and denies them rights.
Clashes / Scuffles - Misrepresents the reality and ignores the power dynamic. This is state-sanctioned violence against Palestinians.
Property dispute / Eviction - Downplays the situation, instead it implies that what is happening in villages like shiekh jarrah and yaffa is not morally disreputable than a dispute between a landlord and a tenant in cities like Paris, London or Istanbul. It is ethnic cleansing. That simple.
Both sides - Obscures the nature of the violence taking place and allows the narrative that the victims are also at fault.Terms to use;
Apartheid, colonialism, occupation, settler-colonialism, Palestinian struggle, state-sanctioned violence, ethnic cleansing, illegal settlers, israeli occupation forces, oppression, land theft, terrorism, seige, colonial regime, etc.Do not sugarcoat the occupation. Do not water it down. Do not extenuate it. Using the correct language is not extremism and it is not "activist talk". It is Palestinian reality.#2 Decolonize.
Learn the depth and the root cause of the Palestinian struggle, specifically the Nakba. Stay educated and updated with topics regarding Palestine.#3 Build alliances.
Spread the cause by posting and sharing information. Speak to others who are unsure or unaware of the matter. Educate people!#4 Follow credible accounts and sources.
Credible Instagram accounts that report on Palestine;
@Middleeasteye#5 Amplify Palestinian voices.
Center the voices of those most harmed by the occupation, the Palestinians. Do not lecture Palestinians and try teaching them about THEIR oppression.#6 Invest in the community.
Join the BDS movement and be an active member. Take part in Economic, Cultural and Academic boycotts. Host protests and call on your governments to place sanctions on ‘israel’.
PALESTINIAN POWER‘israel’ has countless of times tried to inhibit Palestinians from their right to education. The systematic destruction of Palestinian schools and consequent cruel disruption of classes, education and kidnapping of Palestinian students all show the importance of education as resistance.Popular education, emerged as a mechanism of adapting to the constant ‘israeli’ attacks on Palestinian education, It dissolved the distinctions between military, formal, and popular resistance, allowing all segments of society to participate in resistance in diverse ways.Through attacks and shutdowns Palestinians have found multiple ways to secretly take part in school, during the first intifada Birzeit University was declared a closed military zone and other universities along with schools across Palestine were closed down. Palestinians came up with alternative ways to learn,"For four and a half years...we taught in our homes, in the fields, in abandoned buildings, in churches, and mosques. The small and run-down building of the YMCA in ramallah because our substitute offices. we were engaged in the subversive activity of underground education"Q: Why target education?
1. Maintaining a low level of education among the oppressed population allows the oppressor to make it more difficult for the oppressed to organize and resist.
2. The oppressor's "divide and rule" tactic is reinforced by targeting education in various ways for various "sub-groups" of the oppressed population, even going so far as to educate some Palestinians against others.
3. Terrorizing children can leave them traumatized and reduce their will to fight for a brighter future as teenagers and adults.Soldiers focus on the young generation of Palestinians, because we are the foundation of uprisings against the ‘israeli’ government. A well-known tactic used among the youth is to "instill fear in their hearts" or "making the military’s presence felt" to try and make Palestinians fear the military and submit rather than resist.Not only is education a factor in resistance but it is also a very important aspect of Palestinian culture and society, we see the importance of school through the work of students, From 1993 to 2011, the enrollment rate of Palestinian students in higher education increased by 940%.According to the most recent statistics, Palestine has one of the world's highest literacy rates of 96.8% in the Gaza strip and the West Bank being 96%. This rate is even greater than the UNDP's 2014 HDI average for the "high human development" category. Birzeit University has been named as one of the top universities in the world, being in the top 2.7% of universities worldwide according to international rankings.Despite tremendous political and economic hardship, Palestinian households continue to prioritize investing in higher education for their members. By embracing their knowledge along with their history and culture they preserve their Palestinian identity. This is an act of resistance against a belligerent, brutal regime.Note: Palestinian students within Palestine are not the only targets of ‘israel’. In the 1960s, the ‘israeli’ embassy in Paris had paid ‘israeli’ students to spy on Palestinian students. This is a prime example that ‘israel’ fears the mere existence of Palestinians.
PALESTINIAN POWERCanary mission: The canary mission blacklists those who publicly dare to speak out against ‘israel’ and take part in boycotts, jeopardizing their employment prospects and future careers. The website digs up dirt on Palestinian rights advocates and labels them racists, anti-Semites, and supporters of terrorism. The blacklist has become especially frightening because it’s being used by law enforcement in ‘israel’ and the United States. Palestinian rights advocates have been interrogated and deported from ‘israel’ because of their Canary Mission profiles. Others have been interrogated by the FBI.As a response to this Pro-Palestine students created Against Canary Mission which highlights the celebration of the people and groups promoting justice for Palestinians.Act.il and 4IL.org.il: Created to systematically report Palestinian voices on social media which is funded by the ‘israeli’ ministry of strategic affairs they do so by getting hundreds of zionists to report accounts to manipulate the algorithm and restrict people from speaking out.The facebook bill: The bill between ‘israel’ and facebook granted ‘israeli’ administrative courts the power to block content that amounts to online “incitement” at the request of the government. ‘israel’ has used this to take down or hide posts of Palestinians that spread awareness about Palestine.As of May, 9 2018, 500 Palestinians, including women and children, were arrested as a result of their social media posts. ‘israel’ has even convicted a poet of incitement for naming her poem "resist, my people, resist".The law is to include the content of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other internet platforms and would include search engines like google and would block certain content from appearing in the search results.
Nadeem nawara
Abdul Rahman Shteiwi
Razan Al Najjar
Sajid Abdel Hakim Helmi Mizhir
Amir Rafat Mohammed Ayyad
Abdullah Luy Gheith
Ali Omar Nimir Qeino
Arkan Tha'er Mezher
Ashraqat Taha Qatanany
Jassim Naklha
Laila Ghandour
Laith Haitham Abu Na'im
Luay Kahil
Muhammed Hattab
Qusai Al Amur
Ubada Mustafa Al Mahmoum
Yara Abdul-Salam Al-Farra
Yousef Sha'ban Abu 'Athra
Zeid Fadel Qaisiyya
Tariq Zebania
Mohammed Abu Khdeir
Muhammed Sharaf
Murad Sharaf
Mahmoud Majed Gharabli
1. Nadeem nawara, 17, took part in demonstrations on Nakba day, he was shot in his heart, in the same demonstration Mohammed salameh, 16, was also shot in his heart. both posed no threat. Ben Deri, the soldier who murdered nadeem spent nine months in prison and the family of Nadeem were ordered to pay 50,000 israeli shekels for rock throwing. Video Link2. Abdul Rahman Shteiwi , 10, was shot with a butterfly bullet in his head while in a peaceful demonstration.3. Razan-al-najjar, 22, was a female volunteer medic who was shot and killed with live fire by israeli forces while helping treat wounded protesters at a Great Return March. The soldiers targeted five other medics providing treatment to wounded Palestinians.4. Sajid Abdel Hakim Helmi Mizhir, 17, a young Palestinian paramedic, was shot and killed by israeli forces who opened fire at him despite the fact that he was wearing his clearly marked medic vest. Sajid was shot with a live round in the abdomen.5. Amir Rafat Mohammad Ayyad, 7, was one of 22 Palestinians killed in israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip. He was killed by an israeli missile along with his father and his 24-year old brother, while they were driving on a motorcycle near their home.6. Abdullah Luay Gheith, 16, was killed by israeli soldiers near the West Bank city of Bethlehem while trying to enter Jerusalem for Friday prayers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. He was shot with live israeli military gunfire in his heart, and died instantly after the soldiers shot him.7. Ali Omar Nimir Qeino, 16, was killed by an israeli soldier after the army fired live rounds at Palestinians who intercepted an attack carried out by israeli settlers into Iraq-Burin village, south of Nablus. Media sources in Nablus said many armed israeli settlers infiltrated into the village and attacked several Palestinians, before locals intercepted them and forced them out. israeli soldiers then invaded the village and fired dozens of live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, concussion grenades and gas bombs at the Palestinians. Ali was shot with a live round in the head..8. Arkan Tha’er Mezher, 15, died after being shot with a live round in the chest while protesting the invasion of his refugee camp, Deheishe Camp in Bethlehem, by israeli soldiers in the pre-dawn hours. Dozens of kids protested the invasions, and hurled stones at the soldiers, who fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs and concussion grenades.9. Ashraqat Taha Qatanany, 16, was killed when an israeli settlement leader rammed her with his car, claiming that she had a knife. When the girl fell to the ground, another israeli paramilitary settler pulled over and shot her multiple times.10. Jassim Nakhla, 16, was shot while in a car driving with his friends, he was killed by live ammunition injuries to his head, chest, right thigh and right foot. He died just two days after his 16th birthday, and was killed alongside Muhammed Khattab.11. Laila Ghandour, 8 months old, died from suffocation from tear gas at the Great Return March she was in a tent located 1.5 kilometers away from the border, many of which were known to contain families, medical teams, and injured protesters.12. Laith Haitham Abu Na’im, 16, was shot and killed with a live round in the head from a close range, by israeli soldiers who invaded the al-Mughayyir village in the West Bank.13.Luay Kahil, 16, was killed by a bomb dropped by an israeli F-35 Fighter Jet on a public park in Gaza City. He was killed with his friend Amir an-Nimra, 15. The bombing was part of a wider campaign carried out by the israeli Airforce on Saturday evening, in which Israel F-16 warplanes fired at least five missiles into the park and a building next to the park, in addition to firing missiles into another area, west of Gaza city, and Palestinian lands in al-Jala’ area, in northern Gaza.14. Muhammad Hattab, 17, was killed when israeli forces fired several live rounds at the car he was driving, Muhammad was instantly killed by gunshot wounds to his chest and shoulder. The three other teenagers suffered life-threatening wounds after being shot in the upper-body, Jassim Nakhla who was in the car with muhammed was killed.15. Qusai al Amur, 17, was shot while participating in clashes after israeli soldiers invaded his village of tuq'u' in Bethlehem, he was sitting on the ground and when he stood up, he was shot 6 times, four times in the chest and one bullet in each of his legs. His body was then dragged by israeli soldiers while his head repeatedly hit the ground as they carried him to an army jeep. Video Link16. Ubada Mustafa Al-Mahmoum, 2, was killed by israeli missiles along with 15 family members who were massacred including seven children and an infant.17. Yara Abdul-Salam al-Farra, 8, was killed by israeli missiles fired into homes in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip; eight of her family members, including children, were killed in the attack.18. Yousef Sha’ban Abu ‘Athra, 16, was killed by israeli soldiers who fired shells and live rounds into Palestinian lands in Rafah in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.19.Zeid Fadel Qaisiyya, 15, was killed with a live bullet to the head by israeli soldiers during an invasion of his neighborhood in the al-Fawwar refugee camp. Media sources said dozens of soldiers invaded the refugee camp, and attacked local youngsters, who protested the invasion into their alley and neighborhoods.They added that the soldiers fired many live rounds at the unarmed protesters, and at random, in addition to rubber-coated steel bullets and gas bombs. In addition to Zeid, four others were injured.
Video Link20. Tariq Zebania, 7, was struck and killed by an israeli settler vehicle while he was riding his bicycle near Hebron. Local sources report that no efforts were made by the israeli authorities to apprehend the driver who killed the boy.21. Mohammed abu Khdeir, a 16 year old Palestinian was kidnapped by 3 israeli settlers, they forced him to drink gasoline and then burned his body. IDF later beat his cousin, Tarqi abu kheidr, a Palestinian-american who was involved in protests against his cousin's killing. Video Link22. Muhammad Sharaf, 18, was shot and killed in the neck with a live round fired by an israeli settler, while the soldiers also attacked and clashed with dozens of Palestinians in Ras al-Amoud neighborhood during al aqsa crisis, he died just a week after his 18th birthday. He was murdered in the same day of Muhammed Lafi and Muhammed abu Ghanam.23. Murad Yousif Abu Ghazi was shot by israeli forces during confrontations in Arroub refugee camp, in the southern West Bank, on 17 March. Murad was struck by a live bullet that entered the bottom left side of his shoulder,” The bullet directly hit his heart before exiting out of his chest. This resulted in Murad’s death.24. Mahmoud Majed Gharabli, 16, died from serious wounds after israeli snipers shot him in his head during the Great Return March in Gaza. On the same day of his injury 60 other Palestinians were shot and killed.
25. Muhammad Lafi, 17, was was shot dead with live ammunition in the chest while in confrontations during the Al Aqsa crisis, he was shot alongside Muhammad Mahmoud Sharaf and Muhammad Abu Ghanam, all in the same day.26. Muhammad Abu Ghanam, 20, was shot and killed by israeli police in At-Tur, he was shot along with Muhammad Lafi and Muhammad Mahmoud Sharaf in one day.27. Ahmad Yasser Abu ‘Aabed, 4, died from serious wounds after he was shot in the eye with an expanding bullet in the Gaza strip by israeli soldiers.28. Yasser Murtaja, a 30-year-old journalist, who was visible to israeli soldiers by wearing a dark blue vest saying "PRESS", was shot in the stomach while filming the Great Return March.29. Ahmad Mohammad Abu Hussein, 25, a journalist, died of wounds when he was shot in the abdomen with an expanding bullet by an israeli military sniper while covering a protest in the eastern part of the Gaza Strip. On the same day, the soldiers also shot another journalist, identified as Mohammad al-Hajjar, with a live round.30. Samir Awad, 16, On the morning of Tuesday, 15 January 2013, after his last examination before school’s mid-year break, Samir went along with a few friends to the Separation Barrier south-west of Budrus, about 300 meters from the school. He began climbing over a low iron fence Awad found himself trapped between this and the towering electronic barrier, 4 israeli soldiers then appeared from their nearby hiding place, shooting Samir in the knee. When Samir freed himself from the fence and tried to flee, a soldier shot him at close range with live ammunition, once in the head and again in the back. He laid on a rock and was left bleeding there.31. Rachel corrie, 23, was an american activist who visited the Gaza strip in 2003, she was trying to prevent a Palestinian home from demolition by the IDF. she was wearing an orange fluorescent jacket and was clearly visible yet she was run over twice by the bulldozer and killed.32. Thomas hurndall, 21, a British peace activist visited the Gaza strip in 2003, israeli troops shot thomas as he was helping Palestinian children cross a street under gunfire, he was visible by wearing an orange fluorescent jacket yet he was shot in the head by an israeli soldier.33. Simone Camilli, 35, an Italian video journalist was killed by an ordnance fired by israel in the Gaza strip 2014.May they rest in peace,
inna llillah wa inna illihi raj'oun.IMPORTANT VIDEOS, DEBATES, AND PODCASTS:
Gaza Killings: Who is to blame? | Head to Head
Debate: Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism
What i saw in the West Bank | Podcast
West Bank - Segregated Roads, Family Separation and Restricted Travel | Podcast
The West Bank- A Look Behind The Wall | Podcast
The West Bank: Hostile Takeover Of Hebron | Podcast
Is israel An Apartheid State w/Norman Finkelstein | Podcast
Is Benjamin Netanyahu A Racist Jewish Supremacist? | Podcast
BDS Support Explained By Jewish Scholar w/Norman Finkelstein | Podcast
Biggest Misconception about israel Palestine Conflict Explained | Podcast
Abby Martin & Joe Rogan on israel's Massacre at Gaza Border | Podcast
Infographic Labels Children “Hamas Weapons Of Terror” | Podcast
israel Committed War Crimes Against Palestine Says UN | Podcast
Joe Rogan Experience #950 - Abby Martin | Podcast (starts 2:15:45)
Joe Rogan Experience #1316 - Abby Martin | Podcast (starts 1:50:00)
Palestinian Nurse Shot Dead By israeli Sniper | Podcast
CNN Fires Contributor For Telling Truth About israel | Podcast
Marc Lamont Hill Remarks On Palestine + More | PodcastGaza:
Gaza in context
Blowback: How israel helped create hamas
The survivor’s guide to Gaza
Has Life in Gaza Become Unlivable?
Gaza 2020: Has israel's siege made life impossible for Palestinians?Demonstrations / clashes:
israeli forces attack demonstartors
Demonstration in Nabi Salih
Clashes in ramallah
Clashes in the West Bank
Demonstrators attacked in Bethlehem
Clashes after death of Palestinian in israeli jail
Clashes in Bethlehem raid in search of attacker
Clashes in West Bank
Hebron clashes
IDF attack demonstrators
Bulldozers target protestors
Protests in Ramallah
Clashes on Day Of Rage
Clashes and targeting of medics
IDF attack Muslim worshippers
life in Hebron
What Israeli soldiers are shooting at Palestinians
Clashes in Al bireh
Occupation every day
Gaza protest bring back memories of early PalestiniMilitary Detention
child detention in the occupied West Bank
israel’s detention of minors is not an unusual practice
A child under administrative detention
Detaining Dreams – Palestinian Children in Israeli Military Detention
Life On Hold - The Policy of Administrative Detention
Arrest & Transfer – Military Detention Series (1/4)
Interrogation –Military Detention Series (2/4)
Military Courts - Military Detention Series (3/4)
Release – Military Detention Series (4/4)
Obaida - Palestinian experience of Israeli military arrest
(Unfortunately, May 17, 2021 17-year-old Obaida was shot and killed by israeli forces)Resistance:
Longing for Palestine: Art of Resistance
Palestinians: Stories of resistance
Fawzi al Junaidi, the new face of Palestinian resistance
The Palestinian kids fighting Israel's occupation pt1
Palestine's freedom fighter pt 2
The Palestinian Woman Fighting israel
The Occupation and its Resistance
Arrest, abuse, and harrasment:
Seven year-old child violently detained
israeli soldiers attack female protesters
[Attacking of elderly Palestinian
minors arrested in city center after clashes
israeli officers assault young women
Detaining of Palestinian during march
israeli officers film shooting Palestinian
Arrest and abuse of Palestinian child
Palestinian children held in cage by israeli forces
israeli soldiers attack muslim worshippers
israeli Army Arresting Palestinian Kids
israeli Soldiers detain disabled Palestinian
israeli soldiers abuse Palestinian detainees
israeli police arrest Palestinian
[soldier hit teen with guns on their head
israeli forces attack Muslim worshippers
israeli soldiers arrest 13yr old
israeli police attack nakba protestors
israeli soldiers assault elderly women
israeli soldiers drag 8-year-old looking for stone-throwers
Ten-year-old Palestinian boys forcefully arrested
israeli soldiers arrest Palestinian man from university
Soldiers assault and detain B’Tselem volunteer
IDF attacking medics
IDF detain a three-year old in Hebron
israeli soldiers kicks Palestinian child
Israeli soldier with young Palestinian in chokehold
israeli soldiers kick disabled Palestinian out of wheelchair
israeli soldiers target wounded Palestinian
israeli Police Beat Palestinian-American TeenEviction and home demolition:
Settlers storm Palestinian house
israeli police evict Palestinian family
Palestinians evicted to make way for Jewish buyers
israel evicts Palestinian family from East Jerusalem
Palestinian fury over evictions
What's behind the forced demolition of Palestinian homes
Palestinian homes demolished by israeli forces in Sur Baher
israel demolishes Palestinian homesNight raids and kidnapping:
janna jihad home raid
Night search of Nayef and Dalal D'ana's home
Israeli soldiers kill Muhammad Dar 'Udwan during night raid
israeli soldiers raid Palestinian home
Soldiers enter residential building and conduct lineup for school-age children
israeli soldiers arrest 'Udai Da'na at homeBlack-Palestinian liberation:
Angela Davis on Black liberation and Palestinian solidarity
Why Black People Should Care About Palestinian Liberation
Black Scholars and Activists Renew Palestinian Solidarity
"There Is A Field": Black-Palestinian solidarity
When I See Them, I See Us: Black Palestinian Solidarity in an Age of Struggle
Gaza And Ferguson: Closer Than You ThinkARTICLES AND SITES:
Palestine Remembered
Visualizing Palestine
Permnission to Narrate - Edward Said
My people shall live
The inequality report
Zionist colonialism in Palestine - Fayez Sayaegh
Palestinian journeys
The permit maze
Decolonization is a global project: Palestine to Americas
Violence against healthcare in Gaza
Freedom is a constant struggle.pdf
Children in israeli military detention
Short history of the colonization of PalestineBOOKS AND MOVIES:
STORIES, ARTICLES, VIDEOS, AND MOREThe forgotten Palestinians - Ilan Pappé
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine - Rashid Khalidi
The question of Palestine - Edward Said
Palestine A Four Thousand Year History - Nureldeen Masalha
The general's son - Miko Peled
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappé
Blaming the Victims - Christopher Hitchens
Justice for Some - Noura Erakat
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle Ferguson, Palestine - Angela Y. Davis
Ten Myths About Israel - Ilan Pappe
Black Power and Palestine - Michael Fischbach
Inter/Nationalism: Decolonizing Native America and Palestine - Steven Salaita
I saw Ramallah - Mourid Barghouti
Mornings in Jenin - Susan Abulhawa
The Way to the Spring: Life and Death in Palestine - Ben Ehrenreich
Pay No Heed to the Rockets - Marcello Di Cintio
The Biggest Prison on Earth - Ilan Pappe
Palestinian Walks - Raja Shehadeh
Occupation Diaries - Raja Shehadeh
In Search of Fatima - Ghada Karmi
Tasting The Sky - Ibtisam Barakat
The Idea of Israel - Ilan Pappe
Palestine A History of a Lost Nation - Karl Sabbagh
Balfour Declaration Empire, Mandate and Resistance in Palestine - Bernard Regan
Image and Reality of the Israel Palestine Conflict - Norman Finkelstein
The Battle for Justice in Palestine - Ali Abunimah
Rise and Kill First - Ronen BergmanMovies:
Born in Gaza (2014)
The present (2020)
5 broken cameras (2011)
Tale of the three jewels (1995)
Jenin, Jenin (2003)
Wajib (2017)
Ghost hunting (2017)
Rana’s wedding (2002)
200 meters (2020)
3000 nights (2015)
A world not ours (2012)
Divine intervention (2002)
The time that remains (2009)
Paradise now (2005)
They do not exist (1974)
Gaza fights for freedom (2019)
Chronicles of a disappearance (1996)
Omar (2013)
The shadow of the West (1983)TOURING ORGANIZATIONS:
Breaking Silence
To Be There
Green Olive Collective
Mohammed Othman Tours
Alternative Tours
Dalia association
Volunteer Palestine
Project hope
Volunteer in Palestine
Palestinian medical relief societyDONATIONS AND PRE-WRITTEN LETTERS:
1. iF Charity
• Based within the Gaza Strip
• Provide food directly to Palestinians
• Provide hospital + medical support, including support for staffHow to donate:
Website: www.ifcharity.org.uk/
Call: 0121 663 1309
Twitter: @iFCharityUK2. Palestine Child Relief Fund (PCRF)
• Grassroots org. working directly within Palestine
• Provide medical care + supplies, food, medicine, other aid
• The only nonprofit sending volunteer doctors each year to the Middle East
• Send hundreds of injured and sick kids abroad for free medical care
• Built two pediatric cancer departments in Palestine and has several more major programs and projects taking place to help support the development of a sustainable health-care system thereHow to donate:
Website: www.pcrf.net/
Twitter: @ThePCRF3. Rebuilding Alliance
• Grassroots org. working directly within Palestine
• Provides meals delivered to homes
• Provides jobs to women to help with financial stability, soon to run an all- women restaurantHow to donate:
Website: www.globalgiving.org/projects/mrs-najahs-kitchen/
Twitter: @RebuildAll4. United Palestinian Appeal (UPA)
• Providing meals directly to refugees across refugee camps
• Running the "Small Business Development Program" to help Palestinians achieve economic independence + implement sustainable upgradesHow to donate:
Website: www.upaconnect.org
Twitter: @UPAConnect5. Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS)
• Caters to the health and welfare of the Palestinian people and others in need in the OPT and the diaspora.
• One of the main non-profit providers of medical and social welfare services in the occupied Palestinian Territories.How to donate:
Website: https://www.palestinercs.org/
Call: +972 2 297 85 206. Medical Aid for Palestinians
• Provides medical supplies desperately needed by Palestinian hospitals and emergency services in both Gaza and East Jerusalem.How to donate:
Website: https://www.map.org.uk/7. Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
• Run mental health programs offering psychological and social support to victims of political violence
• Provide surgical and post-operative care, including rehabilitation and mental health support, to thousands of people injured in protests in Gaza, and mental health support to victims of political tension in the West Bank
• Donate medical supplies to various medical facilities in the Gaza StripHow to donate:
Website: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/8. Museum of the Palestinian People
• Shares Palestinian stories through historic artifacts, personal narratives and artistic expression to transcend separation, fragmentation, and boundaries.How to donate:
Website: mpp-dc.org
Volunteering and other programs are available!Pre-written letters:Text "'RESIST" to 50409 and demand your representatives to support BILL H.R.2590…………What does BILL H.R.2590 say?
…………• Stands to protect the human rights of Palestinians living under 'israeli'
…………military occupation
…………• Stands to prohibit United States taxpayer funds from being used by the
…………Government of Israel to militarize & detain Palestinians, steal Palestinian
…………property, or forcible transfer of civilians in the West Bank.No way to treat a child - release all Palestinian children amid COVID
Prohibit US taxpayers' dollars from funding the abuse of Palestinian children
[No way to treat a child - canada
Defund Israel’s human rights abuses, Re-fund life-saving services for Palestine
Take action to oppose Israeli settlements and annexation
Tell Israel to lift the 11-year blockade on Gaza
Write to congress
Write congress
Action center
"If you live, live free or die like the trees, standing up"Free Palestine